Asking Tarot about your soulmate


When someone is in a relationship, is it ever a good idea to ask the Tarot "Is he my soulmate" ?
(To clarify, sometimes, it is not meant in the spiritual sense of the word but rather as in my one true love, the person that fits me the best...)

It seems to be a lose-lose situation to me. If the answer is NO, the person asking will obviously be upset and try to dismiss the thought or doubt the cards, because in most cases, people want it to be yes. But if the answer is YES and the relationship doesn't work out, then the person might be thinking "Oh my God! I just lost my soulmate!"

I haven't asked the question myself but my friend recently asked me to read on it and well... it hasn't gone so well. I saw the answer to be no but I also saw another love in her future who might be the one. This didn't make her feel better as she would rather have this relationship work out even if it means giving up on the possibility of a better one.

I don't feel good right now because I feel the Tarot should be empowering not the opposite. This is how it makes me feel when I read for myself but unfortunately, that doesn't always happen for the people I read for. Maybe it's because different people interpret things differently. If the Tarot told me a relationship isn't meant to be, I 'd think "everything happens for a reason" so I must have outgrown it and there must be something better out there for me (even if the cards don't say it) but her reaction was to lose hope.
So could it be that Tarot might not work for everyone as positively? Or is there something we could do as readers to teach the querent to see the best of every situation? Still, some people are more responsive than others.

Do you get the question a lot (I do) ? And What have been your experiences with it? Can it ever be positive to know the answer?


You can ask Tarot anything you want.

I think there is a soulmate spread (4 cards) in the spreads forum.

The funny thing with Tarot is that there are no wrong questions to ask; there might be some politically incorrect questions, some odd stuff, but there is no wrong questions.

I will get questions about lost love, true love, unrequited love, you name it I will get a question. You might want to try that spread I spoke of.


Very interesting... here are some thoughts, though I don't know if they will be of any help:

Tarot shows, in my opinion, the most likely outcome at that exact moment. The problem with people and love is that the person will eventually change - they may love partying and being social now, but in ten years their focus may shift to working and child rearing. Therefore, their soulmate would then, perhaps, change...


Baroli said:
You can ask Tarot anything you want.

I think there is a soulmate spread (4 cards) in the spreads forum.

The funny thing with Tarot is that there are no wrong questions to ask; there might be some politically incorrect questions, some odd stuff, but there is no wrong questions.

I will get questions about lost love, true love, unrequited love, you name it I will get a question. You might want to try that spread I spoke of.

I don't believe there are any wrong questions either. I've asked Tarot some very out there questions myself.
What I'm wondering really is whether asking a certain question is more beneficial than another and why do some people derive comfort or feel empowered when getting the Tarot's answers while others don't?

I tried looking for that spread but couldn't find it.


rabid said:
Very interesting... here are some thoughts, though I don't know if they will be of any help:

Tarot shows, in my opinion, the most likely outcome at that exact moment. The problem with people and love is that the person will eventually change - they may love partying and being social now, but in ten years their focus may shift to working and child rearing. Therefore, their soulmate would then, perhaps, change...

That's true... and I think that's one of the reason people ask the question. They want to know if despite the changes that might occur, they will stay with the same person. Can we not foresee that with the cards?


Well, I don't believe that the tarot does a good job of answering Yes/No questions, but your mileage may vary. I'd rather the Querent ask something akin to "What can you tell me about who my soulmate is?" Then I could do the reading and let the Querent decide whether their current mate matches the info gleaned from the spread.



I don't really believe that people have one soul mate, so the question isn't one I would ask since for me it doesn't really make sense. I think we have many soul mates, or karmic companions, that come in and out of lives at different times. For me what would make better sense is to ask about the foundation or purpose of the relationship, what lesson it is there to teach. Or on a more basic level, isn't what you really want to know is if you are loved? But then, as another member once pointed out, if the answer is yes, you will inevitably then want to know how much. Better to ask what you can do to make the relationship most meaningful and long-lasting.


pasara said:
I don't really believe that people have one soul mate, so the question isn't one I would ask since for me it doesn't really make sense. I think we have many soul mates, or karmic companions, that come in and out of lives at different times. For me what would make better sense is to ask about the foundation or purpose of the relationship, what lesson it is there to teach. Or on a more basic level, isn't what you really want to know is if you are loved? But then, as another member once pointed out, if the answer is yes, you will inevitably then want to know how much. Better to ask what you can do to make the relationship most meaningful and long-lasting.

Precisely. Very well said.


pasara said:
I don't really believe that people have one soul mate, so the question isn't one I would ask since for me it doesn't really make sense. I think we have many soul mates, or karmic companions, that come in and out of lives at different times. For me what would make better sense is to ask about the foundation or purpose of the relationship, what lesson it is there to teach. Or on a more basic level, isn't what you really want to know is if you are loved? But then, as another member once pointed out, if the answer is yes, you will inevitably then want to know how much. Better to ask what you can do to make the relationship most meaningful and long-lasting.

That is how i feel about soulmates. I also feel though with that question, if someone is your soul mate or is he the one, then you know. If you have to ask then most likely they are not. I know that doesn't help with a reading though as I get the same question constantly. I will answer truthfully, if the cards show No i'll tell them, with the path you are both on right now he isn't our soulmate at this time. And I let them know it doesn't matter, we don't have to be with our soulmate to be loved, love and be happy.

but I do hate answering that question.


pasara said:
I don't really believe that people have one soul mate, so the question isn't one I would ask since for me it doesn't really make sense. I think we have many soul mates, or karmic companions, that come in and out of lives at different times. For me what would make better sense is to ask about the foundation or purpose of the relationship, what lesson it is there to teach. Or on a more basic level, isn't what you really want to know is if you are loved? But then, as another member once pointed out, if the answer is yes, you will inevitably then want to know how much. Better to ask what you can do to make the relationship most meaningful and long-lasting.

Yes, this is an excellent way to put it! Perfectly said.