Are there stupid questions to ask tarot?


I do have a few questions that some would probably find stupid

Have you guys ever asked somewhat a stupid question to the cards but made it a yes or no sort of question? Like I want to ask like "Is there a bed bug problem in my room?" or "Would this product work for me?"


I do have a few questions that some would probably find stupid

Have you guys ever asked somewhat a stupid question to the cards but made it a yes or no sort of question? Like I want to ask like "Is there a bed bug problem in my room?" or "Would this product work for me?"

If you ever have a question that you think is stupid or silly, just look me up. I'm always looking for crazy exchanges. ;)

Cheers :)


There are no stupid questions, there are stupid answers. But really doing celtic cross for a questions should i wash the dishes now or later, now that is stupid.


There are no stupid questions, there are stupid answers. But really doing celtic cross for a questions should i wash the dishes now or later, now that is stupid.

LOL The cards would probably give you a smart alec respond or something dramatic or something XD Depends on the cards personality I suppose...


one person's stupid question is another person's very important question :D
but there is probably some questions that are superficial. should I do the washing up? will my hair look good today?

I don't think we should ask the tarot everything, we need to think of our question!
yes/ no questions can be unhelpful because the answer is so limited! you get such a scope by really thinking through the question formatting.

Questions that are very far off in the future, I am not sure give the best results! but everyone wants to know will I marry? will I be happy? will I have a family? will I find my soul mate? they are so broad and general! you might marry 6 people who knows! but I have asked those things, however they give comfort! will I find love in the next 12 months will probably give you better results, not so open ended! :)

The crowned one

When the cards become a necessary crutch to your day to day routine, then any question asked is, while not stupid, not worth asking. Too many people ask tarot before they ask themselves.


I like to think of it as dancing alone. :)

You're free to do it as badly and as stupidly as you want, since nobody's watching.

Just so long as one doesn't transfer one's brain and independence into a deck of cards, it's all good. Learning from tarotmaiden who used to write on the forum, I ask cooking questions sometimes, or weather questions. I still look out the window and taste the food, but Tarot is fun, that shouldn't be taken away from it. One shouldn't lose one's sense of humor either way.


In the case of bedbugs... you'd be better off spending your time testing for them, than reading about them, which picks up on what TCO said.

If there is something practical that you can do, then do it. Sitting around asking whether I should do the laundry isn't going to help me or anyone else... because the laundry isn't going to jump up and do itself, though it may start standing on it's own if left long enough.


one person's stupid question is another person's very important question :D
but there is probably some questions that are superficial. should I do the washing up? will my hair look good today?

I don't think we should ask the tarot everything, we need to think of our question!
yes/ no questions can be unhelpful because the answer is so limited! you get such a scope by really thinking through the question formatting.

Questions that are very far off in the future, I am not sure give the best results! but everyone wants to know will I marry? will I be happy? will I have a family? will I find my soul mate? they are so broad and general! you might marry 6 people who knows! but I have asked those things, however they give comfort! will I find love in the next 12 months will probably give you better results, not so open ended! :)

Hehe yeah it is better to be more specific and everything :) I notice some readers are like that too, dont like really broad questions..but of course we will always want toa sk if we'll ever marry :D

When the cards become a necessary crutch to your day to day routine, then any question asked is, while not stupid, not worth asking. Too many people ask tarot before they ask themselves.

True true. some questions can be so free will based and everything.

I like to think of it as dancing alone. :)

You're free to do it as badly and as stupidly as you want, since nobody's watching.

Just so long as one doesn't transfer one's brain and independence into a deck of cards, it's all good. Learning from tarotmaiden who used to write on the forum, I ask cooking questions sometimes, or weather questions. I still look out the window and taste the food, but Tarot is fun, that shouldn't be taken away from it. One shouldn't lose one's sense of humor either way.
I did ask a weather question once and the cards seemed to be spot on! :) (I was in midst of a tornado warning so I wanted to ask if I will be okay).

In the case of bedbugs... you'd be better off spending your time testing for them, than reading about them, which picks up on what TCO said.

If there is something practical that you can do, then do it. Sitting around asking whether I should do the laundry isn't going to help me or anyone else... because the laundry isn't going to jump up and do itself, though it may start standing on it's own if left long enough.
Eh Oh I KNOW I do but I rather ask will be resolved soon >.> and hope the sprays I will use help heh. (Stupid exterminator couldn't find anything so I am going to use sprays, then if that doesn't work have someone come in)...