7 of Swords related to work / career advice?



I have done a few readings over the last few months where the 7 of Swords has come up in a career/work position, for example: "What can Querent expect in 2009?" Career - 7 Swords.

I struggle with this one in a career sense. If it were just 'workplace' I would probably tell the querent to watch out for lies, gossip, or underhanded dealings.

But in terms of career or work, I am not so sure. One interpretation that occurs to me is "someone else taking credit for your work", or to watch out for a sneaky colleague or someone who seeks to undermine you. But sometimes when the Querent is asking for advice, I feel like it has more of a "be cunning, out-fox your enemies, find creative or unconventional solutions to get things done, you may find yourself doing things behind the boss' back"...

What do you all think of this sneaky card? I would love to hear lots of thoughts!




Insight and Strategy

Hi LaGitane,

Despite the often unpleasant interpretations of this arcanum (i.e., deceit, theft, underhandedness, back-stabbing, etc.), it may also represent the need to be more strategic in your thinking and your approach to your current job/career path. You may need to be more bold or daring--try to think of ways to get ahead--but not necessarily in an unethical way. Sometimes we go through our day just getting our daily deliverables and projects done without thinking about how we can turn each project or task into another opportunity to make us shine.

The nature off the 7's is somewhat illusive, which is why I find all of the 7's a bit ambiguous to interpret. All the 7's seem to have distinctly restrictive/negative qualities as well as positive qualities.


The 7 of Swords isn't just about deception and being sneaky, they're just a couple of meanings in it's range.
The 7 of Swords is about using your brain to solve problems, it's about thinking on your feet.

Swords are related to the mind and to communication whilst sevens are about branching out, going deeper, solving problems, pushing forward (related to The Chariot VII).

In a career reading and as a prediction, I'd say that this means that there will be problems this year that will take brain power, good communication skills and quick thinking to get through.
The person will need to do their research well and push forward, possibly taking the initiative and doing something on their own - taking the lead.

Hope that helps.


I would say that the 7 of swords has more to to with a state of mind that the querent has.

It can mean futility, a rip off, ueslessness but it is more that you doubt your own mind, your own capacity. Too much thinking like: "I am no good", or "I can never do anything right".

It is time to change things and use your brain to come up with a new solution. You are no victim, do not act like a victim!



One of the keywords that comes to my mind with the Seven of Swords is Plan.

So, in the area of work, it could be that you need to or will be required to do more planning ahead and strategizing, as Faeriestorm, Sulis, and the others have said.

It can also suggest the need to protect your own "intellectual properties" (ideas) from someone else trying to take credit for them.

And I've seen it come up when someone was trying to cut too many corners (in the work place)--and warning them that this could harm them in the long run.

le fey

Analysis, strategy.... a lot of decks show a fox on this card - being clever, able to 'outfox' others or using wits to figure out a way to manage a seemingly impossible task.

And there seems to be joy in that too.. taking pride and pleasure in being the one who figured out the answer to problem no one else can solve.


I'm in agreement with others that the card can indicate someone who has to be more "sneaky" in seeking a career, or they need to choose a, well, less honest career. That was one of the first things I learned about the 7/Swords. That it sometimes tells the querent that honesty isn't the best policy. Sometimes people want to hear spin, even outright lies.

If I got this card and the person was asking me what career they need to go into, I'd tell them: Advertising or political campaigning. Any kind of salesmanship ;)


right now, the econonmy really stinks. I work at a restaurant and the owner is a complete jerk. He's fired all of our chefs because they make a little over $13 an hour which is a rip off in itself. So now the manager is cooking and so is her boyfriend. 7 of swords I think is telling you to protect yourself and keep an eye open for other jobs or opportunities that will keep you secure, even if it isn't morally right. 7 of swords does involve "theft" but i always read it as "theft" in protection and survival. You have to be a little sneaky in the case that you do get laid off or screwed over, because in this time no matter how unfair it is, it can very likely happen and has happened to way too many people.


Wow! You guys rock. :)

Hi everyone,

Wow, what GREAT responses! Thank you all so much for your time and thoughts. I've tried to respond to each one below!

FaerieStorm - I totally agree with your take on this card as an 'advice' card. Especially what you say about being strategic and getting ahead rings true with me. Too many people get sucked into contentment and stop trying. I too find the 7's very ambiguous...

Sulis - I hadn't thought back to the majors until your mentioning the Chariot, thanks for that! It gives me more food for thought though, because I feel like compared with the Chariot which is such a bold card, the minor 7's all seem sort of incomplete... Thanks for your take on the 7Sw as a predictive card, what you say makes total sense.

Ligator/Torbjörn - What you say is very insightful! If the 7 refers to the Querent's own state of mind at work, it is saying that they have to get out of negative mind-frames and stand up and take credit for their own achievements. Maybe it could also refer to someone who is doing a job that they don't believe in, reflecting that they feel like they don't deserve the credit or feeling like they are pretending to be something they aren't. Wow! A lot to think about there.

StarryStarry - I have also thought about this card in terms of someone else taking credit for the Querent's work. Very interesting insight about people cutting corners - thanks!

LeFey - There is no fox on my card but the figure indeed looks very foxy! He certainly does look like he is taking great pleasure in sneaking off with the swords lol. Your insight strikes me as very pertinent if the person were a lawyer or a diplomat or someone who required negotiation as part of their job.

Thirteen - Thanks for bringing things back to the 'darker' side of the card. I always try to find a silver lining but sometimes you do have to be sneaky, or go about achieving your objectives in a 'roundabout' way. I often find myself covertly working against my bosses when I think they are making bad decisions. Also, maybe a reminder to watch out for number one, cover your tracks, document your objections to a bad decision so that the blame doesn't fall on you. Thanks for the insights on career advice! Could we also add 'hedge fund manager' to that list nowadays? ;P

Ballerinabarbie - Sorry to hear about your work situation. :( 7 of Swords certainly seems to apply there. Like I said to Thirteen above, sometimes you have to watch out for number one.

I also had a thought as I was drifting to sleep last night that this is the only card I have which shows a figure carrying a huge load on his back. So I wondered if anyone read this in terms of the Querent carrying a 'burden' at work - maybe they know something that could damage someone else's career, or perhaps are aware of something underhanded going on but are keeping the secret?

Thanks everyone for the great insights. I feel a lot clearer on this card now!! Keep it coming....



Sevens -

La Gitane,
About ten years ago i was advised somebody would try to use an idea or working initiative of mine to their advantage at a distance.
This indeed turned out to be the case when i read the regurgitations of my opinions in a now defunct publication, which has a very small scale global circulation. All very "small beer" and of minor card resonance now as the editor died a few years ago.
Seven tends to be unstable, a bit like the Tower i suppose and can be suggestive of a release from boredom; travel over land and one i've found to be true : leaving idiots behind.