Aeclectic Tarot Questionnaire


After completing yet another one of those group emails that encourages you to divulge all your weird and wonderful secrets to all your email friends, i sat back at work today and thought "This kinda thing would be cool for Aeclectic..."

So here it is, folks! The latest and greatest Aeclectic Tarot Questionnaire! Don't hold back - Enjoy - And get to know some of your fellow Aeclecticans!

1. Name (Or nickname, if you prefer...)

2. Age

3. How long have you been reading Tarot?

4. What got you involved in Tarot?

5. Do you have a favourite Deck?

6. Do you have a favourite Card?

7. What Tarot card best describes your personality?

8. If you had to pick three cards to describe the day you're having, which three card combination would you choose and why?

9. Do you read intuitively?

10. Do you practice any other forms of divination?

11. Are you a religious person?

12. Do you have a Tarot Mentor? Who are they? How do they inspire you?

13. Describe the most accurate reading you've done.

14. How does reading Tarot make you feel?

15. Is there a card that continually stumps you?

16. Do you have a favourite tarot spread?

17. Do you charge for your readings?

18. Stangest place you've read tarot?

19. If you could create one card to add to your deck, what would it be called? What would this card mean?

20. Does anyone you know not agree with your tarot practices?

21. Ever regretted a particular reading?

22. Do you read for yourself as well as others?

23. Have you predicted any mainstream/world events using Tarot?

24. Do you read with reversals?

25. Is there anything else you'd like to add?

I'll get the ball rolling with my answers...
Have fun guys!



1. Name (Or nickname, if you prefer...)

2. Age

3. How long have you been reading Tarot?
more than 22 years

4. What got you involved in Tarot?

5. Do you have a favourite Deck?
Legend Arthurian, World Spirit, Visconti-Sforza, RW, Crowley, Fairytale, Dreampower, Greenwood, oops, I'd better stop now.

6. Do you have a favourite Card?
The Universe of the Legend Arthurian

7. What Tarot card best describes your personality?
Queen of Wands

8. If you had to pick three cards to describe the day you're having, which three card combination would you choose and why?
I did not pick my cards of the day today.

9. Do you read intuitively?

10. Do you practice any other forms of divination?
Yes, among which scrying, Ifa oracle, divination with Poker dice, etc.

11. Are you a religious person?
I am Celtic Wicca.

12. Do you have a Tarot Mentor? Who are they? How do they inspire you?
Yes, the members of A.Net.

13. Describe the most accurate reading you've done.
Too many to describe them.

14. How does reading Tarot make you feel?

15. Is there a card that continually stumps you?

16. Do you have a favourite tarot spread?
Celtic Cross.

17. Do you charge for your readings?

18. Stangest place you've read tarot?
St Michael's Basilika on top of the Heiligenberg.

19. If you could create one card to add to your deck, what would it be called? What would this card mean?
I would create a card called "Truth".

20. Does anyone you know not agree with your tarot practices?
Guess this is the Catholic priest in the suburb I live.

21. Ever regretted a particular reading?
Nope, never.

22. Do you read for yourself as well as others?

23. Have you predicted any mainstream/world events using Tarot?
Yes, 9/11. Got Tower/Death and 6 of swords from the middle of August until 9/11 in each reading I was doing.

24. Do you read with reversals?

25. Is there anything else you'd like to add?
I love AT!!


1. Name (Or nickname, if you prefer...)
Joshua - Hence the nickname "Rogan"... Creative I know...

2. Age
Im 25

3. How long have you been reading Tarot?
Nearly 2 years now...

4. What got you involved in Tarot?
I had a dream where my grandmother (who's been dead nearly 15 years now) sat me down in a cafe and slapped me over the back of the head saying "What are you doing?! You're WASTING your gifts...! Wake up and go out and do some research..." So I did... I woke up and headed straight to The Eternal Spirit here in Adelaide... I got a reading done (Ive never previously had anything to do with anything like this) - The woman I saw was clairvoyant, and used Tarot as a tool to help with the reading - and she pretty much confirmed the dream I just had... I felt an extreme pull to the cards that on finishing the reading, I purchased my own deck there and then... The rest is history...

