Bird Omens?


If you want to :)

Sometimes if you side blind intimidators with unexpected tenacity they'll back off. You ever seen that movie Fried Green Tomatoes? I love it, I'm soooo that girl


If he is an abuser though I wouldn't recomend it, get away from SOb and keep it that way if he's/she's a threat to your person and well being. Don't have anything of his and cut off wanting anything he has to dangle over you like a piece of bacon. It happens.

Strictly personal opinions but at any rate, you're the boss Bladeraven. You've always been da boss. Are you driving?

psychic sue

I posted elsewhere that I had a "spirit" bird in my wardrobe last week (I know it sounds crazy but it's true) and yesterday a sparrow flew right in froint of my face. I too am a bit worried, as I always associate birds with death.


ros said:
What message would they be trying to show us?
If you go sit outside and listen, they will tell you.
You can even ask them hey what's up? but then
try and feel their language, sense its energies...
"bird" is easy to understand, they do like to sing.


How about hearing birds constantly chirping? It's nearing summer and last week all I heard were birds. That usually happens in the beginning of spring for me. I kept wondering what this was telling me also. I do not know what kind of birds they were as I heard them and didn't see them.


not all birds mean death. Death is transitional, and metamorphic. Like waiting at a bus station. Not all birds represent it in their meaning, or medicine but just about all of them represent the elements of air and clairaudience - like messengers between worlds. Like - little Gabriel's.

I could almost say birds and instects are the easiest to come and go about synchronicity because it's allot easier for them to come to you in such like a city than it would be for like a jaguar :p imagine that on your roof!

They are clever and sightful, it's the air element.

Many of the same birds vary in meanings depending on the culture like owl, the night hawk can be a harbinger of death in three hoots in three nights or are teachers of seeing with the truth. I've had owls come visit me for different reasons, starting with a time I really needed some company to teach me about being my own bird in a place I just didn't fit like the difference bettween night and day. Since then I've had owl come by like before my father died but it was comforting, like sitting silent with a friend.

My most favorite example about death, two worlds and the transitions there and communication there though is the way red bird, the cardinal means. Because he has a black mask, he's a dayshift version of the shapeshifters, and he has a crown and a mystical song.

I like blue jay and the kingfisher in particular too. I love them all though really, and there is a huge blue herring who flies from the west to the east towards his nest every sunset here.

There is nothing to really fear in any animal but one's own self and aspects of one's own shadow parts that are scary and such to the other hand. I have an unnatural phobia of cockroaches myself which came from when one flew into my hair as a child, I think not long after I had been stung by a wasp in the head and my mother had a mortal fear of frogs which I think came into associations to her from abuse as a child she couldn't consiously admit to.

Sparrows in a generic, common meaning are very versitile, adaptable and noble tiny creatures.

Bird song is indeed the finest thing about spring and early mornings. It's a spirit song, proportionate to their purpose in life. They sing for all new things, for life, for relationships, they voice in a way that's like our own vocal cord to the earth and the winds. Some have very specific songs that are theirs alone, yet others take what they like from all the others to make up stuff like mocking birds, crows, ravens and parrots. If you want to find your true spirit union, you gotta sing your heart and dance your finest joy. It's all about self expression, being one's own bird without appology. Forgive me for existing, let me just step out of so rudly plopping into your reality here .... hehehe animals just don't do that ... but they do know about shapeshifting and what times are best to do what, when for the most optimum harmony in survival with adversity. Song is love. Song is spirit.

I've had an 'astral' cat ... I've even had an astral mouse ... I've seen a spirit deer, a stag, in kind of accidentally going out of body and in the same I've been chased back into my house for my body in dream world by coyotes but I have yet to experience a 'ghost bird' except for a hawk, owl, blue jay and a herring in dream world. They usually don't have a problem with going where they need to when they die, or leaving an attatchment or they're just too erm, flighty for me to really sense in some way other than dream about them. I dream about many different birds who have their own meanings but encountering different areas of energies in waking world, I've come to more or less find domestic pets tend to 'stick' more than other animals.

I dunno, from my own experience I'd have to say if there was a spirit bird in your closet, must've been nesting there for a few generations or was a previous pet or was a way of guidance trying to get your attention a little without scaring the holy hanna out of you - or was a real bird looking to nest and got in there.

psychic sue

No, I heard a flapping and chirping and the door started to bang - like it was trying to get out of the cupboard by flying up against it. My cat heard it too and was pawing at the door. I am scared of birds, so I called my son to come and get it out and put it outside. My son searched the cupcoard high and low and there were no holes for entrance/exit. I have to conclude it was a spirit bird.



maybe you are keeping your dreams and or sense of freedom 'in the closet'.

in other words, you might feel like you have to shut them away. your spirit bird may just be a reminder.


I didn't even realize this thread existed when I posted mine about the Three Little Birds song.

Another thing I wasn't even thinking about when I posted it was that yesterday a Sparrow somehow came in through the dryer vent and all the way up into the dryer. It took all day to get him out, lol.

We have many many birds around here, so run-in's with birds doesn't register much anymore, lol.



Birds are extremely active around here, during nesting season. We have one mockingbird who chases anything that moves, this time of year, as well as lots of crows actually raiding nests. This mockingbird looks a little deranged as he flies after perfecly innocent creatures who venture near the nest. (All but the hummingbirds--who bothers to try to catch a hummingbird?) But he's also remarkably effective at chasing crows away, which aids his less aggressive neighbors.

We have orioles up from Mexico, hummingbirds, western bluebirds, scrub jays, brown towhees, black phoebes, house finches, woodpeckers, hawks, owls and the occasional egret. Even a wild flock of parrots. The list goes on. With all the extra rain this year there's an abundance of insects and flowers, and it creates a bird paradise. So it's not surprising to me if people are noticing birds right now. I'm more amazed if people don't notice them.

Sometimes they're simply an omen of an abundant season.



ros said:
Twice in one day...

On the way home from work a bird flew into our
windshield of our car.

We get home and another bird, passed the side window of the car &
crapped inside the car on the seat.

This happened all within an hour.

What message would they be trying to show us?

It's one of those days when it's a good thing
elephants don't fly!

I don't know if you will like this answer, but anyway you did not see the birds indoors. Both my Mom and her best friends saw a bird indoors right before their husbands died. I'm really scared of that, I don't like to leave the back doors open too long.

I'm not talking about parrots or budgies or birds that are normally found in a home. I mean an unexpected bird that flies into the house from outdoors.

They seem to have some connection sometimes with more than we understand.
