Aeclectic Members as Tarot Cards - Who becomes Which Card?


I was just wondering to myself...

If the members of Aeclectic - you and I and everyone else besides - were Tarot cards, who would be which Tarot card, and why? Solandia as High Priestess, perhaps? Holmes as Hermit? Diana as Ace of Swords?

I wonder if this could be a poll. Then again, I suspect this thread might be moved to chat :p


I feel that I am the page of cups with severe neptune influences.


i am ALL the cards:)

i can't pick just one.
(but if i had to i would pick temperance/art)

Major Tom

There are a number of Aeclectic Members who already appear on tarot cards from Major Tom's Tarot.

Tarotbear appears as Temperance, 5 of Cups and 8 of Cups.
DarkElectric appears as Death.
Blue appears as the Knight of Coins.
Kiama appears as the Princess of Wands.
Pollux appears as the Knight of Wands.
Faunabay appears as the Queen of Coins and 2 of Coins.
Greenman appears as the King of Wands.
Kayne appears as 4 of Cups.
Rhiannon appears as the Princess of Swords.
And naturally, I appear on a number of cards. :laugh:

I apologise if I've missed anyone.

I have photos from both Truthsayer and Jewel still waiting for another from Faunabay for the 3 of Cups.

I'm still trying to convince Diana to send me photos for the 2 of Wands and Solandia (who understandably worries about her face on the internet) to send me photos for the 3 of Wands.

I've made a standing invitation to any moderator to send photos for a card (but admittedly not for a long while).

I would further open this invitation to any subscriber(regardless of number of posts) or any registered member with more than 500 posts.

If you fit one of these categories and fancy appearing on a tarot card - get in touch. ;) I've got less than 30 cards to do to complete the deck.


Major Tom: I promise you, and everyone is witness, that I will be your Two of Wands. Cross my heart.


Major Tom,

Is this your Tarot deck you are referring to, or the first Aeclectic one?

What would I be? hmmm no one pops out, but it would be interesting to see what others may think.

Strength perhaps.


I see you as the page of cups! :)



You just reminded me....a 'long' while back I thought about doing an 'Academy Award' type tarot member appointed card by way of nominations.....{at that time...Hermit would have been the Fool}

Tom....I'd be on a card, but usually I'm behind the camera.....I'd have to dig to find a pic...if there is even one that would work....
hmm..who might I be? by the way I live my everyday life....QofP probably. I was one told that I was like the QofW....I can sorta relate.

Major Tom

Quote:Originally posted by Mimers
Is this your Tarot deck you are referring to, or the first Aeclectic one?

I'm referring to my deck - that is - Major Tom's Tarot.

Lunalafey - Would you consider having a photo taken specifically for a card? It usually works better that way. :)

It should be noted all the majors are taken as are most of the courts (the exceptions being the Princess of Coins and Princess of Cups - somehow young women don't feature much in my life. :laugh: )

Most of the cards as yet not done or in progress are the pips from wands, cups and coins.


Who gets to be Magician in the virtual Aeclectic deck?
I think I would be a pip, but I'm not sure which one.

Hey, Major Tom- Which coins are left? (in the Major Tom deck)


*touch touch touch*

I'd make a pretty good Empress right now, honest! No extra padding needed. ;)

Let me know if you would like to use me for any card and I'll see what I can do.