78 DW: Four-Card Layout (0,1,2,21) Chap. 1


Thank you, Kaz! (((HUGS)))) & ***KISSES*** ;)


Chapter 1: The Four Card Pattern Layout - GILL DECK

^^^^BUMP UP^^^^
This was inevitable... ;)

I am so excited to start this group, I wonder if I will do the right things or I will get sc*e*ed up in the end... I hope you'll find some use in the messages I will post. As for me, I'll try to have fun and learn in the process... :)

Ah, I wonder if you ever noticed this: say "POLLUX" aloud, and then "POLLACK"... :D *LOL*
(*Skillfully dodges the vegetables and contundent items he's being thrown at*)


In the vertical line, the two characters are possibly kids, and both are hermaphrodites.
-> The Fool child is merrily dancing on the verge of a cliff - a leap, maybe a "fall" into the unknown - in a landscape at dawn (beginnings), his figure standing out on the warm orange sky. He's just about to fall down, but he is looking upwards and is not aware of what is going to happen. The dog puzzled looks at him, a bit insecure (how cute :p). His expression is careless and lighthearted.
-> The World child is dancing too and as a similar stance to that of the Fool, but he's going is the opposite direction. What is more, he is jumping from the earth towards the infinite/universe, trying to reach a further, higher condition: this thanks to the experiencing of the all-that-is-one on an actual level. From the LWB: "The Cosmic Dancer understands and responds to the music of the stars and spheres, realizing the he/she is an integral part of that symphony". He/She stares confident and relaxed into the eyes of the beholder, with a mature and serence expression.

The Horizontal line presents a young man for the magician, and a lady for the High Priestess. Their oppoite nature is evident.
-> The Magician is charmingly walking in the open air on a green meadow (he belongs to an Outer Realm, what is without), while the High Priestess is in-doors, hidden in a deep cave (she resides in an Inner dimension, what is within).
-> The Magician is in motion, walking towards the beholder, his white eyes staring peacefully, his hands waving, his cloak and garments flapping; the black-eyed High Priestess is still, sitting, her hands resting on her legs, gazing with a focused expression, veil and dress gently flowing.
-> The Magician seems quite... tanned (yep, I miss the beach :cool: LOL) and on his back, right on top of the hill and above his head, a radious sun is rising, beams all around; the High Priestess has got lunar complexion, and her pale figure is crowned by a silver-shiny triple Moon, while she guards the opening of the cave to the twinkly starred sky behind her.

(I AM SO TIRED!!!!! It is past midnight, and I was supposed to write an e-mail... ;) *LOL* Well, I'll do more tomorrow, editing this ...)


Hi Pollux! There is no right or wrong way to this :) ... there is simply what it means to you and what you see.

After reading your post, my question is ... do you see a connection between these 4 cards? if your answer is yes, what connection do you see between them?


The 4-card pattern with The Röhrig Tarot

Okay... uh... my computer ate my homework! :eek:

Unfortunately, this is true... I had spent quite a bit of time at work typing this up, then when I went to submit it, I wasn't logged on anymore. :( Lost the whole thing! So, anyway, now that I'm at home (and have fewer interruptions) I'll try re-typing it.

I've been using the Rider-Waite deck for a while now, and just picked up the Röhrig Tarot, so - since I need to study these new images - I thought I'd use them for this study group. Disclaimer: Other than the LWB that came with the Röhrig deck, I haven't read any specific books on this new deck. So, if I'm waaay off on my interpretations, you'll have a good idea of why! ;)

I'll start with The Fool. The image on the Röhrig deck is, as with all of the images, very different from those of the RW. While I feel that the RW deck shows The Fool as a youth of indeterminate sex (neither male, nor female) the Röhrig Fool is definitely shown as both. The image is of a face, which is divided vertically in half. The left side (the observer's left) is, to me, a masculine face, while the right is feminine.

The male half appears happy, carefree and very nonchalant. An alligator’s head, with gaping jaws, is emerging from the top of his head and overlaps, but is not actually eating the head of a tiger. Though at first glance it does appear to be being eaten. I think this may reflect a similar meaning as that presented by the dog in the RW Fool, that of nature being subdued (or "improved") by man's conscious.

The right half of the face also appears to be happy, though not as nonchalant as the male side. On her head, her hair seems to blend into a cap of feathers, which curves outward ending in a bell, like a jester's cap. The feathers seem to me to be reminiscent of the Eagle that appears in several cards of the RW Tarot. In fact, feathers appear in several cards of the Röhrig deck as well. The Eagle depicts strength, and rising from The Fool's head, perhaps strength of thought or character.

These two halves of The Fool's face seem to depict the very duality that diverges into the next two cards. The duality of male/female, conscious/subconscious, material/spiritual. The left, masculine, half of The Fool leads directly to The Magus on the left side of the diamond. The right, feminine, side of The Fool flows into The High Priestess.

The Magus is depicted as a male who has his eyes wide open, perhaps studying the world around him. His concentration is directed outward at the reality which surrounds him. A nova-like burst of light is issuing from his crown chakra - this also seems to indicate that his energy and consciousness is directed outward towards the material world around him.

