Using the cards to read about health?


Does anyone use the cards for health questions? I'm unsure how the cards correspond to illness. Could anyone guide to me to some info on this?

I know some people use astrological correspondences for this but I am unsure of how this works.

Any ideas?


I don't because I'm not a health care professional, but I can tell you that since I've gone through the health crisis I've been dealing with, the cards really do talk about health issues, if you know how to read them. For instance, every time I was about to get an IV (even if I didn't know I was going to have to), the Three of Swords popped up in my daily reading...that sort of thing.


p.s. There was a thread here about a year or two ago that was likely exactly what you are looking for. Hopefully, someone can point you in the right direction to look at that one.


I strongly recommend the book "The complete Book of Tarot Reversals" from Mary K Greer, she has a health explanation on each of the 78 cards, although brief, but very useful.


Don't Do It!

Sinduction said:
Any ideas?
The advice you'll get over and over again on this forum is this: Go to a doctor. Period. Do not, do not, do not use the cards for health. It's so rarely a good idea that I can't recommend it at all.

Why not? Because if you make a mistake in your reading you can really mess yourself up--or mess up whoever you're reading for: psychologically, physically, emotionally. Do you really want to tell someone they're having stress headaches rather than sending them to a doctor to make sure it's not a brain tumor?

I understand, fully and completely, the desire to use the cards to check on your health (or another's) because you're worried and afraid and want the cards to tell you that you're all right, or it's not what you think, or it is what you think. But it's just an all-around bad idea. How, for example, could the cards tell you that you had some rare condition that you'd never heard about? They could, but you wouldn't know how to understand what they were telling you. You don't know enough. Unless you're a doctor.

A doctor and only a doctor is going to be able to tell you exactly what's wrong and how to make it right. Go to a doctor.

This public service announcement brought to you by AT. We care about your health :D


I fully agree with what Thirteen said, though I didn't stress it in my response above.

Always ALWAYS ALWAYS check with your doctor, no matter what you think you see in the cards regarding health.


I'm not looking to make any type of diagnosis. I'm simply wondering how the cards correspond to parts of the body. I guess that is the best way to put it.

I would never imply that I am some type of health professional to any of my querents. But this is an area I get asked about the most, next to love of course.

I'm just looking to learn all I can. :)


I know what you mean...I get queried, too, and I always tell clients that I'm not a health care professional, but that if I see something in their reading, I will suggest they contact one.


I've done readings where health has come up and I have pointed to an area where it may be found. I of course ALWAYS tell them to go to the doctor.

The other day a wife asked me what was wrong with her husband.... the doctors were having trouble finding it... I told her where I thought the doctors should look and that she had to be on top of the doctors and enlist more help.... it wasn't going to be an easy thing to diagnose but she needed to be vigilant and tenacious about his care. I don't think there is anything wrong with that.

One time I did a reading for a friend of mine and I got the message that she had a lump or something in her breast - I urged her to go to the doctor and she did have an issue and had to have a lumpectomy. I don't think there is anything wrong in that either.

I would never give advice like a doctor - I am not one - but if I can give a warning and a GO TO YOUR DOC and get this checked out message then why not.


I think there are cards that have come up that tell me (ME specifically, not to diagnose in general) when I'm going to get sick, get run down and tired, get a migraine, etc, and even some cards that say to go to the doctor.

However, as Thirteen says, Tarot cards really aren't a great tool for diagnosing anything. I think you can read your 'energy levels' and how they're going to be impacted by various things, including common ailments, though. The best way to do this is begin to find your own patterns.

For instance, for me, the 9 of Swords and 4 of Swords showing up together usually = migraine coming.


Just yesterday I went to the dentist because I had a terrible toothache. One day before I had been asking the cards, how it would go, at the dentist.

I was pulling 3 of swords, Tower (!!!), Death and 10 of swords.

Yieks! Jeez, I was preparing myself to suffer horrendous pain or something.

But nothing like that happened. Just she told me that my tooth was almost dead. And it was not the tooth I thought that was giving trouble but the one next to it.
Our conversation went like this:

"I am sorry to tell you but with this tooth it is over"
"You mean it is dead?"
"Yes, almost completly, I will put something in it to finish it off totally and then we will close it."
"But how did it die in a year?!"
"Well, it can happen."
"Oh, I am thirty years old and one more of my teeth died. It just died?"

Ha, ha, the Death card was quite literal here:) And also, I was suprised that my tooth was almost dead, I never expected that. That would be the Tower.

And 10 of swords - we had to kill him completely, that's why she put something inside.

Also, when I saw all those swords, I knew she would give me an injection and she did - as anaesthesia.

But there was no pain and the sitation was not really dramatic - except for the "death" talk:D

But otherwise, I would agree - I never read for medical issues, doctors are there to give this kind of insight.