78 Weeks: Queen of Batons


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Major Tom

Gosh, I can't believe I'm the first to get to this thread, I feel so far behind as it is. :eek:

I've added two more versions of the Tarot of Marseilles to my studies: the Heron Conver and Kris Hadar's Le Veritable Tarot de Marseille. Together with my US Games/Carti Mundi, the Dusserre Dodal and the Lo Scarabeo Burdel along with the Fournier on display at www.tarot.com, these make a total of 6 versions of the Tarot of Marseilles I can study. The variations in details and colour and many and mainfold throughout each deck.

One of the things that struck me as most obvious with the Reyne de Bastons, is that she does not usually appear as either young or beautiful. She does however look wise. It also strikes me that she has adopted a rather unusual pose with her left arm propped up in what looks an uncomfortable position. She is also the first of the courts to have a baton that has been fashioned, that is, that has been carved into shape. The Valet and Cavalier both have batons that resemble the Ace, but the Queen holds what could be a column table leg for a rather tall table. These details make me think of a passion or activity that has found a structure or even a habit.

It was difficult to decide what the Queen of Batons would wear in terms of modern clothing. I decided in the end that ruffled sleeves and hem suited her best.


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Major Tom said:
Gosh, I can't believe I'm the first to get to this thread, I feel so far behind as it is. :eek:

Don't worry Major Tom, I am playing catch up as well having fallen a bit behind also. :)

Queen of Wands

Sharman-Caselli and Universal Waite

I do feel a connection to this card as the Queen of Wands is one of my personality cards ;)

I have used the Sharman-Caselli Queen of Wands as well for this study (together with the my ususal Universal Waite), as even though they have the same traditional elements in the card eg. wand, sunflower, cat, throne, lions etc, the S-C Queen has a more 'feminine' look than the UW Queen. However the UW Queen has a look of strength and determination about her.

In both these cards there is a strong connection to the sun (sunflowers) and fire (with the lions and salamanders in the S-C), which connects for me to the passion and creative drive this Queen embodies. They both hold their wands in their right hands - the side of action which connects for me that they are active in their creative ideas and pursuits.

Also the open position of their arms indicates to me that she is willing to share herself with others even if she is a Queen, and her enthusiasm can be used to encourage and inspire others around her. The use of warm colours in the UW card eg. yellows, oranges and reds indicates that there is a warmth of personality about her and good humour. In the UW she wears a yellow robe, which makes me think that she also uses her intellect when applying this to her life and creative side.

The cat at her feet - well I have read that this signifies her commitment to home life, which I can connect with for this card. However I also feel that it indicates that like a cat, even though she may be 'domesticated', she is still an independant spirit that is control of her life and what she chooses to do or not do. She may like her comforts of home but is also curious and adventurous to go off and explore, but is not foolhardy or rash like the Knight to take risks. She is adaptable - quite content to have things provided for but eminently capable of providing for herself if she needs or wants to.



Radiant Rider-Waite

Queen of Wands


Throughout this suit the wands are always in leaf, as it is a suit of lie and animation. Emotionally and otherwise, the Queen's personality corresponds to that of the King's, but is more magnetic.
Divinatory Meaning
A dark woman or a country woman, friendly, chaste, loving and honourable. If the card beside her signifies a man, she is well disposed towards him. If a woman, she is interested in the Querant. Also love of money.

My Impression
In the front of the card there is a black cat. Black cats may indicate the lines of superstition, deviousness, trickery and deceipt. Which in other terms may indicate magic of some nature. Another thing, is t hat the saying if a black cat runs across your path, may indicate bad luck. Seen in the context of this card and the woman, may indicate that you better not cross the woman. Such as a hell has no fury as a woman scorned. This may translate to the fact that cats also associated with pride and independence, if you stop the person from doing what they want to do, to offer them advice when not wanted or to criticise then in any way, then you better watch out, the claws may come out, and scratch you, whether literally or metaphorically.