The High Priestess, on the other hand, is depicted as a woman with her eyes closed, as though in deep meditation. To me she appears to be concentrating on learning inner truths, exploring herself, her subconscious and through that the superconscious. The moon and a net of energy appears to be converging on her crown chakra, indicating her connection to those higher powers and truths she is trying to understand.

These two characters (The Magus and The High Priestess) reconverge in The World. In The World, a female figure is depicted against a backdrop of a field of stars. Chains that are shattering into pieces surround her. These chains are intermingled with a diaphanous substance. This could depict the breaking of the bonds of the material world through the power of the subconscious mind. Her eyes are closed and she is exerting no physical force on these chains - she doesn't need to because, as she learned while she was The High Priestess, her mind alone can free her. She is also handling - and coexisting with - a large pale snake, though she is exerting no physical effort to do so. I'm not certain about this image, but it seems to say to me that The Magus has learned how to effortlessly coexist with nature. And finally, she is partially clad with a light gown, which appears to be cut from the very fabric of the Universe itself - she no longer needs the trappings of the material world as she is covered by the superconscious.

Okay... I'm afraid this ended up getting a bit longer than I had expected, :rolleyes: but this deck really seems to have some images I can "see" very well for myself. This is how these cards appear to me. I would appreciate any input that others might have on these cards from The Röhrig Tarot.


Trogon that was really interesting! Makes me want to run back home and pull those cards out of my Rhorig and look at them! Unfortunately my dog ate my homework too :p and I still need to post the Cosmic Tribe stuff before I can indulge in such delightgful play! I really look forward to learning more about the Rhorig. Looks like you do not need the LWB afterall ;)

Seriously, these exercises can get long, but as you can see they take you really in depth. They are a fabulous way to get to know your deck, and if it is not a RWS clone or based, you will also learn more about those differences. We will be seeing quite a bit of that since you are using the Rhorig, Pollux the Gill and I am using the Cosmic Tribe.


I loved your post!!! I am so happy this is going on!
Unfortunately I don't have the deck, so will go hunting for pics online.
I happen to have some cards though - because of a Rohrig-obsessed firend... *LOL*
I'll try to upload them when possible.
But I wonder if you can scan them, and upload them here or online to your web-space if you have some (or you can send them to me or Kaz too - right Kaz? - and we will take care of putting them online).

UFF!!! I want to get back to this!
But now I am too tired. Tomorrow morning I'll try to post some more. ARGH! I havent started to compare the cards! AAAHHHHH!!!

This exericeses take a while, but focusing is great, you detect details and grasp ideas you generally ignore when simply using the deck and looking at the cards by chance. I am looking forward to my next three weeks of holiday to get into this more seriously...



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Thank you very much for getting these posted. I'll try and get the hi-res scans of these to you over my weekend...


Lay out these same cards from the deck you have chosen to use in this study group. What dualities or similarities can you see in the Fool/World pairing and the Magician/High Priestess pairing? How is it similar/different from what Ms. Pollack discusses?

Im using merryday, all cards from merryday can be seen at www.merrydaytarot.com

In the Merryday Tarot the Fool card also is the Wizard card, the Fool aspect is pretty much the traditional image of the young man about to walk off the cliff, tho his dog is missing and he is carrying a divining rod. He is walking toward the left of the card like most traditional fools.

However behing him there is an image of a wizard walking to the right of the card, this is supposed to represent the fool after he transcends the world card, he is more serious and focused in his step, and hes a transition from the majors to the minors

The World card is very different, its the egg of knowledge. It pictures a baby, a 3d checkerboard, the river of life, planets and the sun inside the eggwhile the 4 elemental guardian watch over it to make sure it doesnt all go out of control.

There really is very few similarities between the fool/magician and the world, unless you look at the fool as the innocence of a newborn babe, and the wizard in the upper left corner looks very muck like the wizard in the fool card. So it doesnt really follow what Pollack is saying, but of course the MerryDay deck I think does what she is stating in the Fool/Wizard card alone, starting whole and ending whole, tho both the fool and wizard are male.

The Apprentice (Magus) card has him just inside a cave. Behind him we can see the road he traveled, with greenery on the sides of the road and a mountain in the background. It is dawn.Inside the cave he has all his tool, but he is picking his wand off the tree instead of directing his energy like a traditional Magus. He is actively working to gaher the tools he needs and to learn what he must know, and he faces slightly toward the left of the card

The Oracle (High Priestess) is deep inside the cave. She sits on a moon throne, with the left half black being supported by a white dragon, and the right half white being supported by a black dragon. Her floor is a black and white checkerboard, and in front of her boils a cauldron with a yin yang on it. Inbetween the 2 points of the moon on the throne hangs a veil of pomegranites and palms, blocking the view of the purple dusk sky beyond. She holds her scroll and keys to herself, not actively doing anything with them. Her face faces us, but her knees point to the right.

These 2 cards more obviously follow Pollacks pattern. The Apprentice is Male, by the outside world, actively gathering his tools, at dawn. The Oracle is Female, deep inside the cave, sitting passively in her throne, at dusk. The duality is represented all over the oracle card as well.



Pollux thank you so much for the links! I really need to get work on this .... my wedding seems to be getting in the way of my tarot studies *LOL*