7 of pentacles as potential to use and 2 of wands as flaws

Al Si'ra


Well the question is obvious..this card came up as "the potential(as a personality trait) to use"..This card is a bit hard as discussed before esp. i am having hard time connecting it with a personality trait..7 of pentacles is the potential itself.. So i can't really see any qualities within the card..I could take this card to mean many things,such as it could be the potential to expand yourself or it could be indicating that a need to step back and evaluate possibilities..

As "flaws" i got 2 of wands..these 2 cards can be very similar as both are indicating a possible move-expanding-seeing new horizons-evaluating choices.."should i stay or should i go" kind of feeling..in both cards

So i am a bit confused here..it seems to me that both my flaws and potential are almost the same thing..i am getting close but not really getting it..

Any help is appreciated..Thanx


Btw i got those 2 cards in similar positions in " Fairytale Reading:Sleeping Beauty"..i'll post it in your readings section


Not sure of the rest of the spread of course, but I'd offer these possible takes on the cards. . .

7 of Pents as potential: Assessing the situation and thinking about a change, a potential "fresh start" in gaining security and comfort.

Very often, I see the 2 of Wands as a struggle for power -someone has it and someone else wants it. The desire to claim your personal power. A need for maturity and patience to see a thing through to its completion rather than just steamrolling over everyone and everything in your path.

Any of that make sense in the context of the remaining cards in the spread?


Maybe the cards are indicating to you that your flaws can be turned into strengths. That's a possibility. Or that what you perceive as your flaws are really your strengths if you were to apply them differently or more creatively?

Al Si'ra

A need for maturity and patience to see a thing through to its completion rather than just steamrolling over everyone and everything in your path
Well i have never thought that this card could mean this..Thank you..Wow i've learned a new thing!!..And with 7 of pents there is a need for patience in order to see full results..I see how they differ now..
Maybe the cards are indicating to you that your flaws can be turned into strengths. That's a possibility. Or that what you perceive as your flaws are really your strengths if you were to apply them differently or more creatively
And yes in that context; flaws can be turned into strength..



the more i see this card in readings the more it's confirming to me that it does mean patience


Al Si'ra

As well as patience..i see other similarities as well..

2 of wands-guy looks right ahead while 7 of pents-guy in some decks portrayed as sb who looks at his past..

When i look at my past- i feel good *grin*..Statistically speaking one way or another-i managed to have my dreams fulfilled..don't ask how i got there-rocky teribble roads mostly-lol-but the outcome is mostly in my favor..So when i look back-i get courage and strength and develop the faith that everything is going to fall in place as it was the way before..my past is my source..

The 2 of wands guy-does not look back-he looks right ahead-as he is already confident..as he is already aware of the whole world of possibilities lying before him..
My flaws would be looking right ahead and not back-because that is the point my insecurities come to surface..i've been thinking of my future and it worries me a lot as i cannot see what might happen-my past does not concern me much-future seems to be my concern-so it could be interpreted as a flaw??
Maybe 7 of pents is saying look back at what you have achieved it was a sucess??

Just some ideas...



Not relying on picture pips, I notice also the two are very similar, as you said (7 coins is Jupiter in Taurus and 2 Wands is Mars in Aries.) 7 of coins (your potential card) is "growing in practicality," and your weakness is "ambition in confidence." If Taurus seems to be dealing with work and Aries, home ( I am toying with looking at cards in astrological "houses" (so tell me if I'm close or way off here), maybe you are confident at home and not at work? Maybe you are pracitcal at work and not at home? Maybe you could to be both things in both places.

Al Si'ra

Not relying on picture pips, I notice also the two are very similar, as you said (7 coins is Jupiter in Taurus and 2 Wands is Mars in Aries.) 7 of coins (your potential card) is "growing in practicality," and your weakness is "ambition in confidence." If Taurus seems to be dealing with work and Aries, home ( I am toying with looking at cards in astrological "houses" (so tell me if I'm close or way off here), maybe you are confident at home and not at work? Maybe you are pracitcal at work and not at home? Maybe you could to be both things in both places.

Hi i just love your interp.s a lot :)

I am not that confident in personal matters but i am confident in ordinary matters such as my social life-friends-work-at least i find it much easier to boost up my confidence in those areas..But it would be so hard to make me believe that i could win anybody's heart that i deserve better than what i already have that i tend to settle for less bla bla..such talks..i find it hard to believe..and they tell me that i am blind.



God will not always provide for you what you ask for, but for what you need.


Al Si'ra

I've also seen this card (7 of Pentacles) mean perseverance--don't give up.