78 Weeks: Temperance


Somehow this card reminds me of birth waters breaking and ensuing labor. I chose a home birth, and while I was in labor I was on our bed which has a large window behind it. It was after sundown in the middle of Jan. and I opened the window wide. Hot, sweaty agony with a cold blast of winter air on my face and finally, the ecstasy of beholding my child. So much that is meaningful is brought forth in this fashion, with attendant pain, or, as the Phoenix dancer rising out of ashes indicates, even death. But the potent mix of agony and ecstasy transforms us; as the tears and laughter mix we feel we have grasped the very essence of life.


I've reflected on this a little further and am thinking that in this light, one of the reasons Temperance comes after Death and just before the Devil is to show us that pain tempered by joy is tranformative. Temperance has shown us that there is a tempering joy (for instance the parent/child bond) when we are willing to die to our old selves (no longer the more or less carefree childless couple). One of the tricks of the Devil is to get us to forget that- to keep us in the beastial state of avoiding all pain at all cost. But if we connect with our Temperance angel we can remember there is more to life than merely seeking pleasure and avoiding pain; we can effectively combine them.


It feels like forever that I have waited for everyones posts here, and so enjoy reading them :)

galadrial, thanks so much for your beautifully communicated on the Temperance Major.


You're welcome. It means a lot to me that I could please a TemperanceAngel with my Temperance post:)


I'm finally getting back into this study and TemperanceAngel will, no doubt, be happy to see that I've done so with Temperance. :)

Crystal Tarot

I've seen angels with halos in illustrations, but this is the first that I've seen with a solar disk worn over her forehead. I see a cup integrated into the design on her nearest wing, along with a cloud, and various colored bits of images. She pours water (?) from a jug into what looks like a vase (a jug with no visible spout or handle). She gazes in concentration at what she's doing. She stands in a garden, and I cannot see her feet, they're covered by her robe and the end of one wing. Her bodice is wine red and she wears a blue cloak. In the background I see rolling hills and a calm sky.

I see this as a card of healing, of restoring balance. When we take medicines it's usually in an attempt to restore balance in our bodies. That's how I see this, but also as a balance of spirit. Balancing the physical and the spiritual in our lives. When we're too much involved with just one or the other problems can arise.

From the disk worn over her third eye, I sense that this balance or our maintainance of it must have a lot to do with our third eye chakras.



I had a very interesting experience with The Temperance card recently. I have been sick with pnemonia and had been home for awhile. During the day I listened to Sylvia Brown's discussion on angels and spirit guides and how they show themselves when they need to. Well, that night I decided to do a one card reading for my spirit guide to tell me what I needed to know. The card that came up was Temperance. I believe this came up both to let me know that the angels and guides do exist and reaffirm what she had talked about as well as to suggest that I was getting better. It was definitely one of those wow tarot moments.


Nevada said:

I see this as a card of healing, of restoring balance. When we take medicines it's usually in an attempt to restore balance in our bodies. That's how I see this, but also as a balance of spirit. Balancing the physical and the spiritual in our lives. When we're too much involved with just one or the other problems can arise.

From the disk worn over her third eye, I sense that this balance or our maintainance of it must have a lot to do with our third eye chakras.
TemperanceAngel is happy Nevada :D :D :D XTAX


Radiant Rider-Waite

XIV - Temperance


Economy, moderation, frugality, management and accomodation

My Impressions
Balancing different aspects of yourself and perhaps your life. For example, balancing your feminine aspect, which includes intuition, emotions and nurturance and masculine aspect, which includes zest for life, energy, eagerness, enthusiasm, optimism and action. In that sense you may have an idea of what you want to do, perhaps an idea that your intution maybe telling you to do, so that you would use the eagerness, enthusiasm and action to bring that into reality. Then from tha tyou would be able to use your nurturing qualities to keep at it, to make it more than just a reality, but something worthwhile, and by sticking to it, it is likely to become something significant and substantial in the future.

