Can you teach the world a lesson???


Hey folks ...
How are you ?...Hope you?re all fine!!!

Well...I think we all have learnt something from the world, haven?t we?...We all have learnt something while reading a book,seeing a movie, observing nature, talking to someone, etc...

So, why don?t we share some of that knowledge with everybody else???...Why don?t we, briefly, give a lesson here?...Even if it?s something everybody else already knows, cause it?s always good to be reminded of positive things...

OK...I?ll start...I?ve learnt from my girlfriend that we gotta learn to forgive...that love must be stronger than our selfish desires...we gotta learn to understand, to listen, to help...
Sotimes people do things that harm another...but they never meant to harm anyone...they just did that because they need help, and their unconscious is crying for help, sometimes in a very strange way for us to undestand...

That?s my lesson for today...How about yours???...What have you learnt, and want to share with us???


Just this past week I realized more so how important it is to tell loved ones how you feel. Life is full of unexpected turns. I have a friend who lost a friend last week. I knew her but never got to meet her. I had emailed her a few times about Wicca and Runes. I was looking forward to meeting her but now I won't have that chance. It made me think would my friends or family truely know that I loved them or how much they mean to me if something happened to me. So, the lession is to make sure they know and don't leave things on a bad note. What could be worse if someone you loved died and the last thing you did was have a fight with them and left it unresovled. I know I would be crushed and would have a very hard time forgiving myself of that.


Which lesson would you like me to teach it...? ;) :D



Don't take yourself too seriously and take pleasure in the little things in life.

This is the lesson I have learned from my toddler! If only we could all allow ourselves to be as happy as she is when I put on "The Bear in Big Blue House" video, the world would be a better place.


Along the same lines as Lunar_rabbit's lesson:

Learn to laugh at yourself. There are two reasons for this:

Other people are laughing at you, so you might aswell join in the fun.
You can only really laugh at others properly,and without hypocrisy, when you've properly lughed at yourself.

I'm desparately trying tothink of something profound to say now... Its not working. But here's another lesson:

Smile at strangers in the street. It makes them feel happier, and maybe they'll pass that smile onto some other lucky person. Maybe that lucky person will do the same. And before you know it, you've made hundreds of people happy!



Beleive in the power of your own heart and hands...
I've seen too many people enter a downward spiral of self-percieved-inadequacy...

on a more positive note....
Smile more...its helps your immune systems...

Sam Gamgee's words of wisdom:..
Its the Job thats never started as takes the longest to finish...

(courtesy of JRR Tolkien)...


Have patience with yourself and others.

I always try to remember this when someone is being obnoxious, defensive, angry for the smallest reason, etc. Obviously, they are not at peace with themselves and are not particularly happy people, either at that moment (maybe something really bad happened recently) or in general (just a unhappy life).
What would be the point of arguing with them?--we'd both feel worse. So I always smile at them and tell them I hope they feel better or to enjoy their day. That always stops them dead in their tracks--most don't say another word.


Quote:Originally posted by Malachite
Sam Gamgee's words of wisdom:..
Its the Job thats never started as takes the longest to finish...

(courtesy of JRR Tolkien)...

That's right, make me feel guilty. *Must do Psychology coursework.... Must do Psychology coursework.....*



At the risk of sounding like a Nike advertisement:



I suppose there are so many lessons, but I keep coming back to two:

1. "Do no harm" (wiccan version) or "Do Unto Others" (christian version)
2. "Practice random acts of kindness" - I do sometimes and I feel good about me and the smile it puts on others' faces.

Lest anyone think I am super good - I'm not. In fact, sometimes I think I am just plain mean. :( I struggle with both of these lessons alot. But I succeed sometimes.