

What are the properties of aventurine? Are there any good uses for them in tarot reading? Just curious to see what everyone's take on this is...


It works with the heart chakra...not the third eye.

Saphire, Selenite, Topaz..those work with the third eye chakra
there are more


It is suppose to help provide you with a sense of tranquillity & pateince. It can strengthen your sense of self - it suppose to be ideal for those who ae looking for a positive view of life.


Ah.. that's why "Em" suggested using it for that spread. Em, my spirit guide, suggested I use Aventurine with this one spread, but I 'tripped' (that's the closest word for it) out of the concentration I was in to talk with her, and haven't been able to get back into since. The spread was on a subject that I get frustrated with easily.

Thank you! ^.^


Good for general healing, health, and prosperity. Reputed to help draw money, especially when gambling or playing the lottery. Its name comes from an Italian phrase meaning "by chance" so it is good for attracting little kicks of good luck. The softer greens are best for healing, while the deep greens with gold sparkles are best for luck and prosperity.



Just because a crystal doesn't work with the third eye doesn't mean it isn't good for reading iwth. Wouldn't we like to have a balanced, peaceful and calm heart chakra whilst reading which radiates this to our clients.
Also health and prosperity are great for readings too!
I've used adventurine for reading with, I enjoyed it ;)

autumn star

It is suppose to help provide you with a sense of tranquillity & pateince. It can strengthen your sense of self - it suppose to be ideal for those who ae looking for a positive view of life.

I just started using Aventurine because I read it was good if you are feeling stressed and keep getting annoyed/irritated. So far, I am feeling more positive and less agitated. I am using it in conjunction with Moonstone and they seem to be working well, I think that I am sleeping better at night. I used to be able to sleep fine it's just that I would be in a light sleep and have dreams all night which stopped me from getting a deep sleep. These stones seem to be helping with that.

I have also read that Aventurine is considered a "lucky" stone :)


for what I know it is basicly for good luck , positivism , new experiences , and adventures X) haha its kind of a happy go lucky kind of stone when I heard of its properties I kind of reminded me of the fool


I was first acquainted with Aventurine when my 8 year-old son got very interested in it. He chose one we bought for him in the Natural History Museum shop and he really liked it a lot and kept it with him for months.
That was one of those times when I became aware of the power of crystals because I wasn´t particularly interested in crystals at that time and his interest really seemed to be genuine. (I mean it was not because mom was interested. :))

Sword King

I've had very good experiences using moonstone to open up my third eye. In fact, I was charging my shard pendant last night under the waxing gibbous.