5. Do you have a favourite Deck?
Im a Rider Waite boy... Old-skool, traditional and classic.[/i]

6. Do you have a favourite Card?
Not really... I always get excited when the tower comes up in a reading, though... Means things are gonna get exciting one way or another for my querent...

7. What Tarot card best describes your personality?
I think Im a real cross between the Knight of Wands and the Knight of Swords... Hard to pick either one over the other... If I had to though, Id go with the Knight of Wands...

8. If you had to pick three cards to describe the day you're having, which three card combination would you choose and why?
Justice, Three of Pentacles and the Ace of Pentacles... A real good day in the office...!

9. Do you read intuitively?
Yes. Messages come through continually... Not all days are as good as others, and sometimes it's a lot easier to rely on the cards, but 95% of the time messages come through even while Im shuffling for the querant. I work with my guides and theirs. It's a two way street, after all...

10. Do you practice any other forms of divination?
Not yet... So far it's just Tarot...

11. Are you a religious person?
No... Ive never been relgious... Once upon a time, my answer to this question was "I believe in A God... but not neccessarily THE God...".... Now Im not really sure what I believe... I guess Im far more spiritual than religious...

12. Do you have a Tarot Mentor? Who are they? How do they inspire you?
Yes. My teacher, Jan - Im learning more from her every week... She's a total inspiration to the art of Tarot, and I think she absolutely glows with it.

13. Describe the most accurate reading you've done.
I read for my mate, who has just recently gone through a divorce with his wife... Leaving him a bachelor with a 2 year old son... I read for him for at least two hours, both of us sitting there side by side going over the cards. Two big spreads in all... Afterwards, whilst I was totally drained... I really really felt we had connected on a brilliant level. It was extremely successful for both of us to experience...

14. How does reading Tarot make you feel?

15. Is there a card that continually stumps you?
Depends... Sometimes it's more of a combination that stumps me, rather than one single card on it's own...

16. Do you have a favourite tarot spread?
I don't use spreads... I lay the cards out intuitively, using however many Im told to put down... Sometimes it's 3 or 4, another time it 20 or more...

17. Do you charge for your readings?
Not yet, I don't

18. Stangest place you've read tarot?
On the bonnet of my car after a footy game

19. If you could create one card to add to your deck, what would it be called? What would this card mean?
I'd call my card "Truth" - And the simplest interpretation of the card would be "That's just the way it is...".... So when someone asks me WHY? And the card came up, I could shrug and say "That's just the way it is..."

20. Does anyone you know not agree with your tarot practices?
my best friend is a total skeptic... He doesn't disagree, he just doesn't believe

21. Ever regretted a particular reading?
I read for a girl at a party once, and she wouldn't tell me why she wanted the reading... As soon as I laid down the first card - DEATH - She started hyperventilating and crying and shouted out "I KNEW IT!" and ran from the room in tears... Yeah... Can't help'm all, I guess...

22. Do you read for yourself as well as others?
No, I don't read for myself... Im generally too stubborn to believe what the cards are telling me... I need to have someone else read for me, and even then I don't look at the cards, because I tend to sit there and think "No, I don't read it that way..." even though they could be totally spot on with what they're saying...

23. Have you predicted any mainstream/world events using Tarot?
I read for the up-coming election last night - Labor are gonna win, apparently... We'll see... Mind you, at the moment, you don't even need the cards to work THAT one out...

24. Do you read with reversals?
No... I believe the surrounding cards, intuition, and the messages coming through will tell me what I need to know....

25. Is there anything else you'd like to add?
I had chicken and mashed potatoes for dinner!

Rogan :)


Hey Catlin - You and I both picked "Truth" as the card we'd create... Oooh, spooky...


1. Name (Or nickname, if you prefer...)

2. Age
Not telling

3. How long have you been reading Tarot?
Three years

4. What got you involved in Tarot?
doing a "developing intuition" course

5. Do you have a favourite Deck?
Tarot of Dreams, Rohrig

6. Do you have a favourite Card?
8 of Cups in the Ancestral Path deck

7. What Tarot card best describes your personality?
Not sure.

8. If you had to pick three cards to describe the day you're having, which three card combination would you choose and why?
Too early in the day to say.

