any good dream books?


i have 2 books on dreams but i find my dreams can be so weird and can never look up any meanings from my dreams! such as dreaming of a dreamcatcher, passport, immigrants and of a fortune teller.
can anyone recommend any good books with alot alot of dream meanings in it? or websites?
thanks :)


which books do you have already?


the complete book of fortune, has a big chapter on dreams
the classic 1000 dreams


the dictionaries i use are Crisp's 'Dream Dictionary'
and Robinson & corbett's "the dreamers' dictionary'....both complement each other,
and have a ton of symbols in them...
"Dreams are like letters from the Soul" by connin kaplan is a pretty good book on the types of dreams and how to use them on your path...


perfect :) thank you i shall give them a look see and probably invest :)
hate having some really evident symbols in dreams and not able to find its meaning! :)


I have the book Dream on it: Unlock Your Dreams, Change Your Life by Lauri Loewenberg. This isn't a dream dictonary. The author shows you how to break down your dreams and interprete them by using real dreams as examples.


Dream dictionaries are a good beginning but can only take us so far down what someone else believes to be the meaning of the symbols. Eventually we find ourselves disagreeing because the dictionary meaning just doesn't mesh with how we feel or what's going on in our lives.

If you plan on going further than the 'potted' versions of dream meanings, books like:

Dreamgates - Robert Moss
Beginners guide to dream interpretation - Clarissa Pinkola Estes
The interpretation of dreams - S Freud

will help to extend the possibilities of what a dream can mean on many levels.


ya i was thinking about trying to break them down myself but i dont fink i could get it as good as from a book! like on besides me for an example a bite in a dream signifies you will suffer the pangs of jealousy. i would have never got that meaning from trying to break it down! :(


ya i was thinking about trying to break them down myself but i dont fink i could get it as good as from a book! like on besides me for an example a bite in a dream signifies you will suffer the pangs of jealousy. i would have never got that meaning from trying to break it down! :(

To be honest, a 'bite' in a dream could mean so many things and may rather depend on who is biting you!

It could mean that something or someone is taking something from you without your consent.
That you have been initiated into something.
That something is draining your energy (like a vampire so to speak)

If a dog bit you, it could mean some sort of instinctive reaction from someone who is normally loyal which has taken you by surprise.

If a flea bit you, this could suggest being contaminated or feeling contaminated by a situation.

The meanings are endless and simply cannot be found in any one book but books can give us somewhere to start.

It's always worth remembering that the plethora of 'dream dictionaries' which have flooded the cheap book market at the moment are there to make money before anything else.