anyone tried Bible divination?


Hi guys,

I'm sure some of you have heard of divinating using the Bible - just opening it at a random page, reading a random passage. I've noticed recently the Bible was extremely accurate for me. I probably used it some time ago the first time, but don't remember the results. However, about two months ago, when I was preparing for my exam, spending my days morning to evening at school, I went to have a rest at the school chapel. Since my mind was on a guy, a fellow class-mate, I asked about him and then opened the Bible. The passage was about something deceitful, I don't remember really, but it was quite surprising as it seemed to be going well with that guy and I thought even if we wouldn't get together, there would surely be no drama. I think then I asked about my love life in general in the nearest future and again I got some passage about something bad happening, I think also snakes were involved etc. This, again, was pretty improbable, I thought. But... the way it all turned out corroborated what the Bible said. My classmate showed up with a girl for the graduation ceremony while claiming to be single all the time before and later telling me it could have gone differently if I had made a move, so he had been kind of playing with me... The next day at a party I met a guy - seemed nice, proved totally wrong all of a sudden, changed 180 degrees... Anyways, again, the Bible was right. Today I even asked about the reasons for his behaviour and, uncanny thing, I opened at a passage about someone's wife named Anna, and the guy I met was freshly divorced from an Anna :/

Anyone else tried Bible divination? What are your impressions?


They're spozed to put you to death with stones for that.


Hi, yes, I've been doing that for years...I've found it a beautiful way to trust in that jungian sense of synchronicity and the way that being with the words on the page can speak to you...Thanks for this post. It's a great method of centering and of not taking things too seriously so that the inspiration that is meant to come can arrive peacefully...




Bibliomancy I think it's called? I've tried it with random books. I guess I find it difficult to figure out how the sentence or paragraph in the book relates to me and my question. I guess I don't find it as straightforward as just pictures of the situation. Sometimes I just randomly point at words, and then they form some kind of sentence.

Sometimes I take the tarot cards, and turn them like pages of a picture book, and then I read random pages of it. Tarot cards are like the best picture book, and there are tons of stories in it, or that's the way I like to see it :)


Thanks for your replies.

Exactly - the synchronicity... I remember yesterday I asked also about my financial situation and arrived at a passage about someone having enough to live comfortably, but someone who's used to both living on little money as well as having quite a lot. This reflects pretty much my situation.

I've tried it with other books too for sure, but I don't remember the results. Recently also with Bhagavad Gita, but it's only the Bible that I remember being so accurate and relevant. I am not religious. I think maybe the accuracy of the Bible stems from the fact that it's more relevant to the society and culture I am in, so it's easier for me to relate to it. (Bhagavad Gita, for example, is more difficult to understand for a Westerner, unless one has practised the principles of Hinduism is daily life - then the passages will relate to our queries, otherwise it may seem like lofty philosophy maybe hard to put into practice.) But yes, I think you can do it with any book that works for you.