This card may indicate Leo in astrological terms, due to the fact that the arm rests are shaped as lions, and on the actual back rest there are two lions on there as well. In which case, then this would indicate soemone who have qualities that would be expected to see in a Leo. In which case you would see such things as pride and generosity. As a general rule Leos don't like to be criticises, even if it is done in a well-intended or a good natured way. They like to surround themselves with beautiful things in their homes, the type of hime they want, the clothes they wear and the cars they drive. This can be seen as extravagant and very showy. On top of that, they thrive on praise, acclaim and applause. They are very good nurturers and protectors of their loved ones.

The way the woman is looking can be seen t hat she is fixed in her views, and in this case, her future as she is looking toward the right. If that is the case then it can be seen that she has set her mind on something, and will do anything to achieve what her desired outcome is. In which case, this can be seen as being focused and won't stop until she achieves her objective. In the process, she may seem oblivious to other things, including what others have to say to her.

Other than that I see it as someone who is able to have all sort of things in their lives, and they have the energy, determination and the resilience to maintain the pace and have it all. It can be seen that they a position of authority, but the colours of the card are warm, so that they can have the place of authority while being friendly, considerate and warm. On top fo that she is holding a sunflower, so in some respect that could indicate the sun. So the sun indicates zest for life, energy, enthusiasm, optimism, eagerness and in this case a warmth to their character. So, in some respect it could indicate that what they want to achieve, more than likely they will, which in turn would be an inspiration to others.


Golden Tarot of Klimt

Queen of Wands


Comfort of a friend, intense relationship and understanding.

My Impression
In this card you see a woman standing at the front and behind her there are other people that may be fighting. Perhaps this may indicate that of the past or those that are in her mind. In which case there may be a sense that she may want to do something, whether she does it or not is another matter, but there would be some sort of conflict somewhere. If the conflict is in her mind then it would indicate the fact that there is a sense of her wanting to do something but her self-doubts, fears, worries, insecurities and other self-sabotaging thoughts may be stopping her from doing what she wants. However, if the person recognises that there are such thoughts that are there and stopping her, she can then use that knowledge to deal and challenge these negative thoughts.

The woman is wearing a warm coat, and the wand is in such a way that is across her body. This may indicate that in some way how she may react to certain situaitons. The wand can act as a barrier in some sense, as if to keep away or anyone who threatens their sense of security. This may indicate how she may help to protect and nurture other people, such as friends, family and other loved ones.

On the other hand it may indicate what you see may not be what you get. You may see someone as confident, and stuff like that, but in their mind they may not be. In another instance it can be seen that the motives of another may not be clear cut, they may seek something, and they are determined to get it in one way or another, whether that is an honest way or an underhanded way, they will get what they want in the end.


Queen of Wands - Revelations Tarot

First impressions
This card looks very sad somehow – I can’t quite pin down why…

From the book

She is a caring woman who looks out for others and provides for all.
The queen embodies the qualities of warmth, loyalty, love, and independence. She can often be found in a great friend, a generous soul, someone who gives unconditionally, or a terrific hostess. She is supportive and full of inspiring ideas and will go out of her way to aid the ones she loves. She is also deeply sensual and passionate and often fills her relationships with laughter and excitement.
In situations, this card represents benevolence in the form of charity and care. Support will be found where it is needed, and help will only be a phone call away. Relationships will blossom under the umbrella of nurturing love.

She is devious and tantalizing. She indulges her own fantasies and takes advantage of others for her own pleasure.
The reverse of this card embodies the negative qualities of a passionate being. Her love will turn to jealousy, her passion into rage, and her sensuality into a lusty inferno. Her caring nature will turn possessive and, to a degree, she will develop some codependence.
In relationships, you may find one partner being extremely controlling or vindictive. There may be hurt emotions from neglect and underappreciation. Situations may be clouded with broken promises and lies. Unreliability may cause projects and agreements to falter or fail.

Images and Symbolism
The dragon and lion on her throne are symbols of wisdom and loyalty.
Behind her a sunflower crowns her, which symbolizes the ever-providing gift of the sun.
On her lap sits a white cat, which is her familiar. It protects her like the lion does the lady on the Strength card. White represents the purity of her power and her selflessness.
On the reverse, two male slaves flank the queen. They represent her insatiable lust for the body and forewarn unfaithfulness, affairs, and sexual indulgence.
The weary eye of the dragon that crowns her reflects her untrusting nature, which may lead to extreme jealousy and deceitfulness.
Color: gold and green, colors of royalty and of healing and nature.

