Chess board design in floors: Three/Cups and Four/Wands


In the course of my readings with the Ludy Lescot deck yesterday, I observed that the floor design for the Three of Cups and Four of Wands is similar to what a chess board looks like. These cards were hinting about some painful past (sexual assault) of the querent and I have a strong hunch that the floor design was pointing to some clue about it. However I couldn't pinpoint what it could be.

Any pointers please!

P.S.: I have written walls by mistake in the title. Kindly read it as floor!


Moderator Note

Thread title has been corrected.


Carefully planned manipulation, perhaps ? Grooming ? Chess is all about strategy.


In the course of my readings with the Ludy Lescot deck yesterday, I observed that the floor design for the Three of Cups and Four of Wands is similar to what a chess board looks like. These cards were hinting about some painful past (sexual assault) of the querent and I have a strong hunch that the floor design was pointing to some clue about it.

Carefully planned manipulation, perhaps ? Grooming ? Chess is all about strategy.

Chess is also about eliminating your opponent's extraneous pieces to leave their King exposed to attack, and/or boxing them into a corner where they cannot move.


Chess is also about eliminating your opponent's extraneous pieces to leave their King exposed to attack, and/or boxing them into a corner where they cannot move.
That IS strategy :D


Checkered floor.

The human life is full of good and evil ... where we step and place ourselves can depend on the experiences we have. Sometimes these experiences are imposed on us.

Looking at that link :

This is explained in the first degree of Freemasonry. It is essentially a symbol of a dualism view , which is not that evident in Blue Lodge ( or 'preliminary' Masonry) , but appears more in 'advanced' Rites where kabbalistic and alchemical ideas on dualism are discussed and presented.

The lecture pertaining to the 15th Degree, Knight of the East and West, discusses the idea of duality or good and evil as a conflict. Pike writes “God is great, and good, and wise. Evil and pain and sorrow are temporary, and for wise and beneficent purposes…Ultimately, Good will prevail, and Evil be overthrown.”

Wilmshurst, “The Meaning of Masonry.' : “The dualism of these opposites governs us in everything, and experience of it is prescribed for us until such time as, having learned and outgrown its lesson, we are ready for advancement to a condition where we outgrow the sense of this chequer-work existence and those opposites cease to be perceived as opposites, but are realized as a unity or synthesis.”

Also the floor is on what we stand, our base , one of the most insidious thing about this crime (sexual assault) is that it can 'knock ones legs out from under them' ... make it difficult to regain balance, effect the psyche deeply and make it hard to make a recovery or a transition to where " we are ready for advancement to a condition where we outgrow the sense of this chequer-work existence".

Its all very well to wax philosophical about such things and transcend duality ... but this type of setback might not be able to be dealt with ... especially by advice from people that have not experienced it ... the sexually abused need a lot of empathy from us and professional help and counselling for them . You cant 'force' someone into a 'higher' lodge or higher level of acceptance of crimes committed against them ... I would not be offering any Masonic or Tarot reader 'platitudes' to them.


Again centred in trump II . Like the pillars.

Does he mention other cards and other Masonic symbolism in them?