78 Weeks: Four Batons


Stable plodding work.


Four of Wands - Week starting 7th February 2011

Four of Wands - Hoi Polloi Tarot

Four leafy wands have been planted in the ground and between them hangs a grape vine. In the background we see a couple crowned with what looks like laurel leaves. Their hands are linked and above their heads and they're both holding what looks like either floral bouquets or grape vines. Behind them is a castle and what could be a bridge. They look as if they're in celebratory mood and are making their way towards the 4 wands in the foreground.
The whole mood of this card is celebratory. It has a May Day type of feel to me.

Fours are related to The Emperor. They're about solidity, pause, security, stability, boundaries, consolidation etc..
When I think of the number 4 I think of the points on the compass, weeks in a lunar month, walls in a building, sides of a square... These things are secure and stable... 4 means comfort to me.
The fours come after the threes and I think they show the first harvest, a natural resting point when we can look back at what we've done and the successes we've had and start to make some plans for the future.
With an element like Fire (as with Wands), the pause and preparation in the four is definitely a temporary thing. Fire does not like to be contained for long...


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Judith D

Four of Wands - Tarot of the 78 doors

I always have to look twice at this card - it is so like the RW five of Pentacles but with a good feel.
The observer stands outside the house, just short of the steps up to a closed front door. It is snowing outside. A light shines through a small window at the top of the door, but on the left of the door is a big window, curtainless, through which we see a happy, contented family. Mom and dad lean into each other, touching lovingly, reaching out to the two happy smiling children who hug them. The 'ideal family'. A big fire burns in the background, and on the wall is a painting of a serene landscape.
It is calmness, stability, contentment, protection from the cold snow outside, an interregnum. A break in the work routine when you can relax and feel the contentment surrounding you, feel protected and secure with those you love. It is a moment to stop, enjoy the good and appreciate your inner successes.

There is, however, the ever-present cold and snow outside! And the door is shut, indicating some sort of negativity, so for me it's a reminder that while you enjoy the fruits of labour and the joy of family stability, and you are in fact protected from the world outside, that harsh world is still out there, just on the other side of the walls.

4 is stability, security and all those contented but stolid feelings. Wands are action, passion, so for me I get the feeling that this momentary contentment is the result of hard work - it is merited and earned rather than just the security of inherited riches.

The RW based cards seem to have more of an emphasis on celebration, but although this card is indeed a celebration of a happy family, it is more still, calm and has a very personal feel - the family enjoying itself and its closeness.


Card name: Four of Wands: Completion

First impressions

Four wands set up in a circle, intersecting at the centre, with eight flames from behind. Their ends are set on a yellow circle, like a wheel. The wands have ram heads at one end and a dove like the Holy Spirit at the other. Behind a watercolour green background with the symbols for Aries and Venus/female.

From the Book of Thoth

This card refers to Chesed in the suit of Fire. Being below the Abyss, it is the Lord of all manifested active Power. The original Will of the Two has been transmitted through the Three, and is now built up into a solid system:-Order, Law, Government. It is also referred to Venus in Aries, which indicates that one cannot establish one’s work without tact and gentleness.

The wands are headed by the Ram, sacred to Chesed, the Father-god Amoun-Ra, as also to Aries; but at the other end of the wands are the Doves of Venus.

In the symbol, the ends of the wands touch a circle, showing the completion and limitation of the original work. It is within this circle that the flames (four double, as if to assert the balance) of the Energy are seen to play, and there is no intention to increase the scope of the original Will. But this limitation bears in itself the seeds of disorder.

Images and Symbolism
Frieda Harris says in her essays:
Four of Wands=Completion. Chesed in the suit of Fire. Venus in Aries.
The Wands are headed by the Ram sacred to Aries, and, at the other end, the doves of Venus. The original Will of the Two has been transmitted through the Three, and is now built up into a solid system of order, law and government.
Four of Wands=Completion. Venus in Aries. Chesed. The wands are headed by rams and at the other end dives. the number four conveys the introduction of order into creation.
Like me, Banzhaf sees this card as showing completion as well as the limitation of the creative deed. The flames, he says, underline this/the eight-rayed figure represents the connection between the earthly quadrant and the divine circle. The two ends of the wants show the balance between the two sexes – dove/ram. Aries suggests energy of will, the dove/Venus love.
Snuffin says that the key idea here is “Love is the Law, Love under Will.”
The circle is closed, giving the idea of cosmic order and the completion of the cycle.

Meaning (cribbed from Wasserman)
Perfected work, settlement, completion after much labor, rest, subtlety, cleverness, conclusions from previous knowledge. Badly dignified, unreliable through overanxiousness and hurriedness of action.

Settlement, arrangement, completion.
Perfection or completion of a thing built up with trouble and labour. Rest after labour, subtlety, cleverness, beauty, mirth, success in completion. Reasoning faculty, conclusions drawn from previous knowledge, Unreadiness, unreliable and unsteady through over-anxiety and hurriedness of action. Graceful in manner, at times insincere, etc.

(You’d swear he copied Wasserman too !)

Traditional meanings –
From Thirteen’s book of meanings:
This card, with its four wands holding up garlands, implies that the foundation is finished and ready to be developed. It signifies the successful completion of a first stage or a first draft, first full rehearsal, first election to a small but significant post. It also predicts that the querent will (or has) enjoyed this moment of completion, celebrated it.
Often this card is read as indicating marriage, this because marriage is seen as the "completion" of the first stage of a relationship. The couple cement the foundation they've laid down with a commitment ceremony.
There is a danger when this card comes up, however, of the querent feeling like they've finished the project when, in truth, they've only finished that first part. Many see marriage as the goal of a relationship rather than the completion of a stage. A reader might do well to remind the querent that while a celebration for having completed this first stage is well deserved, they need to also think of ways to re-energize themselves. There is more to do.
The last is interesting, as the keyword on the card is completion, and Thirteen refers to more to do ! (Of course, she does refer primarily to RWS but still…)
My impressions (appearance of the card):
It is very wheel of Fortune-y, to look at. No four horsemen, but even so. VERY regular, very sterile and constrained, in a way. And I’d live to know why the wands are arranged as they are – I’d have “expected” then to be alternate heads and tails round the circle.

My take (what I make of it/what I might see in a reading where I drew it)
I’d rather see it as suggesting being hemmed in. Something done and dusted, maybe, but with no freedom to manoeuvre. Maybe convention pitting a brake on life ? That circle closes things inside. Which fits with Thirteen saying re-energising would be good. It looks like the exhausted way you feel when you finished digging that enormous hole – now you have to fill it with whatever you dug it for – so it’s not over yet, even though there is a degree of completion !