9. Do you read intuitively?

10. Do you practice any other forms of divination?
I've tried

11. Are you a religious person?
Yes, I'm a Buddhist

12. Do you have a Tarot Mentor? Who are they? How do they inspire you?
To begin with, the tutor of my "developing intuition" course, a brilliant psychic with a degree in psychology (heady mixture!)

13. Describe the most accurate reading you've done.
Don't think there's one that stands out. But I love it when people say "spot on!" or "how did you know that?"

14. How does reading Tarot make you feel?

15. Is there a card that continually stumps you?
Not really.

16. Do you have a favourite tarot spread?
I tend to use three or five cards. Hate the Celtic Cross.

17. Do you charge for your readings?
Started a couple of months ago

18. Stangest place you've read tarot?
I generally do readings via email or post, so nowhere strange really.

19. If you could create one card to add to your deck, what would it be called? What would this card mean?
No idea!

20. Does anyone you know not agree with your tarot practices?
My mother's not too keen!

21. Ever regretted a particular reading?

22. Do you read for yourself as well as others?

23. Have you predicted any mainstream/world events using Tarot?
No. Never really tried

24. Do you read with reversals?

25. Is there anything else you'd like to add?


1. Name (Or nickname, if you prefer...)

2. Age

3. How long have you been reading Tarot?
Just a few months

4. What got you involved in Tarot?
I was just in a shop one day. I was just looking at the tarot cards and my deck just said "buy me!" So I did. Never thought about tarot before, wasn't really sure how it worked even. I just had to do it.

5. Do you have a favourite Deck?
Northern Shadows, Rider-Waite

6. Do you have a favourite Card?
The Lovers and The Star. I also like the Page of Swords.

7. What Tarot card best describes your personality?
The Lovers

8. If you had to pick three cards to describe the day you're having, which three card combination would you choose and why?
Lovers, Strength and 7 Cups. I might be going on a date, but I'm terrified and have to do mind over matter (Strength) to actually go ahead. 7 Cups is because I've got quite a few options and I'm not sure what to go for.

9. Do you read intuitively?
Sometimes. Some days it all makes sense straight away, some days I have to look up the meanings to understand.

10. Do you practice any other forms of divination?
Runes, I Ching

11. Are you a religious person?
I would describe myself as a pagan. I probably wouldn't fall into any particular traition though.

12. Do you have a Tarot Mentor? Who are they? How do they inspire you?

13. Describe the most accurate reading you've done.
One I did about my love life (or lack of). It made me realise I really wasn't trying and had to actually go looking.

14. How does reading Tarot make you feel?
Good, I like to have my cards around even if I'm not reading them, same with runes. They're sort of comforting in a way, although not always.

15. Is there a card that continually stumps you?
I'm not very good with some of the Minors yet and Court cards are really hard.

16. Do you have a favourite tarot spread?
Not really, though I like the Soulmate spread I found on the AT listings.

17. Do you charge for your readings?
No, most people don't know I do them.

18. Strangest place you've read tarot?
I usually read them in my room.

19. If you could create one card to add to your deck, what would it be called? What would this card mean?
I'm not sure. Most things are catered for by the existing cards.

20. Does anyone you know not agree with your tarot practices?
My mum would object if she knew, which is why she doesn't!

21. Ever regretted a particular reading?
Not really.

22. Do you read for yourself as well as others?

23. Have you predicted any mainstream/world events using Tarot?
No, my readings seem to be quite personal.

24. Do you read with reversals?
Yes, but I'm not slavish as to the meanings. If I think it says one thing but the book says it means something totally different, I go with what I think.

25. Is there anything else you'd like to add?
This forum is so good, I'm really glad I found it.

reagun ban

1. Name (Or nickname, if you prefer...)
Éamonn Kearns, Wing to my freinds (long story)

2. Age
24 in april

3. How long have you been reading Tarot?
Since I was about seven.

4. What got you involved in Tarot?
Family tradition.

5. Do you have a favourite Deck?
Yup, the one my dad made me.

6. Do you have a favourite Card?
The star.

7. What Tarot card best describes your personality?
That entirely depends on the day I'm having.
I range from being the heirophant crossed with the magician to being the King of Swords

8. If you had to pick three cards to describe the day you're having, which three card combination would you choose and why?
The chariot, the two of coins and the three of staffs.
Why, because I'm in work and we're busy.