And another example, your lighter and darker/shadowy aspects, as we all have the tendency to fall into the trap of doing something rather shady, by balancing with this the lighter aspect, then we are able to fight the temptation to do these things. Also, when things get bad, instead of falling into the pits of despair, and staying there, we are able to drag us out of this, so that we can either continue on with what has been started despite the pitfalls and the failures, or start something new. At the same time, we can use this dark/shadowy aspect of ourselves so that we don't get too enthusiastic and optimistic about something, so tha tif we let our hopes get too high and if there is a failure then our moods are likely to reflect in t his, so by having some grip on reality and knowing that what the potential problems will be we canperhaps avoid them or the failure.

Another one is the balance between our earthly passions and our spiritual inspirations. By doing that we are able to have some form of patience and moderation. So by maintaining our hope and faith in regards to something, regardless of how long it seems to take for progress to be made, we can maintain this hope, faith and optimism which would mean that we will stick to what we have started. Moderation in this sense would mean that we won't overdo things either, whether that is in overeating, excessively doing anything for that matter


Golden Tarot of Klimt

XIV - Temperance


Moderation, ability to analyse, wisdom, serenity and purity

My Impressions
Here you have a nakend woman, with one hand she is holding a jug which she is pouring some water into a bowl or pot placed on top of a head (only) of a statue. The other hand she is holding an apple.

When I look at the water being poured into the pot on top of the statue's head, reminds me of the crown chakra. The crown chakra is the chakra where we receive information from the Universe, the Universal Knowledge. Which, in some way, can be seen to be as some thoughts, ideas, concepts, dreams and visions being Divinely inspired. By acting on these ideas, thoughts, concepts, dreams and visions there is a sense that there is a manifestation, where the necessary work has been made to bring it into a reality, which in one sense the apple could be a representation of what has been brought into reality.

Also, the apple makes me thingk of Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden. In the card, the woman is holding the apple but she is not really looking at it. So, in the sense of Adam and Eve, the apple is in the form of temptation, where they have been told not to eat the apples, but the serpent tempts them to eat the apple. I have lost my line of thought now. But when I really think about it, a lot of what I have said for the Radiant Rider-Waite applies here as well


Astrological - Sagittarius
The zodiac symbol is the Archer. This Archer connection encourages them to aim high, but it is also is an indication that they need to have a target or goal in mind, otherwise they are a most ineffective Archer who shoots the arrows all over the place. Because they are frequently surrounded by opportunities, making choices can also confuse and baffle them. They may eat, drink and be merry to an extreme of take on more debts or responsibilities that they can comfortably handle. Throughout their lives, they often discover (sometimes the hard way) how importance it is to practise moderation. They like things to happen quickly, and most Sagittarians are not patient people. However, as they grow older and learn through experiences life generally teaches them the value of patience. They generally believe it is realistic to aim for miracles and they inspire to others to do the same. They have a certainty and confidence that makes others go along with their ideas and plans. As long as they feel they're making progress in their lives and their explorations, thy operate in a state of harmony and they feel content with their lot. However, because they usually expect life to fall into place for them, they can take disappointment to heart when things don't turn out according to their best-laid plans. Though they are often casual about relationships, friendships, comradeships, love and passion all mean a great deal to them, and these are foundation stones of their existence. They share their journey and their experiences with others, because they know that sharing makes the experience richer and more rewarding. They believe in themselves, and that is one of the most wonderful gifts of all about being a Sagittarian. Sagittarians know even the darker times lead back to the light and they drive onwards with humour as their companion and intuition as their guide.



TEMPERANCE - Revelations Tarot
First impressions

A “pale and interesting” card, full of feathers !

