"Aisselle's Spiritual Tarot Insights" Discussion Thread


Aisselle had some difficulties yesterday, but has posted again today!



Rovay said:
...I geeeet it. Aiseille is the response to the 8 bucks certificates. I only thought that was going to be for the essay that was about to be sent to the "examiners", right? But it came out to be too funny, and those who created the idea, made a blog.

...Dammit I am slow. Sorry fellas, not used to be that un-adequate.
You aren't inadequate. I imagine it is tough for people who weren't in from the start ! (We have had a very EARNEST comment from a Russian person who took it VERY seriously... :eek:)

Do feel free to ask her for a reading :)


*giggles at the idea of getting reading from Aiseille*

That'd be interesting. I'll look around the blog to find the place to sign up.


You just go to the readings page and post a question ("comment") - you don't have to sign up. Aisselle doesn't like to be pushy.

Much :D

She did say someone was an absolute cow once....


I made my request, and I am certain that if someone may provide insight into that very complex problem, it is her! Thank you so much for appointing me to her, greg!


She is looking through her decks as you type... })

- though you must realise that she is very tired today !


Loah! She did such an amazing reading while being tired in the meantime??? Makes me appreciate her services even more! If I ever met her, I would thank her with all my heart!

I am tempted to send her my green trench-coat as a show of gratitude. Does she have any exhibitionism part of her character?


Oh I expect so :)

But she is a generous soul; I expect she would prefer you to give it to a tramp in the street....


I've heard her half brother likes trench coats


But surely his would have to be red ? Preferably with sequins ?