9. Do you read intuitively?
Yes. I do have a set meaning for each card, but that's like having a set meaning for each word. The cards make up a vocabulary, but words only make sense in the context they're used in.

10. Do you practice any other forms of divination?
I have a crystal ball (man, that was expensive) which I seldom use.

11. Are you a religious person?

12. Do you have a Tarot Mentor? Who are they? How do they inspire you?

13. Describe the most accurate reading you've done.
I tend to forget them over the following fifteen minutes.

14. How does reading Tarot make you feel?
It has little to no effect over my emotional state of being. It's just another part of my path.

15. Is there a card that continually stumps you?
Not really.

16. Do you have a favourite tarot spread?
Not really. Different spreads go for different types of question.

17. Do you charge for your readings?
No. Not unless I'm fundraising for a charity.

18. Stangest place you've read tarot?
Nowhere really.

19. If you could create one card to add to your deck, what would it be called? What would this card mean?
The Tree.
Picture, an oak with the roots going as deep into the ground as the branches go high into the air.
Dignified: Stability without stagnation, being grounded in reality.
Ill-dignified: Overly grounded to the point that you ignore anything you can't explain.

20. Does anyone you know not agree with your tarot practices?
Several people.

21. Ever regretted a particular reading?

22. Do you read for yourself as well as others?
I have great difficulty reading for myslef.

23. Have you predicted any mainstream/world events using Tarot?
Not using Tarot, no.

24. Do you read with reversals?

25. Is there anything else you'd like to add?
two and two.

I think the answer's four but let me do a tarot reading, just to make sure. ;)


1. Name (Or nickname, if you prefer...)
Osiris (Nic)

2. Age
21 in 26 days :)

3. How long have you been reading Tarot?
Got my first deck for Christmas 2005, but only reading properly for about six months or so.

4. What got you involved in Tarot?
No one thing really. My mother has always been interested in things that she can't explain, so has had palm readings and other such things done before, and I was always interested in it from hearing her experiences. When I was younger the magazines I read always had something in them around Halloween about witches and spells to perform (usually revolving around guys and relationships I might add!) I was always drawn to the tactile sensation of it all too, expecially palm reading. I've always been interested in things that I can't really explain and mythology and history too, I'm a big Buffy/Angel/Charmed/Stargate fan lol I guess curiosity got the better of me and I asked my mother to buy me a deck for Christmas :)

5. Do you have a favourite Deck?
I only have four at the moment so my choice is pretty limited (but I'm happy with with ones I have, not planning on getting anymore). I'd say my favourite is the Archeon, with Radiant Waite close behind.

6. Do you have a favourite Card?
Not particularily, but I am drawn to the Archeon Magician.

7. What Tarot card best describes your personality?
I'm a Queen of Wands girl myself, with a little Queen of Cups and Swords thrown in for good measure.

8. If you had to pick three cards to describe the day you're having, which three card combination would you choose and why?
Since it's only 11am... I'll have to pass on this one :)

9. Do you read intuitively?
I tend not to, no.

10. Do you practice any other forms of divination?
Not at the moment, but I'm constantly reading up on things like palm reading and runes etc. and also crystals and things. The occult section of Waterstones draws me like a moth to a flame!

11. Are you a religious person?
No, I'm agnostic. I'm a Biologist so my theories all stem from evolution and Big Bangs etc. However, if some diety dragged me away by my shirt sleeves and showed to me that they started it all off, then I wouldn't question them. As a scientist I'm always look for the proof before I believe something. It's often difficult to meld science with spirituality but I tend to think that there are just some things that you can't explain. And even in science, you can never, ever prove something... only disprove.

12. Do you have a Tarot Mentor? Who are they? How do they inspire you?
There isn't one person that I learn from, no.

13. Describe the most accurate reading you've done.
There are a few. One of the first readings I did was for my mother. She asked if she would ever be able to move to Majorca (her dream). The Celtic Cross I was using explained that her only obstacle would be whether she could afford it. The obstacles that she had already overcome was the King of Swords, who describes my father accurately (they're divorced). Odd because his card should be King of Pentacles (which actually describes my elder brother, even though his card should be King of Swords!)