From the book

Effortlessly the angel brings a balance between air, water, and fire. Creation finds birth in its vessel.
Once again the theme of balance, similar to justice, comes into play in one's life. Here, the balance achieved extends into the resolution of issues outside of just legal matters, such as life and love. This card heralds the ability within oneself to bring together differing elements to work in unison. Calm and serenity along with ease will be experienced when this card is drawn.
In terms of an individual, this card brings to light the presence of a person who exhibits qualities of being a counselor, a creator, or a well-rounded individual who knows everything. He or she can be an artist who brings new media together, an instigator who brings people together, or an inventor who merges ideas to form new and exciting avenues of exploration.
In terms of situations, any arguments will be resolved with happy endings. Relationships will blossom under this card as balance and union will be achieved. This card may also advise seeking out a third party to bring closure to any resolutions, such as a mediator, a counselor, or even a diplomat.
The elements work against the angel as conflict comes from within.
The reverse often implies that things are out of balance within oneself. Tasks do not seem to work out. Relationships with others do not seem to meld. Ideas and concepts cannot live harmoniously inside your head. Life seems to overrun you with little to no balance between your work and social life.
In terms of an individual, this card would reflect upon a person who has too many things on his or her palette and is trying desperately to balance everything at once and not succeeding very well. This person burdens him- or herself, and eventually you, with his or her dilemmas while frustration takes his or her emotions on a roller coaster ride. This person may come across as unstable and erratic as he or she desperately tries to settle all of his or her issues at once.
In a situation, this card indicates an atmosphere of tension from this imbalance. There may be arguments, quarrels, or competitiveness between teammates and factions. In a relationship, there could be the same restlessness and tension, which will prevent one or both partners from living harmoniously. This card advises one to look within to find the source of the imbalance first before anything can be resolved.

Images and Symbolism
The angels of this card represent the high level of energy within each of us. We draw upon this energy to bring elements together and to form objects of beauty and of use. The liquids represent water and fire. Unlike some of the extreme elements that cancel each other out, when water and fire are brought together they form useful forces such as steam. The synthesis and dance, orchestrated by the angel, illustrates this. This synthesis represents the fine art of balance and patience.
The reversed side plays on the idea of chaos that comes from imbalance. Here the forces do not work harmoniously. The background of random shapes also lends to the uneasy feel of this card. The frustration shows on the angel's face as the elements do not meet eye to eye.

Traditional meanings
Moderation, temperance, patience, harmony, fusion, good influence, confidence.
Reversed: Discord, conflict, disunion, hostility, frustration, impatience.

My impressions:
UprightAn angel with palms upturned stands in front of a streaming cauldron. The smoke/steam from it forms a ring around him, and also forms a caduceus up the centre of the image. All is very pale purple and green.
Reversed The angel in the reversed image is similar, but dancing and with half folded wings. he has a somewhat agitated face, but still appears in control and relatively calm - - perhaps dancing to get something back into balance – dancing way the problem perhaps.

The upright image is very static – almost too balanced. I think such a degree of temperance could be excessive; almost obsessive. The caduceus is interesting though – it suggests healing as an aspect of the card. (Temperance for an alcoholic, for instance, on a very basic level !) On the other hand the reversed gives more on an unbalanced view than many; it is full of movement; not something I would expect from a temperance card somehow. But the paleness and a degree of calmness hold up throughout the card.

All the cards from this deck can be viewed here.


Temperance - my assorted notes and babbling

14 Temperance
Daughter of the Reconcilers, The Bringer Forth of Life
Path 25: 6 Tipareth to 7 Yesod - The Sovereignty and Beauty of Foundation

An angel stands pouring liquid from one golden goblet to another. One foot is on land, the other in water. The angel has a solar disc on the his/her forehead and wears white robes and has large red wings. There is a path leading towards twin mountains and a sunrise. The sun contains a crown. There are irises in the rushes, which may be a reference to the Goddess Iris who was a cup bearer to Hera, and traveled between the heavens and earth. The angel bears a triangle in a square which refers to the septenary of Theosophy. The angel wears the Tetragrammaton at the neckline of the robes.
In a reading: Temperance is an alchemical process; the blending of elements to achieve a balanced whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. Temperance is the card of good health in all areas - physical, mental and emotional. A time to bring opposing parties together. Harmony, Balance, Recovery, Cooperation. Reaching a compromise, bringing together opposites.
This card is traditionally about moderation.
Reversed: Imbalance. Conflicting interests. Disagreements. Instability. Alcohol or drug abuse, emotions out of wack.


The work of our alchemical selves distills to virtue one's inner strengths by the proper tempered admixture of love and reason.