78 Weeks: Valet of Batons


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page of wands

i love this card he/she is youth full, short of stature, talkative, faithfull, enthusiastic and informative.
reversed, they are spoiled, foulmouthed, complainers, immature.
basically, angry that they did not get what they want.
this page is the archetypical action of one speaking. the upright or reversed nature of the card depends on what is said. whether it is a complement, or an insult.


Page of Wands

I used the Golden Tarot of Kat Black. First the page is dressed in such a manner to hide his/her gender. There are rabbits on the road with him. These are symbols of his youth. The rabbits show him no fear. He seems to symbolize the impulsivity of youth. He may be on an adventure or been trusted with a message. A fire is behind him so he seems to say that his previous experiences arre not controlling him. --Tao

Major Tom

The Valet of Batons

My RWCS upbringing has lead me to see the Page of Wands as a young person with a new idea or exciting news about a new project.

After spending this period of study with the Valet de Baston from the Tarot of Marseilles, I can plainly see that this is not necessarily a young person. Rather, with his stance and the way he presents what I would call a log, it appears that he is more in the way of encouraging influence to get on with a project or even an assistant that will help get the job done.

I present the card I've drawn during this period of study.


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Re: Page of Wands

tao51 said:
There are rabbits on the road with him. These are symbols of his youth.

Don't forget the one thing that bunny rabbits are good at, and that is making more bunny rabbits ... thus creation/creativity


I am using the WorldTree Tarot: I think of Wands as business and enterprise, and the WT Tarot sees Pages as observers, so the Page of Wands watches and studies new possible worlds/senarios/places he/she could go. I might see this person as an analyst of stocks or businesses or..... He could be figuring out where to send the Knight (who goes on adventures, not the pages in this deck). Like a travel agent who sends everyone off to exotic places, but never goes herself.


Page of Wands

I have give this card a lot of thought over the past few weeks - and in a way have been caught up with the concept of the Page of Wands in regards to a new creative project, so have fallen a bit behind in posting my notes on the 78 week study :D

Universal Waite

A young man, dressed in travelling attire, stands in an open landscape contemplating the wand he is holding. He holds the wand in both hands - like grasping a new creative idea or adventure with both hands ready to start his journey where ever it may take him.

The open landscape I think indicates unexplored territory, with hills to climb, indicating ups and downs on this new path. The salamanders on his tunic represent to me the 'fire' that inspires and drives him to try new creative pursuits. Even the tops of his boots look like tongues of fire.

He seems to be staring at the green shoots sprouting from the wand he is holding, like he is amazed in a way by the new growth or life in the wand itself. I can imagine that it looks like he has just been handed this wand - symbolic of a creative inspiration or idea or artistic endeavour and is wondering where it will take him if he nutures the opportunity.

I think a Page can be a person of any age that is inspired to try or learn something new - letting their creative imagination take them out into the world - courageously embark on a new adventure with youthful enthusiasm and embrace new opportunities and challenges to be original in their creative ideas and thoughts. I could go on and on here, but as I mentioned above, this card has really hit home with me of late :)


PS. By the way, great to see others joining in these study threads again :)


Radiant Rider-Waite

Page of Wands


In a scene similar to th e former (which according to the book was the Knight of Wands), a young man stands in the act of proclamation. He is unknown but faithful and his tidings are strange.
Divinatory Meaning
Dark young man, faithful, a lover, an envoy and a postman. Beside a man, he will bear favourable testimony concerning him. He is a dangerous rival, if followed by the Page of cups. Has the chief qualities of his suit.

My Impressions
In the background there are three pyramids. In some contest this can be seen as ancient wisdom, in which case this may indicate someone interested in this, someone who is learning about these things, or poosible some message that can be gotten by these things, which include such things as astrology and tarot.

If it is in relation to a relationship reading the Page of wands could indicate that a person would be interested in you, as the wand itself looks a bit phallic. On the other hand, since the man is gazing and smiling at the wand, may indicate that is someone who is only interested in physical gratification. In the sense that they may not necessarily want a relationship. In another sense, it could indicate that this person may be playing the field, if already in a relationship with this other person.

As Pages are usually associated with youth, children and possibly immaturity, in some sense it may indicate that something that has been started can prove to be a good potential for something provided the necessary action and effort is being put into it and maintained. At the same time it could indicate that things are always started but not continued or finished. There seems to be something that says that maybe you would only continue on with things that you find interesting, in the sense, if you lose interest and things get boring, you may actually stop doing it, instead of continue on with it.

As the Wands are associated with action, zest for life, energy, eagerness, optimism, enthusiasm, as well as spontaniety, recklessness, impulsiveness and an adventurous nature, then it could indicate such a person, or at least sort of qualities you should embrace yourself. With this it could indicate some form of selfishness, insensitivity towards others, inconsideration and thoughtlessness. Combine that with the fact that the Page corresponds to immaturity, child-like behaviour etc and youth then the result you would get someone who would do what they want regardless of advice and someone who will say things that are quite blunt, which basically means that they will say things to others without taking in consideration of how it may make the other person feel or even the consequences.


