hanged man rx, drug addiction? associated cards?


i've read that the hanged man rx can represent someone with serious drug addiction/substance abuse problems. what are cards that would support such a reading?


Sometimes, the Nine of Cups Rx, Three of Cups Rx, as well as the King of Cups Rx. The Seven of Cups alongside the Moon can also point that way. And, of course, the Devil talks about obsessions and addictive behavior.


8 of Swords--trapped, but possible to free yourself.


Combinations of cards and the context of the whole spread are what will really give you the answer rather than "this card means this" and/or "this card means that". For instance, the Devil plus the 8 of Swords, and the 9, 3, and King of Cups with the Devil or any of the other cards mentioned. Really, it depends on the rest of the cards in the spread and what your question was, etc. instead of any single card.


I've actually had certain cards appear with a person (past position in this case) who, when I looked at those cards and asked them if they'd had a problem, admitted to me that they'd been a serious drug addict. The cards I got were (not necessarily in this order):

The Moon
7 Cups
The Devil

Cup cards are red flags: 3 Cups, to my way of thinking, would be that weekend drinker, pot smoker or ecstasy taker--they keep their addiction to partying and weekends...for now. 4/Cups is someone drinking or doing drugs out of boredom. 8/Cups could be someone going sober, entering AA. I don't know about the 9/Cups as I tend to associate that with just a family/friends gathering, but possibly someone who spends too much time in bars and pubs.

7 Cups most certainly. That's someone who is "trapped in their cups," who doesn't want to sober up and come back to reality. Whether that sobering means coming off drink or drugs.

The Moon and the Devil cards are important here because they tell you that the cup card should be read as a drug problem, not as anything else. The Devil tells you that the person is chained to it, and the Moon, at least to me, would hint that it's serious enough to have affected their perception of reality. They're following the Moon--going after the dream world of drugs, and ignoring reality.

Swords can enter into this is the drug problem came from sickness or injury. A person might take a drug for pain management and become hooked on it. 4/Swords would be someone who does need the pain pills, but is taking them to excess, with 9/Swords as an addiction to anything that helps them relax and either sleep or avoid anxiety. 8/Swords could stand in place for the Devil, but you really need one or the other, and the Devil (IMHO) is much more decisive on the question of addiction. 8/Swords is more indicative of that problem, "Do I stop taking the pills and live in pain, or do I take them and remain drugged?"


drug addiction is to do with escape from problems, unhappiness, unable to face reality, uncomfortable with too many responsibilities, too much stress, a leaning towards addictive personality, all sorts - correlates with neptune in astrology /hanged man has neptune i believe as its astro equivalent

i think many cards can signify it but the sensitive cups have it

the antidote is the wands and a bit of swords