ATC AT *majors only* Completed Deck Discussion and Viewing


WOW!!! They all look wonderful! Theres no one there I dont like - they are all fabulous! I had to giggle at the Justice card though - thats a corker - that spoke to me about Justice LOL!!

Congratulations everyone on a beautiful set of Majors!

Blessings Elven x


MrsOnePotato said:
Has anyone noticed the surprise hidden in the Star card? (I'm not tellling what it is.... ;)

Ahhhh! It seems obvious now. Letters? Kinda... ;) This one's my favorite, btw.

The Empress looks exactly like my parents kitchen. Spooky!

Who wants to hear about my card? Too bad, here goes! My original idea was a comic panel a la Far Side, but if it's not already obvious, I cannot draw. I really didn't want to do the scales and sword and whatnot. It's been done a million times and always better than I could do it. So the judge&jury (no, it's not a classroom) came second, but how to do it? I swear any resemblance to any cartoon living or dead is purely coincidental. Unless you have no idea what I'm talking about, then even better. It didn't even occur to me till I started cutting out paper while watching TV. "Dammit!", I said. Now I call it an homage.

Now about the why and wherefore. They all live in the gray area, but I don't think the gray came out right. I debated about faces and then took a vote among my friends and no faces won. Justice is blind, and apparently isn't allowed to speak either. I don't know what else to say, but I'll happily answer any questions.


P.S. Those who are also working on the full ATC deck and hate my card will be happy to hear that I will not be using the same design as I originally planned. But I can't promise you will like it. :)

Bat Chicken

MrsOnePotato said:
Has anyone noticed the surprise hidden in the Star card? (I'm not tellling what it is.... ;)
I love the grass/reeds ...ooops! Edit...... is there more to look for??:D

Well done, everyone! It's so hard to pick a favorite.... there are so many I really like!

More thoughts later....:)


April said:
So the judge&jury (no, it's not a classroom) came second, but how to do it? I swear any resemblance to any cartoon living or dead is purely coincidental. Unless you have no idea what I'm talking about, then even better. It didn't even occur to me till I started cutting out paper while watching TV. "Dammit!", I said. Now I call it an homage.

April, I really like your has a bold, graphic charm. And even though I am a devoted follower of said TV show, the resemblence didn't actually occur to me until you mentioned it.

I love the diversity shown in your jury. And is that a green mohawk?

:) MrsOnePotato

Bat Chicken

euripides said:
Death is usually my least favorite card but I love this one, Bat Chicken - absolutely stunning. Such a simple, powerful composition, and again the symbolism is uncluttered but deep. Love it.
Ooops! I am so rude!
Thank you for your compliments, Euripides.... I am glad you connected with it. I wanted it to be simple in order to focus on a couple of symbols beyond the obvious (Oak, Narcissus) that could be rich in their interpretation and then go straight for atmosphere. Much can be said with simply that!

I can't paint without a tree in it somewhere....;)

I love your watercolours - they have such depth and mood - not an easy thing to achieve with such a transparent medium. The message is communicated through the feeling. I bet you could accomplish a lot with a big canvas!:)

I have to agree with the others about the Runes in valeria's Hanged Man.

I also like Draagonstorm's Moon. I would love to know why the barrier? I find the idea intriguing....

The Tower is amazing as well, Mrs. One Potato! I like the 'crown' being toppled....

I am still digesting... more later...:)


Heh, no-one mentioned mine.... I think I know why.

They're awful - that is, the originals were kinda cute, but the SCANS are just heinous!! :( :( :( I only wish I could address the problem.

I didn't know how to adjust the resolution on my scanner. When I've put that right, would it be possible for me to correct this?

What I propose (DS, I'd need your help!) is to send out newly-done cards that I would print out myself on the laser printer at the library, which gives pristine & sharp-as-a-needle reproductions.

Once I've done this, I can send everyone on the list the new cards. They can do whatever they want with the bad copies.

How does this sound? I really am MOST unhappy with the way mine came out! :( I should have done something prior to the deck being finished, but I just never had the time.



I think it would be best to have the others in the group contact you through PM, and then you could send them a replacement copy.

This time of year for me is very, very, very busy at work, and will be for another 6 to 8 weeks. Just having a few hours to myself is a luxury now... I have been working 7 days a week now for a couple of weeks, with no break in sight for awhile.

I just don't have time right now, sorry.



Actually, I only wanted to get a list of addresses; but I can PM instead.

Sorry you are having a tough time right now.



I think your cards are fine :thumbsup: I am proud to have them in my deck! I was attracted to the textured, painted quality of them.

I cannot believe the level of artistic talent that went into this deck - when I received it, I just stared at it and couldn't believe it. It is my most prized possession :) What isn't seen is that each of us signed and dated the backs of our cards. I when I hold this deck, I can feel all of our energies together, giving soul to this thing that we brought into being.

Thanks to everyone who likes my Hanging Man :love: I have recently been studying lots of oracles such as runes, and ran across some writings that described what Odin went through to bring the runes to mankind. There are others that are way more learned on these things than I am, but I was so gobsmacked by the story that I was compelled to try to express it.

From Havamal ("Sayings of the High One")

"I hung on that windy tree (Yggdrasil) for 9 nights wounded by my own spear.
I hung to that tree, and no one knows where it is rooted.
None gave me food. None gave me drink.
Into the abyss I stared until I spied the runes.
I seized them up, and, howling, fell."

I also did The World card. I have also been reading about Kabala and the meaning of Hebrew letters and the relationship to all the worlds we exist in and affect. My inspiration for this card was to see The Fool as Shin, pausing before The World. I asked myself, what if The Fool doesn't work up the Tree, but works down it. He is tasked with the journey through the Majors to prepare him for meeting the people in The World (the people of the Wands, the people of the Cups, the people of the Pentacles and the people of the Swords). He is holding a map of the Tree and checking his directions before proceeding. He has in his backpack, tools and what he has learned during his trip - Strength, The Tower, The Devil were just a few that I added to get the general idea across. I included the Sun,'s burning through the bottom of the backpack!

Hehehe...I didn't realize that I had cards 12 and 21 until last night :)

I feel truly honored to have been able to participate in the creation of this deck, that would not have been possible without all the hard work of DraagonStorm! :love: I had a heckuva time trying to print the cards, so I packed it all off to her - truly she is an angel to print the cards that needed to be printed, assemble the decks and send them off (plus doing 2 cards of her own)! I am so very very grateful to her! :love: DraagonStorm :love:

If asked for my favorite cards of the deck, I would be really hard pressed to single any out...I think they are all amazing interpretations of the Majors and I like each for different reasons.

Now where is that champagne? :CL :party:

:love: valeria


I think HudsonGray's Strength card is beautiful too!
You can't tell from the photo, but it appears they were all hand-colored! This is really a great idea for solving the problem of the card in b/w and embellish with hand coloring in pencil, ink or paint...

HudsonGray, there is so much large is the original?

And again, beautiful work by all...there is so much rich imagery to look at!