Golden Tarot of Klimt

Knave of Wands


Help from a companion, friendship and future good news.

My Impression
In the card you have a man wearing something like a toga, with triangles on it, some of which has eyes in the triangles, he shows someone of great physical strength, he is holding the wands with both hands to the left and he is l ooking down to his right. The patterns on the borders to the left and right of the card indicates a growth of something. This indicates that something that has been started in th e near past, either through learning or something else, and if the person has the ability to stay focused on this and the strength to keep pursuing it, something worthwhile would come of it in the future.

There is something behind his head, which looks a bit like a lamp shade. In some context, it could indicate a brilliant idea, in some sense, that has been acted on quite quickly without giving too much thought of the consequences, or at least the pitfalls and potential problems of such an idea. In another way, it could indicate inner wisdom, higher consciousness, or even a spirit guide or a guardian angel. In which case it could indicate that there may have been an urge to do something and following your instincts and gut feelings. So in some sense, this could indicate a sense of protection, security, safety, encouragement and support from someone or something.

The triangles on the toga, and the fact that he is wearing a toga, could indicate, like the Radiant Rider-Waite, that of ancient wisdom. Where the eye itself in some sense could indicate the third eye and perhaps an ability to look into the future. In some sense it may indicate the ability to tap into the Universal knowledge, and that wisdom comes from instinctively knowing what is right and what is wrong. In some sense, this could translate to the fact that there maybe some indication that you are more willing to carry through with these ideas, and what not, instead of letting things stop you, including other people.


In the MotherPeace tarot deck the princess of wands is running across a plain with a unicorn. She is smiling and leaping with boundless energy and joy. For some reason, I think of this card as a virgin bride running to her marriage and/or new home, ready to start a love affair with life. This is the young phoenix card, risen from the ashes and burning with life, passion, and appetite for good things.


Page of Wands - Revelations Tarot

First impressions
Youth; vitality – a very energetic card.

From the book

She has just discovered her inner powers of creation as she tries to bring to life the illusion of a dragon.
The Page of Wands represents beginning realizations of the power that we hold within. It reflects a dawn of creativity or an upsurge of energy within. You may begin to feel you understand things more, have the need to apply yourself, or explore all avenues of interest.
In a situation, this card invites possibilities and opportunities for new things and new experiences to be explored and enjoyed. Party invitations, new and interesting people, and lively activities will be around the corner. The chance to travel to new and exotic or interesting places could also pop up.

She tries in vain to channel her energy and bring anything forth to fruition. Her frustration and self-imposed strain has blocked the flow within her.
Frustration comes from a blockage within. You may feel tired from pushing so hard, and you may feel that your efforts have been in vain. Unable to get in touch with your inner powers, creative energies seem to spurt out in sparks with nothing else to show for it. This card suggests taking a break and letting the energy come naturally.
In a situation, this card warns of difficulties in venturing in new fields. There may be creative or artistic difficulties, or an instability of emotion from stress and general unhappiness. Partnerships and relationships will be tested.

Images and Symbolism
The page has discovered her ability to conjure. The ethereal dragon marks the birth of her powers. She reflects the beginning of lessons and training, which one has to take to fully comprehend and control one's inner energy.
On the reverse, the page is unable to channel her powers for she is trying too hard. Her frustration only compounds the situation and creates a further block. This card suggests taking slower steps and allowing the energy to flow outward naturally.
Color: red and purple, colors of raw energy and royalty.

Traditional meanings
Ambition; resourcefulness. A bringer of good news; faithful, trustworthy, loyal and vigorous. Will submit to reasonable authority, but not blindly.

Reversed: A bringer of misleading information; a gossip, a slanderer. Cannot keep secrets; prone to debauchery; superficial but believing himself profound.

My impressions:
A charming looking slim young girl with blunt cut golden hair is talking. She holds a woven wand in her left hand. Behind her a cloudy dragon in pale gold, and a sky streaked with reds and oranges. She is powerful and strong.
An angry looking girl with sort curled hair holds her wand away from her – she appears to be about to punch it. The sky behind her – purple – looks dangerous; a storm is brewing. She is out of control and furious about it.
My take
The contrast is stark. The upright image is of a powerful woman who knows what she is capable of, how to use that power, and when not to use it. She is serenely confident. She will go far.
The reverse almost speaks to me of sibling rivalry – one who wants desperately to do as well, cannot, and takes it out on everything around her; making it all worse. She seems competitive, and an appallingly poor loser. The kind of person you would never want to have around. But also, she is in pain. She “needs help”, as they say. She can’t carry on long like this. Ironically, she needs help from exactly the kind of person shown in the upright image – but would never accept it, because that would be to admit that someone had a better handle on things than she does. Instead she will tell lies to belittle the other. She is headed for such a fall….. but she is capable of so much more.

All the cards from this deck can be viewed here.