anyone who has turned up a reverse tower


anyone who has turned the tower

Hi everyone.

I am interested in hearing feedback on anyone who has turned up the tower in any position

I do have a post in Your Readings - I woudl like to hear your experience with the tower in any position.

looking forward to hear from you all:D


I've gotten the Tower prior to my mom having a small stroke.

I've also gotten it when an ex did something foolish to get my attention, but, unfortunately got arrested for it because it involved government property (don't ask, hehe). It was "shocking", to say the least.

So now if the Tower ever shows up, I get a little worried. :)

p.s. They were in the upright position, however, because I don't read with reversals as a general rule.


Personally I do use reversed cards. I think that the Tower reversed has a different meaning that when upright. To me the Tower implicates a crisis, something that "comes to light" (could be a lie), like a release, a revelation, a downfall, all being exposed because the situation or the events are just too tight to continue that way and then a sudden change is inevitable. When reversed, I see the card first as energy phases, like a cycle. I see it as when it turns upright it is the middle-phase energy, when the energy of the card is strong and present. When rx, either the early-phase, when the energy is just begining or the last-phase energy, when the energy of the card is on the decline, it's loosing power and clarity and the energy's full expression is in the past. You can tell which one by looking at how the card fits into the overall situation.
For me reversed, looking at it totally opposite to upright means a hidden situation that hasn't yet being exposed, no crisis at the moment, an explotion being contained, a downfall not ocurring and finally no revelation at all.
I once did a reading for a friend who was on a relationship where she felt she was hiding the truth to her boyfriend, because she was no longer in love with him. And the Tower appeard reversed as the situation at the moment in the spread. That was for me the middle-phase, because the energy was evidently at it's peak. So if it would have been upright, then the whole meaning would have changed, but reversed it made perfect sense.
Then, that's my personal way of interpretation, I do respect people who don't read reversals. Hope it helped :)


hank you Frannie and starystarynight.

I see too that the reverse could be loosing energy - not as strong as the past - loosing power - and clarity. I like what you have said there Frannie

Also a stroke or something to that affect as you say starrystarrynight

Do you both think that the tower upright could mean undermining someone? I have thought of that as well


I had the Tower just before falling madly in love with someone who fell madly in love with me :love:

I had the Tower just before we split up.

I had the Tower just before we got back together.

I had the Tower before we split again.

Now I've just turned up the Tower again....

I guess you could say the Tower has a one-track mind in my life :D


Fudu....thats too funny lol

perhaps your answer belongs on my other thread about the tower as well..concerning a one track mind that


Hi everyone.

I am interested in hearing feedback on anyone who has turned up the tower in any position

I do have a post in Your Readings - I woudl like to hear your experience with the tower in any position.

looking forward to hear from you all:D

Old thread, but what the hey?

A reading for a friend - he was made redundant two weeks later
A reading for husband - soon after he had a huge row with his mother (and to this day they're not speaking).
Best friend - she handed in her notice soon after; just had enough, but it was sudden, even to her. 'It was an epithany' she said.
Myself - tonight I drew the tower (R) for a friendship outcome. I'm a bit nervous about it, but have a hunch what it could be, and being as it's reversed, I'm hoping my biggest fear won't happen between us after all. Or perhaps it's alluding to the middle phase of something started last week. If this is the case, I'm aware of it and coming to reluctant terms with it already.


Upon reflection of a previous pull: the querent has over-identified with that which was proven false, and was subsequently eradicated from their life resulting in anguish, perhaps an existential crisis. I can see it as representing nervous tension, anxiety, and mental breakdowns, also.


The Tower reversed is that you are doing everything to avoid(blind eye) what is going to happen, and you know it is coming; when it happens it will be a full on Tower moment, making you face your fears and make you see and accpet things as they truely are. These moments can be very enlightening when you find the strength to face them.


The Tower reversed is that you are doing everything to avoid(blind eye) what is going to happen, and you know it is coming; when it happens it will be a full on Tower moment, making you face your fears and make you see and accpet things as they truely are. These moments can be very enlightening when you find the strength to face them.

I don't normally use reversals but thought I'd read some interesting takes about TR on here anyway. For me, sadly, the tower is the tower, reversed or otherwise. And this is from ten years experience, but appreciate others may not see it that way.