Ace Pentacles reversed = bad health?


If the Pentacles suit can refer to physical health and the Ace is the beginning (the start, the spark etc.), would it be possible to interpret the reversed Ace of Pentcales as the beginning of bad health or the beginning of serious health problems (serious or otherwise)? Could it constitute operations - as in spending money/losing money, on operations/surgery/healthcare?

I don't think I can infer exactly which part of the anatomy could be specifically governed by the Ace of Pentacles (unlike the Majors with their corresponding star signs that impact specific parts of the anatomy). But I was struck by the fact that a reversed Ace of Pentacles could refer to being physically alone - having to deal with bad health problems alone - and suffering financial loss because of the cost of healthcare (assuming the insurance didn't cover some of the medical costs).

This card came up in response to the query : " What is troubling X?" and it turns out that an operation was needed to remove damaged intestines which were severely affected by too much stomach acids - the patient later suffered from acute pain as a result of the operation and poor post operative care.

Any ideas along these lines would be most appreciated.



Amanda B

Hello, Tavia,

Yes, I think Ace of Pents reverse could indicate the beginning of health problems. I see pentacles as foundational, therefore corresponding with foundational/earth aspects of anatomy (elimination, digestion). I see cups corresponding with the heart and circulation (water, emotions), swords corresponding with the lungs and brain (air, ideas), wands corresponding with the limbs and muscles (fire, action). This list is by no means exhaustive, and somewhat overlaps (the heart is a muscle, for example). I usually see swords indicating surgery. Of course, reversed ace of pents could indicate the beginning of needing to spend money on the newly developing health problem. I could also see it as lifestyle changes that have just begun that could manifest future health problems. Maybe ace of swords rx could indicate taking up smoking (or quitting, for that matter), ace of wands rx - turning into a couch potato, etc. The beginning of unhealthful habits that could manifest later.

Hope this helps!



Yes, the Ace/Pents rx could be the beginning of a health problem...but I'd hesitate before seeing it as a *serious* health problem. Serious health problems are usually indicated by swords or Judgement rx.

And keep in mind that the Ace is just the very first "idea" of something--so even if it were to indicate a health problem, it's likely in a stage where it can be prevented or fixed.

Likely, however, Ace/Pents rx simply indicates that a person is feeling under the weather or not as chipper and strong. So take some vitamins to beef up the immune system or go out and get some exercise because you're a little out of shape.

I'd only read it as the beginning of a serious health problem if there were other cards to indicate that. Putting it another way, I'd be more worried about that lump being cancer if there were other cards around instead of just the Ace/Pents rx. Ace/Pents rx is a warning to get some rest before you come down with a cold, not that you're feeling tired because you've got leukemia.