78 Weeks: Sun


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For more general comments or questions about the 78 weeks, please post in the thread linked above.



*gulp* Let me tell you I have been avoiding this thread like the plague....I have been having a real block with this card...heehee...Sunblock :laugh:
I was sooo excited about this card. You see next week my friend is designing a Sun for me (as per Seekers question 9#). It is going to go on my business card, and my website and eventually will be the logo for my Holistic Healing Centre...great...so I couldn't wait to receive some revelations and inspirations about this card :)

The Sun is also my Shadow/Inner Teacher card...great, some may say, you are so lucky to have the Sun as this card. Why? Why, do people say that?? Can you imagine your 'shadow' being so bright??

The other problem is the Sun from the Herbal Tarot, it's awful, it's the worst card I have ever seen. Apologies to the designer(s) and anyone who likes it, but I have found it to be the most ugly, revolting card I have ever seen in my life!
And I have never really liked the RWS Sun, either. What is it with that child on the horse and what is over the other side of the fence?

Well, I have become obsessed with this question (maybe I will start a thread on it...)

What is on the other side of the fence?

So, I thought I would do a meditation on it....so I jumped over the fence and found myself in the Ten of Cups imagery and was told I was in the 'field of dreams.'
But why was the field of dreams on that side, and the horse and child are moving away from it?? After that short meditation I fell asleep and had a really awful nightmare (I had the cards under my pillow) about the 'light' and 'dark' side, it was awful, it made me feel sick and since then everyday I have tried to come up with something about that card, but I JUST CAN"T.....

On the lighter side, I washed all the bed linen yesterday and realised the cards were in my pillow case, I rescued them, but they have been cleaned :laugh:

Now what is the lesson here?
I have always studied Tarot on my own always, and it will be awhile yet until you all are here, so I will have to wait for you all and see how you can help me out with your thoughts ideas and wisdom and inspiration and revelations etc etc etc.
Should I have not been a smart alec and started with The Magician like everyone else??
Who knows????

Look forward to seeing you all here :*TA:*

Edited to add I tried to find a picture of the Herbal Tarot Sun, but couldn't...
And I am too much of a tech-dunce to scan and post it myself...


Just another couple of thoughts....

Why is the sun also on the other side of the wall and why are the figures moving away from it?

A friend told me once that she had learnt with the Sun, not to become complacent.....


*teeheehee* (that's firemaiden giggling in the background....)
*growlllll....* (that's my husband exspressing his disapproval that I am still on here....if only he understood the demons being wrestled re: The Sun :rolleyes: )
I see jmd has already posted the Judgement thread, great more wrestling this week :rolleyes: again....

So here we have the Sun the masculine, the outer, the conscious.
Is it the inner, unconscious, feminine (Moon) on the other side of the fence. After coming to the outer, one feels free, like a child fresh and new?

In my brief meditation, I saw the imagery of the Ten of Cups on the other side of the wall, the 'field of dreams.'

In order to bring our dreams into reality they have to become conscious....real, physical, manifested, outer....

So for myself, is the Sun teaching me to bring my inner to the outer?
Make the hidden, unhidden?
Unconscious, conscious?

To have childlike faith in moving forward, to make my dreams real?
This really has made my brain ache, but I have loved every minute of this confusion/struggle with this card.

This was a great thing to begin, jmd :D XTAX (the 78 week study, I mean)
Edited to add I have always thought of The Sun as clarity, funny how I have had none with this, or have I?


Jewel-ry said:

Is this what your looking for? You do have to wait a couple of seconds for it to load.
Jewel-ry, that's it, your a star :D:D:D
It looks much, much worse IRL.........XTAX


Hadar Marseilles

The Sun looks very serious and the flames pouring down make it look sad, somehow, like tears. Two children play under the Sun's rays and one green tear from the Sun drops down between them. There is a wall of three colours behind the children, it's their protection, their safety barrier

When I think of this card I think of energy and vitality. Part of the Sun is pouring outwards - giving itself to others, giving life.

I also see freedom, expressing yourself, illumination - in more than one sense. There are 13 'flames', which links this card to trump 13 - death and trump 4 - Emperor. It's a transformation of life and energy and now there is structure (wall), eauilibrium (6 flames each side and the two children).


The Sun

Universal Waite

A young child riding a white horse with a wall and sunflowers behind him and the Sun shining brightly overhead. The large Sun at the top of the card dominates the image, with its straight and wavy rays making me think of a lovely sunny day but it also makes me think of the soft (wavy) warm sun on a winters day and the hard (straight) fierceness of the sun on a burning hot summers day. In Australia (often called the Sunburnt Country), the Sun plays a very big part in our lives. We enjoy a lifestyle where the Sun is shining most of the year, even throughout Winter! But in the Summer we need to protect ourselves from its burning rays and sometimes overwhelming heat. I always feel happier and more enthusiast when the Sun is shining, as it inspires you get out and do things, gardening, children playing outside and swimming.

