Angel deck by Doreen Virtue


knowledge seeker said:
from the sounds of your post, what you are after is just a 'general' angel guidance deck, not a specific 'area' of angels (ie archangels, goddesses, etc) with this in mind the Messages From Your Angels suits your description of your needs to a T. it is a deck of 'everyday' angels, with messages. this was the 2nd deck i bought of hers, and still appreciate it. (just realised haven't used it for a while, might have to offer readings with it later...)

Okay, let me clarify EXACTLY what I want: I do NOT want a general angel guidance deck, not like an everyday guidance deck.

Yes, I do want a deck that can answer SPECIFICALLY to every question that I ask, like a general deck.

For examples, I am applying for jobs, and I want to know if I should apply for this position, or that position, and whether I should go for this an interview, that interview, and should I take this job offer, that job offer, or not ? THAT SPECIFIC.

Like I am going somewhere at rush hour, before living, I want to know whether the route I will be taking is good or not ? THAT SPECIFIC.

I am looking for the woman who could be my wife, and I want to know if the one I am dating is truly the one for me. THAT SPECIFIC.

In summary, I am looking for a deck that can answer all questions, but answer very well specifically, not just a general guidline.


I was going to recommend Messages from you Angels as well. It is my only Oracle deck and I fell in love with them from the moment I saw them.

However I do have some problems with the answers I get with them. I noticed one or two others have mentioned the same thing in their replies to you.

Good luck, I really hope you do find one which you connect well with and enjoy using.



Because sometimes, I do have emotional issues or health issues that I would like to seek the angels for help, and I do consult angels to give advices to other people when they ask for my opinion. Just like tarot, I consult tarot when I am uncertain of what direction to take to do certain things.


ok so i stick w/ my original 2 suggestions and include magickal unicorns only bc u said you want specific answers but those are unicorns not angels so i duno if you would like :)

look at the 2 decks here on AT and see which one you like better :)

knowledge seeker

hey sunstallion,
when i said general i wasn't implying general guidance readings,(you would get that from 'daily guidance from your angels deck, which i do not have, nor is it one that i want.) i was implying it is your clear cut angel deck, there is no focus theme, or sub focus theme, other than JUST angels. if that makes any better sense.
the experiences i've had with the messages from your angels deck can give advice for all that you've mentioned (and everything and anything else you ask, just like any other deck) but more often than not, it's not as indepth as what i would get if doing the same reading with, say, the saints and angels deck, or the power animals deck by steven farmer. or the goddess guidance deck.
have you a way to get a first hand look (even better, touch) at the decks you are interested in, as often then, you will get a better inclination of each deck.
goodluck in your search.


To knowledgle seeker

Dear Knowledge Seeker:

I used bold, capitalized letters, italic just to make my point clear. When I did that, I didnt think I may offend you. But if I did offend you, that I want to apologize for that.

Thanks for your opinion, btw.

knowledge seeker

no i wasn't offended. so no need to apologise.
i re-posted, as i wanted to be clearer and more specific, to give you a clearer opinion.
again, goodluck with your search and keep us posted if you do make a decision.

Little Hare

Have you got a deck yet? i just recently got the archangel oracle cards and i find them to be fabulous :D Another angel deck that i have which i find i can ask ANY Question and gives amazing answers is; (this has to be my no 1 oracle deck)

Ask an angel deck by Toni Carmin Salerno

you can view the deck here:

Let us know how you are going


I ended up buying Healing With The Angels, Archangels, and Messages From The Angels. They are all Doreen Virtue's products.

I just got them and started using them. Not sure if they are really for me or not. I will see as time goes by.

Anyway, thanks for all of your opinions. Your opinions count a lot, but I did have to depend on my feelings and I believe these are the decks that the angels told me to get if I am not mistaken.