9 of wands as feelings for someone


What do you make of the 9 of wands as someones feelings for another? I take it as cautious. Any ideas?


hm..I would take it as having a wall up, as in being scared of being hurt again therefore you put up a wall and are weary of other intentions. (going by the robin wood tarot at least which is what im looking at haha)


Yes, I've often thought of it that way as well. I tend to read literally and since the meaning of this card is so strong, I have a hard time understanding it, considering the situation. "You're almost there" doesn't fit.


I use the Robin Wood deck, mostly, and this card comes up quite frequently describing this guy I'm dating and his feelings for me, etc. Since he is very guarded and there is a lot of fear there (he's been hurt and taken advantage of a lot of times before), I take this card to mean that he almost perceives me as a threat to his inner world. He is afraid that I could break down those barriers, so a lot of it is a sort of active defense attitude, like "no, I won't let you get close enough to see what I'm really about." This type of person does not easily trust others, and feelings for someone else are really hard for them to deal with...they are too worried about keeping themselves safe. So the wall goes up. Caution to the extreme. Just my 2 cents.


I definitely agree with what Red said. The 9 of wands character is very defensive and prepared for the worst (of course they may have their own reasons), although it may be hard to attain this person. Not the best feelings to have for someone, but it's not terrible either.


I think it depends. If you guys are arguing or in disagreement then it means being defensive. However, if you are trying to reunite with a person you are emotionally or physically estranged from then it means that you want to use your last bit of strength to go at it again. But I am using the Gilded Tarot, 8 of the wands are behind him but the man is standing distance from them with the last wand as if he is ready to "battle" again.


BLFO said:
I think it depends. If you guys are arguing or in disagreement then it means being defensive. However, if you are trying to reunite with a person you are emotionally or physically estranged from then it means that you want to use your last bit of strength to go at it again. But I am using the Gilded Tarot, 8 of the wands are behind him but the man is standing distance from them with the last wand as if he is ready to "battle" again.

Ah yes, I completely forgot the 'perseverance' aspect of this card. There's that too...


Oh duh! *slaps head* Me too. Ha, it just comes up so often in the "defensive" meaning for me, that I am completely accustomed to that. Thanks BLFO...I learned something today too :)


I see it as a need for a healthier, more disciplined lifestyle, so for feelings... either they feel the person offers that or they feel the person needs that. lol


nancyk said:
What do you make of the 9 of wands as someones feelings for another? I take it as cautious. Any ideas?

For me, it can mean one of two things in this situation... Either the person feels defensive around you, or is protective towards you... Of course, the protective part comes up usually when the person's feelings in question belong to a man... Men generally feel very protective towards someone they have feelings for, and is one of the things a the masculine essence offers the feminine essence: its protection...

The 10 of Wands means perserverance to me, as the person is still trudging along, no matter the weight of their burden... The 9 of Wands, however, represents someone standing their ground... They've turned to face their enemy, or whatever, and is ready, willing, and able to fight, if needs be... And, quite oft, just that kind of confidence is all an attacker needs to realize they better not mess with this person...