Business 5 Card, help please!

Ivy Rhiannon

Hello I'm new to the lenormand and decided to ask about business. The 5 cards I drew were:

Letter - Crossroad - Tower - Coffin - Snake

The coffin and snake are really concerning to me as I was asking about my job. The letter speaks to me about paperwork. Perhaps a written warning or a letter about the company going in a different direction. We are due for a business meeting soon. I am worried with the coffin that it could mean that the job is ending, or that I am being let go? The snake could be someone having sinister reasons for ending my position, or underhandedness at work that could be linked to me perhaps? I'm worried because its personal i'm reading into it too much.

It is a small company, like 3 - 4 people and I'm close with everyone. (my husband and our best friend) The boss has another job and I run her side company.

Any insights please?


What is your question exactly?

If it is about what will happen with your job or the business then either way it does not look good.

This is saying that emails and/or letters about conflicting decisions or compromises needing to be made has already (or about to) happened and that from a place of business or official building there could be near future cut backs made, redundancies, and/or job losses due to ongoing issues or difficulties.

Even something like going into receivership.

Nothing can be put in a good light really with what you have chosen.

DND :)

Hello I'm new to the lenormand and decided to ask about business. The 5 cards I drew were:

Letter - Crossroad - Tower - Coffin - Snake

The coffin and snake are really concerning to me as I was asking about my job. The letter speaks to me about paperwork. Perhaps a written warning or a letter about the company going in a different direction. We are due for a business meeting soon. I am worried with the coffin that it could mean that the job is ending, or that I am being let go? The snake could be someone having sinister reasons for ending my position, or underhandedness at work that could be linked to me perhaps? I'm worried because its personal i'm reading into it too much.

It is a small company, like 3 - 4 people and I'm close with everyone. (my husband and our best friend) The boss has another job and I run her side company.

Any insights please?


I agree with the above comment. What was your exact question? Lenormand can be tricky I that depending on the question, the interpretation of the cards can be different. Was your question more along the lines of "how will this business I am running turn out?" Or was it more along the lines of "what will happen to my position in this business structure turn out?"

Ivy Rhiannon

Thank you for your help, both of you. Like I had said I am very new to Lenormand and didn't ask a specific question just focused on business. I had no idea that in Lenormand readings the question was so important. I am used to tarot and just reading what I see.

Hmm well that is unfortunate news then. I will have to do another reading with a more specific question about my job position.


No problem.
We all go through that trial-and-error phase when learning the Lenormand. Rana Geroge, in her book "The Essential Lenormand," mentions a time when she asked the cards about the outcome of her friend's cancer. The result card of the spread was the "star" card, and Rana said she was devastated. Why? Because she asked what would happen to the cancer, not her friend -- and the "star" card means something spreading or multiplying. Hence, the cancer will spread, which is what ended up happening.

So, learning how to formulate the right question is important.