14. How does reading Tarot make you feel?
As though I'm in touch with something barely there. I'm reaching out to this thing that can't really be described. And oddly, kind of sleepy.

15. Is there a card that continually stumps you?
As I am only just learning, there are quite a few!

16. Do you have a favourite tarot spread?
Not particularily. Although I do have a soft spot for the Celtic Cross just because it is such a widely used spread and quite historical.

17. Do you charge for your readings?
No I don't. Although I sometimes use readings as goods to trade with friends.

18. Stangest place you've read tarot?
The Virgin Plymouth to Derby train.

19. If you could create one card to add to your deck, what would it be called? What would this card mean?
I don't know. This is a question that someone has to think about a lot before they can answer.

20. Does anyone you know not agree with your tarot practices?
I don't think my Gran approves very much. She bought me my Archeon for Christmas but had no idea what it was. When I explained... she didn't seem too happy. She's a Christian (but never goes to church) and part of me doubts whether she actually believes, or if she does because she's supposed to.

21. Ever regretted a particular reading?
Not so far.

22. Do you read for yourself as well as others?
Sometimes, but I often find it difficult for me to decide what I should read on. It's a lot easier when friends have a question or subject they wish me to read for :)

23. Have you predicted any mainstream/world events using Tarot?

24. Do you read with reversals?

25. Is there anything else you'd like to add?
I am envious of Rogan's chicken and mashed potato dinner.


Tauriosiris said:
25. Is there anything else you'd like to add?
I am envious of Rogan's chicken and mashed potato dinner.

It was delicious... :)


1. Name (Or nickname, if you prefer...)

2. Age

3. How long have you been reading Tarot?
Over 16 years

4. What got you involved in Tarot?
Two of my Aunts used to with Tarot and one with regular playing cards. It caught my interest.

5. Do you have a favourite Deck?
Yes, but it changes.....right now it's the Celestial Tarot

6. Do you have a favourite Card?
Yes, the Star

7. What Tarot card best describes your personality?
Chariot......ironically, this is also my Soul and Personality card.

8. If you had to pick three cards to describe the day you're having, which three card combination would you choose and why?

Empress, Page of Swords, Justice
This being because I'm in search of some stuff going on with my daughter at the moment and working towards finding a fair balance.

9. Do you read intuitively?

10. Do you practice any other forms of divination?
Yes, Runes.

11. Are you a religious person?
Yes, Ecclectic Wiccan

12. Do you have a Tarot Mentor? Who are they? How do they inspire you?
Yes, a member here actually. (MoonCat2)
She makes me think about my readings and gives me a hard time when I look for the easy way out of things in regards to "Tarot" and my life in general.

13. Describe the most accurate reading you've done.
I think it would be just recently when a client called for a reading and the cards that came out indicated a break in both romance and career. It was a three card reading. It had happened just the day before she called.....she broke up with her boyfriend of 5 years and lost her job all on the same day. When she called, she did not tell me squat....but it was right there in the cards. She was quite stunned and I was once again, amazed with Tarot.

14. How does reading Tarot make you feel?
It makes me feel good to think that I may be helping someone heal their past and present issues. It can also be draining at times as well.

15. Is there a card that continually stumps you?
Yes, the Magician

16. Do you have a favourite tarot spread?

17. Do you charge for your readings?

18. Stangest place you've read tarot?
Nothing really strange about where I usually read.

19. If you could create one card to add to your deck, what would it be called? What would this card mean?
The Void......reconnecting to the Universal energy and what the really means to the specific person.

20. Does anyone you know not agree with your tarot practices?
Nope...although, not too many take it seriously like I do and still feel that it's a prediction tool....even when I try to explain otherwise.

21. Ever regretted a particular reading?
Not really.

22. Do you read for yourself as well as others?
I try to....and this is when my mentor kicks me in the ass because I tend to be either blind or too pessimistic :D

23. Have you predicted any mainstream/world events using Tarot?

24. Do you read with reversals?

25. Is there anything else you'd like to add?
Not really......just that Tarot "ROCKS"! :D