Traditional meanings

Highly fertile. Kind and sympathetic; loving, popular and charming. She is capable and practical and can act with authority when necessary but is never unfair.
Overbearing and matriarchal; she cannot allow independence of thought or action. Vain, self-righteous and takes offence at anything. She is cruel and hard.

My impressions:
A golden haired and crowned woman in a flowing green dress stands between a lion and a dragon, holding in her right hand a decorative wand. Behind her is a vast sunflower, with its petals drooping right back, and behind that is the sun. In her left arm she cradles a white Persian cat.
A rather wicked looking woman with a crown holds a wand. She stands between two chained men, formally attached to blocks of stone. She seems to be crushing a cat. Behind her an evil looking dragon’s eye
My take
Upright – a very lovely, gentle, friendly and benevolent woman (a cat lover, after all !) exercises gentle control; she is loved for it and generous with it. She gives, and receives her due in return.
Reversed – a greater contrast – she schemes and exercises power in unpleasant ways. She traps people with deceit – even witchcraft. She has enslaved a dragon and forces obedience– perhaps even by blackmail. She looks greedy and in a strange way sexual. And she will take all she can get. She doesn't care who she hurts – that poor cat.
Quite a startling contrast, again.

All the cards from this deck can be viewed here.


Card name: Queen of Wands

First impressions

A woman with immensely long hair which seems to turn into light lower down holds the head of a leopard - rather peculiarly – with thumb and one finger of her right hand. She holds a massive wand topped with a pine cone in her other hand. She wears a crown with 12 rays, and at its apex is what looks like a tiny feline head – like the one in the Prince card.
From the Book of Thoth
The Queens represent the letter Heh of the Name. They are the complements of the Knights. They receive, ferment, and transmit the original Energy of their Knight. Quick to receive that Energy, they are also fitted to endure for the period of their function; but they are not the final product. They represent the second stage in the process of creation whose fourth and last state is material realization. They are represented as seated upon thrones. This emphasizes the fact that they are appointed to exercise definite functions. been done in secret. Also, he is the “Dying God”, redeeming his Bride in the hour, and by the virtue, of his murder.


The Queen of Wands represents the watery part of Fire, its fluidity and colour. Also, she rules in the Zodiac from the 21st degree of Pisces to the 20th degree of Aries. Her crown is topped with the winged globe and rayed with flame. Her long red golden hair flows down upon her armour of scaled mail. She is seated upon a throne of flame, ordered into geometrical light by her material power. Beneath the throne the surging flames are steady. She bears a wand in her left hand; but it is topped with a cone suggestive of the mysteries of Bacchus. She is attended by a couchant leopard upon whose head she lays her hand. Her face expresses the ecstasy of one whose mind is well in-drawn to the mystery borne beneath her bosom.
The characteristics of the Queen are adaptability, persistent energy, calm authority which she knows how to use to enhance her attractiveness. She is kindly and generous, but impatient of opposition. She has immense capacity for friendship and for love, but always on her own initiative.

There is as much pride in this card as in the Knight, but it lacks the spontaneous nobility which excuses that error. It is not true pride, but self-complacent vanity and even snobbery.

The other side of her character is that she may have a tendency to brood, come to a wrong decision thereon, and react with great savagery. She may be easily deceived; then she is likely to shew herself stupid, obstinate, tyrannical. She may be quick to take offence, and harbour revenge without good cause. She might turn and snap at her best friends without intelligible excuse. Also, when she misses her bite, she breaks her jaw!

