ask a question; get your reflection...


I think it's because tarot takes a larger, more loving perspective than individuals can sometimes. That's why when people give advice about how to word a question, they're usually encouraging the querent to take their bias out of it.

Like, even people who don't have a third party reading rule would probably caution against asking something like, 'Why is X such a jerk?' or 'Is he cheating on me?' They might even refuse to read on those particular subjects, suggesting that the sitter think instead about a) why they are assuming X is a jerk, or b) why they want to ask cards instead of the person directly, or c) why they don't trust that person yet they still want them in their lives. Not because of the third party thing, but because of the assumptions and biases in the questions. Then the 'tell me what I need to know about the situation with X' approach is more illuminating.

I think tarot transcends the judgments and the assumptions we make about people, and helps us do the same, if we let it. It does the same thing for how we see ourselves. It brings more understanding and compassion for humanity into the equation than we bring when we're upset about something.

So, if you ask a 'delusional' question anyway, the tarot will put some stuff before you and then you think, 'Hey, that does sounds familiar.... wait, that is me! Not them, me. Wow.' And then you have new, helpful things to think about so you can grow, instead of focusing your attention away on the other person as if they were a problem.

Of course, that's when this scenario you described happens. It doesn't always. Sometimes you can ask about another person and get a very accurate reading about them. I think it has to do with your emotions/perspective vs. the reality, and your intentions in asking. :)


If a third party's energy is really strong around you, it will "break into" your reading. I wasn't thinking about someone at all the other day, but he "overtook" my spread! The reading made no sense to me at all until the next day, and then when it was validated and the person identified, I had to pull over to the side of the road to stop the chills! So sometimes it depends on what breaks thru - it is all energy. I think Jung mentions the "threshold".