The young child on the white horse made a connection to me to the Death card in a way, with Death also riding a white horse, and to me it is like the rebirth, riding out into the light after the darkness of death, the soul being reborn and once again having the vitality and energy of youth. Also the child looks so carefree and joyful riding bareback holding his banner - waving jubiantly out to the world.

The Thoth

A very different image in the Thoth to the RW, where there are two children dancing / jumping with joy and jubilation on the green earth under the shining sun. Upon closer reflection on this card the Sun looks to me like a sunflower itself and the rays of the Sun seam to give the effect of rotation, turning anticlockwise which makes me think of raw energy and natural power of the sun. The rays themselves when you look at them very closely, have been drawn with almost rainbow colours. The rainbow is also shown in the oval surrounding the Sun and the children - making me think of peace and harmony and everything going well.

The butterfly wings on the backs of the two children represents to me transformation, having come out of the dark and being transformed by the light of the sun and the joy of a new day / episode in life. Being uplifted by being able to "see" things in the clear light of day, clarity of vision and inner and outer warmth. The 12 signs of the zodiac around the edge of the card represents to me the cycle of the year, which is dependant on the sun and the seasons. I related to the fact that Capricorn is at the very top of the card, as Capricorn (December) is high summer here in Australia and just sort of fitted for me - even though I know that these cards were probably not drawn with that in mind ;)

A very positive, uplifting card that gives a feeling of invigoration, joy and radiance.



S Success
U Understanding
N Nurturing

As the Moon hides its secrets from us, the Sun enlightens, it shows us the truth, what really is.


These two children are almost naked showing an openess and naievity. They touch each other which indicates a trust and understanding. One seems to be indicating the others heart area, perhaps symbolising an inner knowledge, one that comes from the heart whilst the other indicates the neck or throat chakra, perhaps a reminder to be truthful to ourselves. The Sun lightens our hearts and enables us to see and understand with clarity. It speaks to me of honesty, truth and clarity.

The Sun has rays of blue, red and yellow light and drops of energy fall from it confirming its life-giving properties. There is one drop of green energy which falls between the two children. I also see these drops of energy as blessings, bringing to mind the saying 'Count your blessings'. A successful outcome? There are 13, which links to the card with no name.


Two babies both nude, one holds a flower in one hand and reaches for the Sun with the other hand, while a white ribbon unfurls around them. The Sun is beautiful in this card, it just hangs in the sky. It is radiant and golden and instills a message of confidence. The other baby does not have eyes or the eyes appear shut which could, I suppose, be a message that you do not need sight to be to be able to 'see'. The sun can be blinding. Every blade of grass on this card reminds us that we all need the suns energy to thrive. There is a strong sense of energy here. The wall in this card gives a sense of protection.


The Haindl card is very different, a huge red rose with 22 petals dominates the front of the card indicating a passion and physical desires, but care, look down the stem and you will find the thorn! The Sun is brilliant yellow brings warmth, and includes within it a labyrinth. The rune Gebo means gift of life which is very appropriate for this card. The sun is shining, life is wonderful. Nature is abundant, the sun shines on the lush green landscape and there is even a beautiful multi-coloured horizon! Optimism, lushness, understanding, knowledge, realisation, unity.


Major Tom

The Sun has always been one of my favorite trumps, even before I began any study. Whether this is because as a Leo it represents the ruling planet of my sun sign or another reason is still open to question. I'm certainly happiest when the sun is shining.

I studied 9 different Marseilles versions of this card, keeping 3 of them propped up between my keyboard and screen. They all share similiar symbology. The Sun overhead with a solemn human face, with what appear to be drops raining down on two children below. A wall of 5 courses crosses the card behind the children.

The Sun is the source of all life on our planet, yet is also responsible for the creation of deserts. Of the 9 examples I examined only 2 had any plant life. For me, the wall respresents human intervention in the landscape, and perhaps then the message that it is human beings who are ultimately responsible for their own development. This trump seems to represent that stage in our journey when we realise and work according to the One Will, while retaining our sense of separateness.

In my quest to create a Tarot of Marseilles depicting the characters in modern clothing, I've struggled with this trump more than any other. This is the first card it has taken me more than one day to draw. It was a simple matter to dress the children in shorts, the difficulty seems to have been putting all the elements together. Any wishing to comment on this card or any of the others are invited to this thread.


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