A very interesting visit


I had a very wonderful experience today. I was sitting in my car and closed my eyes for a few seconds to block the glare from the snow. As soon as I closed my eyes I saw an owl sitting on a branch watching me. One of my spirit guides is an owl but I have not worked closely with her yet. Suddenly the owl turned into a woman with big dark eyes that were still shaped like an owls, really long curly hair, and a flowing white dress. She told me that my spirit guide I normally talk to was not there but that she had an important message for me. I asked her what her name was and she said Merkita (this is a very important piece of info). She told me to go inside and meditate because she needed to talk to me. Then suddenly she was gone and I snapped back to sitting in my car. I say snapped back because I really feel like my mind wasn't there for the time it took to talk to her.
I'm going to pause here and explain why Merkita is important. I had the sudden urge to look up the word merkita to see if it was a real word or name. What I found shocked me. Merkita is a finnish word. It means to write down, to be a sign of, to enter or record. Owls are typically associated with books, learning, keeping knowledge. It amazed me that my spirit guide has that name.
Ok, to continue, I went upstairs and laid down. I closed my eyes and meditated for a few minutes. Merkita then came swooping into my mind from the north. She sat down on a bush and asked me if I wanted to go soaring with her. We rose up in the air and started to fly. We passed by a huge mountain range, then a laza field, then an ocean. Then we flew high up in the air. When I looked down I saw that all those places we had flown over were connected to each other in a circle. And in the middle was a triangular shaped island. We flew down to the island and landed next to a huge tree. Merkita again turned into a woman and spoke with the tree. She called him Father. I could feel the age of this tree. It felt like it had been there since the dawn of time. I asked him why I was there. He told me it was because I needed to know that I was going to do something important. And I couldn't give up on any part of me because I'm a messy jigsaw puzzle that creates a beautiful picture when put together. If a piece goes missing, I'm not whole. Then he gave me a kiss on my cheek. I turned to Merkita and she smiled at me and said she would see me again. Then she kissed my forehead and I came back.

I've had some fantastic trips when meditating but this has never happened before. I would love to hear anyone's thoughts or opinions. :D


I had a very wonderful experience today. I was sitting in my car and closed my eyes for a few seconds to block the glare from the snow. As soon as I closed my eyes I saw an owl sitting on a branch watching me. One of my spirit guides is an owl but I have not worked closely with her yet. Suddenly the owl turned into a woman with big dark eyes that were still shaped like an owls, really long curly hair, and a flowing white dress. She told me that my spirit guide I normally talk to was not there but that she had an important message for me. I asked her what her name was and she said Merkita (this is a very important piece of info). She told me to go inside and meditate because she needed to talk to me. Then suddenly she was gone and I snapped back to sitting in my car. I say snapped back because I really feel like my mind wasn't there for the time it took to talk to her.
I'm going to pause here and explain why Merkita is important. I had the sudden urge to look up the word merkita to see if it was a real word or name. What I found shocked me. Merkita is a finnish word. It means to write down, to be a sign of, to enter or record. Owls are typically associated with books, learning, keeping knowledge. It amazed me that my spirit guide has that name.

:) wow! very cool. I was going to mention looking up the meaning of her name. Glad you thought to do that.

Ok, to continue, I went upstairs and laid down. I closed my eyes and meditated for a few minutes. Merkita then came swooping into my mind from the north. She sat down on a bush and asked me if I wanted to go soaring with her. We rose up in the air and started to fly. We passed by a huge mountain range, then a laza field, then an ocean. Then we flew high up in the air. When I looked down I saw that all those places we had flown over were connected to each other in a circle. And in the middle was a triangular shaped island. We flew down to the island and landed next to a huge tree. Merkita again turned into a woman and spoke with the tree. She called him Father. I could feel the age of this tree. It felt like it had been there since the dawn of time. I asked him why I was there. He told me it was because I needed to know that I was going to do something important. And I couldn't give up on any part of me because I'm a messy jigsaw puzzle that creates a beautiful picture when put together. If a piece goes missing, I'm not whole. Then he gave me a kiss on my cheek. I turned to Merkita and she smiled at me and said she would see me again. Then she kissed my forehead and I came back.

I've had some fantastic trips when meditating but this has never happened before. I would love to hear anyone's thoughts or opinions. :D

wow! I'm not sure what to tell you about this. Perhaps looking some of it up in the dream dictionary to find some possible meanings. Iknow this wasn't a dream but a meditation, but the symbolic messages could be of help.

I did take it upon myself to look up jigsaw puzzle. It says this: To see or do a jigsaw puzzle in your dream represents a mental challenge or problem that you need to solve in your waking life. If there are pieces missing in the puzzle, then it suggest that you do not have all the facts needed to make an informed decision

a tree: Tree Trunk
To see the trunk of a tree signifies your inner sense of well being and personality. If the trunk is thick and large, then it denotes that you are a strong, rugged and durable person. If the trunk is thin and narrow, then it suggests that you are a highly sensitive person.

To see lush green trees in your dream symbolize new hopes, growth, desires, knowledge, and life. It also implies strength, protection and stability. You are concentrating on your own self-development and individuation. To see bare trees in your dream indicate used up energy. You have put your all into some relationship or project and now you are exhausted. Perhaps you are even feeling depressed. Alternatively, the dream signifies the cycle of life or the passage of time. To see a withered or dead tree in your dream indicates that your hopes and desires have been dashed. You are experiencing some instability and setback in your life. Alternatively, the dead tree represents infertility or a lack of virility. Perhaps it signal an end to a familial line (as in a family tree).�If you dream of crows perched on the dead tree, then it symbolizes the end of some cycle or behavior. It is representative of death.

To dream that you are climbing a tree signifies achievement of your career goals and attainment of higher positions in life. The speed at which you climb the tree will parallel the speed of your achievement of these goals. If you are sitting under a tree alone, then it indicates a time for reflection. You are contemplating an important decision. If you are sitting under a tree with someone else, then it means that you are evaluating the relationship. The dream may also mean satisfaction with your current situation.

I got these meanings from this site, which I use often- http://dreammoods.com

I think your meditation and journey with your guide as well as reading through the meanings for some of the symbols in the dream dictionary, could indicate that you are about to make great spiritual strides/advancement. I wonder if there is anything you are interested in pursuing spiritually? Something you may be working towards now or were just thinking about? It could be that your guide is getting ready to really put you on that path by finding what you need to pursue it. You know the saying, "When the student is ready, the teacher will appear". I believe you will soon find the teacher you need, and that your owl woman guide will be sending them your way.

How exciting! What a lovely meditation! Good luck and thank you for sharing it. :)