Practice readings using TV/movies....

LixiPixi do you do it exactly? I've heard mention of using the television to practice readings with. How exactly is this done? Do you pull some cards to a program/movie that you've never seen before? Or do you pull them to something you're familiar with (knowing the outcome) and see if the cards correspond?

I'd love to give this a try, but I'm not quite clear on how it's done. I'd love more information, and any suggestions!



It can be done both ways. In his book Tarot Tells the Tale, James Rickleff uses fictional characters as well as characters from history to do three-card readings for. It sounds like it would be fun to do readings for soap opera characters as the story unfolds or to do readings for movie characters as you watch the movie, too.


You can try doing a reading about what will happen in a given TV episode or movie, and then compare your reading against the show. The less familiarity you have with what's coming up, the better.

I've played around with it only a couple of times, so I can't give you any extended information other than that.

Using a spread that's short and to the point is helpful.

I first tried it with the Celtic Cross, which confused things for me to no end. But this was an X-Files episode, if I remember correctly, and one that dealt with the mythology of the series, which at that point in time was already becoming too convoluted to follow.

It can be a fun way to hone your skills though.


I've heard of people doing this all the time, but I have actually never tried it myself! I'm hesitant because I think the responce the cards would turn up for a fictional character might feel "silly"--- but hey, if it's practice, I might give it a shot sometime soon :D


bit different but

this is what i have found
when i have the radio on sometimes the song that comes on matches the card - if im pulling them often like on the 2 card readings thread in games - i find it helps to add to the interpretation :)


Thank you all for the replies - now I just need to find a good program to work with. I'm anxious to give it a try now that I have a better understanding of it :)