78 Weeks of Study: General Discussion

strings of life

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I have managed to do a little on the Empress but will definately add to it later, interesting multi layered card here and I am so enjoying everyones interpretations it lends itself to such depth.


aurarcana said:
I have seen posts with people sharing thoughts about several decks for each card. I assume that this study is open to that if I decide to use multiple decks at the start?

The deal is that you study which deck/decks you choose, in what way you choose. Once a week you post on your increased understanding of that week's card. At the end of the 78 weeks we all end up with a much better understanding of tarot in general and of a particular deck/decks. Within those parameters we are a very free and easy group of people :D

Tomorrow (Monday) we switch to the Emperor. May I suggest that you join us in studying the Emperor and come back to those which went before either at the end, or (with that vast amount of free time we all have :rolleyes:) fit them in somehow. It's easier working in sync with others ......


So I just posted on my Emperess. I'm pleased enough with it so far. I did a lot more research this week than I actually posted on, but a lot of it seems like the kind of research that only I would ever understand (don't get me wrong-- not because I'm soooo brilliant. just because I'm weird and my research takes me really odd places), but perhaps I'll add it in eventually.

Something I would like to share, however, is a quote from a book I've been reading for my IDS called "The Hebrew Alphabet: A Mystical Journey". It's a cute little book that covers the very basics of meditating on the hebrew letters.

For Daleth, or Daled, the Hebrew letter associated with the Empress, the author writes,

"Daled begins the Hebrew words for doorway (deled) and knowledge (daath). In the Hasidic view, there are countless gateways hidden around us in everyday life. Each...can evoke an encounter with the divine. Yet because of our own hustle-and-bustle, we often lack the spiritual awareness to notice these potentially God-filled moments and places."

This passage gave me a lot to consider when thinking about the Haindl Empress, and I hope it can offer a bit of wisdom to all of you as well.


A long time ago, and in what sometimes feels like somebody else's life, I was taught to pray in one way or another - just quickly - every time I went through a doorway. Even if it's just a quick acknowledgement of the power, authority and presence of Spirit. It's a good discipline. I still try and maintain it (although if I'm in a tearing dash at the office it takes a bit of a backseat.....)

strings of life

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So its 10am in Tokyo and I've switched the plus-size card on my desk over to the Emperor. I do love that my deck is available in a giant size-- definitely something I would recommend if your deck has a bigger version, or you can scan your card each week and blow it up. Its great to have the card right in front of me all week, allowing me to notice those little details. It sits directly next to my laptop, so even when I'm "wasting time" on AT, my study card is still in sight.

My initial impression is that this is a very brown card (academic, huh?). Very natural and Earthy. It gives off a much (vastly!) simpler feeling than the Empress did. He seems like a much more likeable person than the Empress. Much more inviting, and far less intimidating. (sounds like a lot of married couples, doesn't it?)

Oh well. Just some thoughts to get me started.

Happy Emperor-ing everyone! :)


I have a giant image of the week's card beside me and agree that it's very useful. The rolling wallpaper is good too - I get a giant backlit image - all go - ooooooh!!


Off we go :)



i like it.

ive got my macbook and iphone emperor wallpapers up and going.

i already like him so much more than his wife.

this is gonna be a good week :)