Are dreams mostly compensatory?


BrightEye said:
Well, this is interesting because in the same book it said - if I remember correctly - that most dreams don't teach us anything, they have no lessons and don't tell us what to do, which I read as they don't give us any guidance.

Probably you could say that MOST dreams do not teach us anything. We do not even remember most of our dreams. But there are those dreams that do have very profound messages to teach and are communications for higher realms. Probably that is why we don't remember most of them, we only remember the ones that have things we are meant to learn from.



BrightEye said:
Well, this is interesting because in the same book it said - if I remember correctly - that most dreams don't teach us anything, they have no lessons and don't tell us what to do, which I read as they don't give us any guidance.

that just such a drastic statement...even if you don't believe in a spiritual dimension and only believe in a psychological dimension, dreams can be so telling about the psyche of an individual, and that can be confirmed by therapist, psychiatrists and psychologists....people keep journals with their dreams as part of a self knowledge tool....

On the other hand that argument can be debunked so easily by the thousand of testimonials of people that did have prophetic dreams or received information during most artists, musicians, writers and scientists that actually solved very complicated formulas or were given the solution to problems in the dreams state....

I have a very rich, vivid dream life, I have since I was a little kid and I have often seen past lives and also future events in time my younger brother dreamed that there were 4 men outside of our house trying to steal my fathers car...he woke up scared and looked down the road...there they were, he called my father and were able to avoid the my family we all have those dreams...I know for example what is happening with my two brothers and my parents because I dream it first....and same way for them..

Now, yes...some dreams are just brain activity but not all of is easy to distinguish...spiritual message are very clear and vivid and we tend to remember them forever...the other dreams just vanish...

Don't let a book tell you about your dreams...what does your experience says?



How do you know that the dreams you do not remember are inconsequential ?

I do disagree, strongly, with that for I believe that sometimes, while a dream might be ordinary and we don't remember it, it is in your subconscious and you could very well act on it unknowingly. In fact I do not think any dream is unimportant.(Sometimes they are a bit of a prod to send you in the right direction).

Where were you when you were dreaming ? In your bed, right ? Most of the time except for Sun Chariot and thousands of others. (SunChariot was given a gift to understand that there is more to life than just the physical being.)

When you consider the time in your life spent asleep you realize that being asleep or dreaming is a major part of your life. Whether you are asleep or in an awake state of consciousness, you are still you.

Many, many people have trained themselves to lucid dream and also to never forget a dream if they do not have the conscious awareness that they are dreaming.

I am not saying I can do that but sure as heck I try. I have had many visits from the other side and have been aware I am having them. A conversation with my Dad for example when he asked me to come back again. I said I would but never knew how to get there.

Think about it, think about your own thoughts and experiences. There is no blanket description of what dreaming is from anybody. Nothing is conclusive.
It is the last frontier which I believe will never be fathomed as it is not of this world at all. Not physical.

I am not disagreeing with you Magenta, personally, just the thought and assumption. Also stated by others in this thread.


memries said:
How do you know that the dreams you do not remember are inconsequential ?

because I don't remember them :)
the ones that have had an impact or have brought me very specific messages or spiritual experiences I remember them all, even the ones back to when I was 7....I think you are missing the point made by others also ....we cannot remember all of our dreams, we would go insane but most of us will always remember the very vivid spirit communication or precognitive is a bit different to dream about a future event than to dream about going out for dinner with Raquel Welch....yes, all dreams are important, they all carry meaning but there are degrees of importance and relevance...

I am not disagreeing with you Magenta, personally, just the thought and assumption. Also stated by others in this thread.

what thought and assumption? I was saying exactly what you said....



Not exactly.. you typed that dreams you don't remember don't matter because you don't remember them. I think we live totally other lives in our dream scape. We live another life in our dream world and while some things might be magnified and become available to us the largess of who we are is not recognised by us.

I think that our dream life runs parallel to our awake life on many occasions. I do not care for the word compensatory as it is much too large and not qualified. The word was used to leave a very broad meaning. Even the dreams you do not remember might be used to resolve issues
in your subconscious. (Since that is a mostly an unknown landscape) Discounting them is not necessarily a correct assumption. Much of who we are does not come to the surface of our awake consciousness.

I have two lives, one when I am asleep and one when I am awake. As we venture into our awake life things change every day. Why would it not be the same when you are in your dream world. You cannot remember every single little thing you did and thought in your day to describe it but it still matters for it adds up to bring us to who we are awake. Same for dream world. It seems to have a life of its own.


magenta said:
because I don't remember them :)
the ones that have had an impact or have brought me very specific messages or spiritual experiences I remember them all, even the ones back to when I was 7....I think you are missing the point made by others also ....we cannot remember all of our dreams, we would go insane but most of us will always remember the very vivid spirit communication or precognitive is a bit different to dream about a future event than to dream about going out for dinner with Raquel Welch....yes, all dreams are important, they all carry meaning but there are degrees of importance and relevance...
The thing is that I have lots of dreams that I remember for years and years, but I'm still at a loss as to what message they were trying to give me, if any. Many made me feel good, but then the feel-good feeling fades and I still remember the dreams vividly, wondering what on earth that was all about. Maybe their function is merely to make me feel good, but then they would be compensatory, no?


Well, dreams are what they are to YOU. Nobody else can really step inside your head and know what each and every dream means to you.

Some are mental clearing, rubbish sorting, that sort of thing - they mean little really. Some are prophetic and do relate to future events. Some are past lives images and others are teaching dreams where, if we disect the symbols we can learn something about ourselves which clearly needs to surface and be dealt with.

Then there are those which seem to come from outside of ourselves, messages from guides etc.

You are your own best interpreter of your experiences but sometimes sharing can allow others to help with insights which may just feel right.


Milfoil said:
Well, dreams are what they are to YOU. Nobody else can really step inside your head and know what each and every dream means to you.

Some are mental clearing, rubbish sorting, that sort of thing - they mean little really. Some are prophetic and do relate to future events. Some are past lives images and others are teaching dreams where, if we disect the symbols we can learn something about ourselves which clearly needs to surface and be dealt with.

Then there are those which seem to come from outside of ourselves, messages from guides etc.

You are your own best interpreter of your experiences but sometimes sharing can allow others to help with insights which may just feel right.

you have the gift of synthesis Millie....I will steal this from you and put my signature :)

there, in a few words, all very clearly said....

memries, I was talking about my own experience with dreams...I do know that some of them are just rubbish, juts working on my conflict with aunt Annie sort of thing, an others do bring messages from a source that is bigger than myself and those I DO remember ....the others are gone the day I wake up....that is the way it works for the case of a musician one thing is the dream where they are shown or hear a full symphony that they will then write in their waking lives and another is the one where they dream they are stuck in traffic cursing...they both bring a message yes, but there is a deep difference in content and origin...

I do agree with you that we have two lives,and sometimes I wonder which one is the "real" one, as sometimes I have such vivid dreams of other places that truly I like much better than this time I read a short story about this girl that had beautiful dreams and was not happy with her life "here"....she dreamed until she was able to decide not to wake up...and chose to stay in her dreams....

I wish you many happy dreams :)

PS: I forgot know? I thought for a while, when younger that many of my "spiritual" dreams were compensatory, like they would happen as a survival mechanism to keep me going and make me feel "good"...but then I realized I was receiving real, concrete guidance in them, sometimes about future then I started paying real attention to them and my life has become lots better because of it.



I wish you happy dreams too Magenta !