Cartomancy ~ Cielo's daily readings


Blessings to all! This is where you can post my daily readings and anything else that comes to mind!!! :)

Phoenix Rising

Hello Cielo
What's in store for you today?

Hmm..Emphasis of today is on being able to communicate with another, what may of started out to be ok, gradually starts to dwindle away. You will try and maintain a balance in communication, don't try and let those negative thoughts take over, and you go within yourself, and shut yourself off. There may be some discussions, perhaps negotiating over a small sum of money or fee. Discussions or thoughts of a older, experienced woman, I hope you don't allow her or your own thoughts to get you too stressed out! Hidden things, deep thoughts today!


I haven't read Phoenix's yet! Just clicked on post reply very quickly, lol.

This is what I have for you, Cielo!
1=9 of spades
2=Ace of hearts
3=Queen of hearts
4=Ace of Clubs
5=Jack of clubs

Looks like today will be pretty easy sailing for you, most of it centered around your household. Seems you had hopes for something to do with a change today, which might not happen as you wished it to, but with your optimistic and loving nature, you'll easily find a way around that problem. Work in or around the home is what'll you'll probably be concentrating on, maybe one of your family members is staying at home with you?.., one of your sons maybe? the change also had something to do with him? a job or so...hmm. You seem to be a hard-working person, and take a lot of pride in anything you do, Cielo!

Now lemme see what Phoenix posted! I haven't done this in awhile, so...:-/

After reading Phoenix's, seems like today will have a little more in store for you than I thought...:)



Phoenix Rising said:
Hello Cielo
What's in store for you today?

Hmm..Emphasis of today is on being able to communicate with another, what may of started out to be ok, gradually starts to dwindle away. You will try and maintain a balance in communication, don't try and let those negative thoughts take over, and you go within yourself, and shut yourself off. There may be some discussions, perhaps negotiating over a small sum of money or fee. Discussions or thoughts of a older, experienced woman, I hope you don't allow her or your own thoughts to get you too stressed out! Hidden things, deep thoughts today!

All that you say about communication is spot on. Absolutely 100 % correct all of it. And I am not going to shut myself off this time, but simply go with the flow...My mother in law is coming over this week-end....hahahahaha....hope she is not going to be a pain about the money I spend......(gosh this is too funny!!!), I love her to bits but she can be a bit of a challenging experience sometimes... Thanks PR!!!! :)


Kara said:
I haven't read Phoenix's yet! Just clicked on post reply very quickly, lol.

This is what I have for you, Cielo!
1=9 of spades
2=Ace of hearts
3=Queen of hearts
4=Ace of Clubs
5=Jack of clubs

Looks like today will be pretty easy sailing for you, most of it centered around your household. Seems you had hopes for something to do with a change today, which might not happen as you wished it to, but with your optimistic and loving nature, you'll easily find a way around that problem. Work in or around the home is what'll you'll probably be concentrating on, maybe one of your family members is staying at home with you?.., one of your sons maybe? the change also had something to do with him? a job or so...hmm. You seem to be a hard-working person, and take a lot of pride in anything you do, Cielo!

Now lemme see what Phoenix posted! I haven't done this in awhile, so...:-/

After reading Phoenix's, seems like today will have a little more in store for you than I thought...:)


Yes, yes and yes dear Kara! All true! Friday is my day home where I am in my total domestic mode of cooking and cleaning....LOL.....the hopes I had for today involved the communication which is not happening (as Phoenix pointed out in her reading), but I'm an optimist and I'll continue to think loving and positive thoughts. Yes indeed!! Today my son came home from school (he goes away to a school some distance from here and only gets home once during the week and on the week-ends.....), so it's always happy times when he arrives!!! :) Wow that you saw that! Thanks Kara!!!! :)




:) Hi Cielo,

For Saturday 26th Feb.

3 Spades
3 Hearts
9 Diamonds
9 Spades
King of Hearts

Looks like I've got the continuing story of your visitor :D.
Today things are going to steadily improve. Thinking your positive and loving thoughts and not letting your mother in law aggravate you like she has been able to do in the past is going to create a new and positive atmosphere for everyone. Seeing you less stressed will help the whole family relax.
King of Hearts has me a bit stumped - will be interested in your thoughts.
Perhaps to avoid holding your feelings in and communicate with your husband.?
Or trying to over please because she is your husband's mother?


Phoenix Rising

9 spade the common card, in the readings. And 2 9's=Hermit. Looks like you might want to shut yourself away in the room, after the 'old girls' got you running around making cups of tea and what not! hehe..And of course you might not be able to chat on here as much either! Ohh..don't worry we'll be here tomorrow.


Good morning, Cielo! Got my coffee, my laptop arranged right, cards by my side, let's see what's up for you today!

1=Jack of Spades
2=Ace of Diamonds
3=2 of Spades
4=8 of Diamonds
5=King of Spades

Looks a busy day for you, maybe some financial issues - and some things that happen over and over again. You'll find a little time to get away from it for a bit though, and just breathe, but the end of the day could leave you happy it's over :), LOL, just one of them days, breathe deeply and enjoy this one anyways! Your beloved men in your life could be a little draining today, but the happiness to have them around you balances everything out. It's all good:), and the repetitive cycle makes it something you can handle with ease and efficiency.



Hi Cielo,

Your reading for Monday 28th Feb.

6 Hearts
9 Clubs
9 Diamonds
9 Spades
7 Hearts

All those 9's!! Looks like you might be planning an outing with a friend or family member - from their end will come a delay or problem that will mean a change of plans. Don't be disappointed , avoid emotional reactions, the change is actually for the better especially financially - if you're going shopping and have to leave later guess you spend less! :D:D

Overall a good day!

Phoenix Rising

For your next following day, must be 28 Feb.

1.Ace club
2.4 Diamond
3.7 club
4.5 Diamond
5.3 diamond

Looks to be alot of communications from all angles, and or paper work, paperwork to sort out. Financial stability, possibly from the bank, and or on the computor.
You look like you'll be taking a short trip though, shopping. No need to spend too much! Might have to be a bit firm, and say no.
So getting finances sorted out here by the looks.