dream crystals herbs etc


Anyone else here use any herbs, crystals etc to help sleep or to help remember dreams etc and what was the result like?
Ive tried a few things so far i tried mugwort incense which had worked wonders! made my dreams very very vivid and easy to remember.
Ive tried a clear quartz under my bed with no difference sadly!
same with moonstone!


No but I have thought about making a dream pillow. There's lots of different herbal mixes to try (just do a google search)

I've tried telling myself I'll remember my dreams before I go to sleep.....but then I toss and turn all night.


i tried telling myself ill remember my dreams and had same problem! lol!

dream pillows are great have a lavender one tho i do find its scent goes very quickly so put a drop of lavender oil on every now and again.

someone fro occultcorpus suggested saying"tonight i shall have a true dream at the gates of horns" and it really worked wonders! i was surprised!


someone fro occultcorpus suggested saying"tonight i shall have a true dream at the gates of horns" and it really worked wonders! i was surprised!

OMG I'm afraid to ask what kind of dream you had : )

I've read lavender for dreams but I'm thinking when I was searching there's different herbs to use depending on what kind of dreams your trying to have.


oh wicked never knew that! i might have to check that out as well!

oh no it aint like satan or nothing! (i thought same at first when he suggested it!) something to do with the Egyptians so he said!


I am very skeptical about the power of crystals, i think results have more to do with intention than anything else --- herbs, however, I do believe more in their medicinal powers. I have a lavender eye pillow that seems to do the trick when i really need to relax, same with chamomile and a few other herbs.


I know that Holy Basil is suppose to be a great herb to induce visionary dreams and is highly regarded in some countries for this specific value.

Chamomile calms me a great deal and can help me to meditate easily--not necessarily dream though.

You can also find tea titled "Sweet Dreams" or something of that nature in most grocery stores that are suppose to help bring about lucid dreaming.

as for crystals, I know Amethyst is suppose to help one have prophetic dreams. malachite is another great stone for dreaming.

lots of great crystals and herbs that can be used in this role, however you need to find the right one for yourself. As sometimes hwat is known as a dream herb/crystal may not work for you. everyone is different and need to find which herb/crystal works best for them.


Valerian - every time. Cool dreams with Valerian.

Cheese is another good one (or sometimes chocolate)


Valerian - every time. Cool dreams with Valerian.

Cheese is another good one (or sometimes chocolate)
oh yes, valerian! I forgot that one. cheese and chocolate, eh??? mmmm!!! I will use both tonight and test them both. ;) :p


oh yes, valerian! I forgot that one. cheese and chocolate, eh??? mmmm!!! I will use both tonight and test them both. ;) :p

oooh, be careful - valerian made me break out in huge hard hive like bumps all over my body.