In the YI King, the watery part of Fire is represented by the 17th hexagram, Sui. It indicates reflection upon impulse, and the consequently even flow of action. There is great capacity for lucid conception and steady prosecution of work; but this is only at the bidding, and under the guidance, of some creative mind. There is a tendency to be fickle, even disloyal; the ideas which she obeys make no deep or permanent impression. She will “cleave to the little boy and let go the man of age and experience” or the reverse (lines 2 and 3) without realizing what she is doing. There is liability of fits of melancholy, which she seeks to cure by bouts of intoxication, or by panic-stricken outbursts of ill-considered fury.
Images and Symbolism
Frieda Harris says in her essays:
Queen of Wands = watery part of fire, its fluidity and colour. The card shows a Queen with a crown of the winged globe.
She is seated on a throne of flame, ordered into geometrical light by her material power. She carries a Wand topped with a fir cone, suggestive of the mysteries of Bacchus.
This represents the receptivity of fire, its movement and colour.
DuQuette says that “the top portion of the card projects such an image of supreme feminine strength and nobility that one could easily see it chiseled in stone as the façade of a great public… monument.” Well, see my take below :D Though I have to say it doesn’t scream feminine power to me, exactly. Crowley, he says, suggests she is a snob, and referred to her as being like Ayesha, She Who Must Be Obeyed.
Crowley also said of her “when she misses her bite, she breaks her jaw!” That looks about right to me ! Not entirely a good kind of power.
Snuffin suggest that the wand, the Thyrsus, symbol and weapon of the Maenads, implies a woman satisfied, pointing out that it crosses her navel chakra and the groin of the lustful leopard. He sees a great deal of animal passion, from the control of the primal urge (leopard) and the vesica formed by her crown downwards.
Banzhaf sees in her the irresistible one – Aphrodite – in all her aspects, including being a distorted and jealous mother-in law to Psyche, a fulfiller of dreams (Pygmalion) and a passionate deceiver (taking lovers while married to Hephaistos). “All the other gods and goddesses were subject to her powers of attraction.”
He also points out that here she is going through an inner journey, and sees the closed eyes as meditation.

Meaning (cribbed from Wasserman)
Represents the watery part of fire. A woman of adaptability, persistent energy, calm authority, with great power to attract, generous but impatient of opposition. Ill-dignified: A woman who is stupid, obstinate, revengeful, domineering, quick to take offense without good cause.
Adaptability, steady force applied to an object, steady rule, great attractive power, power of command, yet liked notwithstanding. Kind and generous when not opposed. If ill dignified, obstinate, revengeful, domineering, tyrannical, and apt to turn against another without a cause.
Traditional meanings – From Thirteen’s book of meanings:
Queen of Wands
As a development:
Developing a trip or making real a career, or creating a movement.
As an adult woman: They light up a room when they enter, radiating warmth and energy, humor and spirit. Very often this queen is in entertainment, an actress or pop star. The Queen of Wands can also be a leader and activist.
Like other Wands, the Queen of Wands signals having charisma, drawing others to you like moths to a flame. Her energy can certainly burn others as she is hot, passionate, and restless. On the other hand, a Queen of Wands can be gentle; she loves children and is an enthusiastic participant in their lives: making costumes for plays, coaching teams, etc. Which is good, but the querent should be warned that this woman might be in danger of being a soccer mom-too involved with her children's lives.
A Queen of Wands is a very creative woman with boundless energy to make, do, travel, entertain. The problem, of course, is that this queen has trouble keeping out of the spotlight. She can overwhelm or intimidate, be bossy and overbearing. At her best, however, she is an inspiration to family and friends, and often to admiring strangers as well. No matter the situation, this woman will get things done and done well.
My impressions (appearance of the card):
I have to say this does not look to involve a throne at all – she looks to me to be standing in fire. In fact – as hear hair almost seems to turn into cylinders, she looks almost jet propelled. I rather wish now that I hadn’t spent so long looking at her :confused: The headdress make some think, more than anything, of the Statue of Liberty ! I assume Frieda had seen it. Oddly, there looks to be a cup at her throat – it is just the way the clothing is portrayed, but it feels like an additional watery thing ! I cannot get my head around the way she is “holding” the leopard’s head. She, like the Prince, looks very detached; her eyes are closed, and there is no expression to her face.

My take (what I make of it/what I might see in a reading where I drew it)
A very powerful woman who needs only lift a finger to control (see under leopard !) But she will go for what she wants and not care who gets in her way. Treat her with care !