Are all Lenormand decks read the same?


Or at least for the most part?

I have noticed from Tarot deck to Tarot deck the meanings of the cards, their interpretations and interactions change due to the differences in imagery, symbols, and even colors. I get the impression that with Lenormand decks this does not happen or at least does not happen nearly to the extent experienced in Tarot. I just got my first deck so I have no experience in comparing them since I can't even say I have learned this first deck. Could you please correct my thinking if I am wrong or tell me your thoughts whether you agree or disagree.


Yes. Absolutely. Lenormand is a system of reading symbols and combining them to make a coherent sentences. They read like a language. The art is basically irrelevant so you can choose whatever appeals to you. However, the cards with stark, unembelished symbols are easiest to read so that you don't have to wade through visual clutter to identify the symbols.

If you want to read historically accurate symbols, you may be drawn to the old ones where the Rider represented the messenger, essential to carrying on business and government; not a lady perched on a horse or jumper in a hunt field. Or a Tower where one was isolated or carried on royal business, not a tourist attraction. You get the idea.

Of course, if the art appeals to you can you look through what the artist has put on the cards to read the pure symbol. But it is never the art that you read but the symbol.

But bear in mind that you never read the art in Lenormand. If you do, you are not reading Lenormand but your own concoction using Lenormand cards.


I think Lenormand is much more "set" BUT

while I read the images the same, there are variations. For example, sometimes I see the FISH as luck, sometimes as money, sometimes both. And while I think many Lenormand readers, not all certainly, but many tend to stick to certain meanings with the cards, it can depend which meanings you go with. There are different "schools". But where tarot tends to be more flexible I think, depending upon the deck, I think many Lenormand readers tend to stick to certain descriptions for each card and what those descriptions are depends on the reader. I usually have two or three per card, with some cards, it's usually one, for some cards it may be three. Again, depends on the question and the layout, but to me, I do use "traditional" descriptions, it's just which "traditional" descriptions depend on the reading :).


what Tag said :)

Basically the art differs to please the reader sitter etc not to change the meanings


I *have* to use basic decks, or else I begin to dreamily interpret the pics, a nono in Lenormand...I keep my arty decks for my own draws, and use the most stripped down deck I have to read others with :)


Okay, I am happy to read the responses and really look forward to learning more about and through this system.

I suppose I may find it easier to build up a little Lenormand collection once I learn more since it doesn't sound like the individual decks need their own companion books to explain them. (although I absolutely love this in Tarot it is a nice difference too.)

Thank you, everyone, for taking time to answer and explain.


I *have* to use basic decks, or else I begin to dreamily interpret the pics, a nono in Lenormand...I keep my arty decks for my own draws, and use the most stripped down deck I have to read others with :)

There's a current thread in here discussing traditional reading vs a more intuitive approach. I think most feel its useful to learn traditional meanings, and many agree that intuitively reading the images is commonly done as well. In other words, for many people its all about what works for YOU, and in that viewpoint there really are no nonos. Sounds like you've found something that works for you right now, but if you find you prefer reading with dreamy interpretations of the pictures, don't worry about what others say.


There's a current thread in here discussing traditional reading vs a more intuitive approach. I think most feel its useful to learn traditional meanings, and many agree that intuitively reading the images is commonly done as well. In other words, for many people its all about what works for YOU, and in that viewpoint there really are no nonos. Sounds like you've found something that works for you right now, but if you find you prefer reading with dreamy interpretations of the pictures, don't worry about what others say.

Thanks for the encouragement, Gryffin! :love: I have gotten some accurate readings using the "dreamy" interps,! I find the Mystic is very good for that :) I have been following that thread you are speaking of...!


I agree it's whatever works for you...

I do see certain cards in a certain way or ways, and while they tend to be included in different "schools" of traditional meanings, I have no one meaning or description for each card. But even using limited descriptions, intuition has to come into play for me. Depending on the question and the layout, I may see one card one way or another way. I do what works for my readings, for me.

I think all readers have to do what works for them. Whether one chooses to read Lenormand traditionally or totally intuitively, it will wind up being what works for them. Whether or not that's considered the right or wrong way to read Lenormand, the traditional or non-traditional way, all decks are tools that we wield. I

It's how we wield them and the results we get that matter.


......Of course, if the art appeals to you can you look through what the artist has put on the cards to read the pure symbol. But it is never the art that you read but the symbol.

But bear in mind that you never read the art in Lenormand. If you do, you are not reading Lenormand but your own concoction using Lenormand cards.

It seems that some Lenormand authors don't know what they are doing. The Snake has a very unsavory meaning, but the Mystical Lenormand has an image of the Orphic Egg, which is a metaphor of the the cosmic creative principle. There's nothing negative about the Orphic Egg. On the contrary!

It is intellectually disgusting. 'Twere better to have no picture at all. Just the word Snake. A silhouette of a pit viper would be okay:


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