Breaking bad habits - Spread


I had intended to device a spread how to spend my money more wisely, but I was playing around with positions and before I knew it I had a spread to get insight into my bad habit of overspending. It is not a specific spread, it could be used for every bad habit you want to learn more about.

The lay-out of the spread:
I put the positive positions on one side, the negative on the other. Together they suggest a balance - it is not necessary to become perfect, but to bring the good and bad into a balance that works for you.
The whole spread looks like an arrow pointing upwards - suggesting that you are on the way to improvement.

Looks like this:


1. Where you are now
2. Where you went wrong
3. First step towards breaking the habit
4. Your blind spot - what you just don't see
5. Changes in your everyday life that will help you
6. Bad influences that draw you back
7. How to stay motivated on the way to improvement
8. What you should avoid
9. What you should do instead.

It helped me see things I had not considered before.
I am posting it here because I hope it may be helpful for someone else as well :)


Hm.. interesting spread. I'll try it out soon :).



I have tried this with the well worn Path. So much thanks for sharing the Spread, it is verry insightful. Now I am wiser, thanks.

Best wishes