Chomp down on the magic mug...


Durant Hapke said:
At any rate, she was asking me to give her the skinny in a single blurb, "what would be the tarot tag line?" she asked.

So I pondered, and played along -- here's my action, this is what I came up with:

Tarot: An Odyssey of Nimble Inquiry, Insight, and Intuition.

That is impressive....definitely not an easy task to summarize tarot in only a few words....but I think you nailed it!

Jack Bird looks like he has something important to say....I look forward to seeing more of him/it (your deck-in-progress).

Maybe you should open a thread in the Creation section, when/if you're ready???

:D Luna

PS: Congrats on 100 posts....AND your new subscribership, excellent!!!

morticia monroe

Maroon 5......................

Beauty queen of only eighteen
She had some trouble with herself
He was always there to help her
She always belonged to someone else

I drove for miles and miles
And wound up at your door
I've had you so many times but somehow
I want more

I don't mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be loved
She will be loved

Tap on my window knock on my door
I want to make you feel beautiful
I know I tend to get so insecure
It doesn't matter anymore

It's not always rainbows and butterflies
It's compromise that moves us along, yeah
My heart is full and my door's always open
You can come anytime you want

I don't mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be loved
And she will be loved
And she will be loved
And she will be loved

I know where you hide
Alone in your car
Know all of the things that make you who you are
I know that goodbye means nothing at all
Comes back and begs me to catch her every time she falls

Tap on my window knock on my door
I want to make you feel beautiful

That song just about sums up my take on Queen and Page of cups......

She's old enough to have experienced it all, and as a result she knows not only the sublime ecstacy but also the insecurity, heartbreak, and need that love (or is it only a desire felt so strongly for only one that it brings on a deafness and blindess on demand that causes the exclusion of all others?) can bring to one's existence. She's no fool, but it doesn't mean that she's always the strong one; to the contrary, the wisdom of her experience many times takes her to the precipice of a great fall.........

He, on the other hand, runs full speed without a helmet into the fire that boils his blood and makes his heart sing. He loves without reserve because he knows not what that love can REALLY do.

She's been there, and knows better. She has the mature and wise love that will probably scorch him..... It is with her that he will grow from the page, to the knight, and eventually to the king. And he'll have scars to show and stories to tell when he gets there.

Durant Hapke


Magic Morticia Monroe,

Bring it.

The Queen is a rocking rock star acquaintance of yours, right on? Or perhaps you share a page of Pages, or more in your past?

Rumbling emotions always clobber me when I ponder this tale of L&L -- Lust and Love -- as I seem to crave a deeper understanding of it all (stumbling from the bar the other night, lighting up, and Jack bird waiting on a cab, Hot K whispered in my ear she felt it was the beginnings of a "cult" of some kind, or secret society... "Something erotic, and luscious... a place of shadows, and hidden gold... a Cult of Cups." Like I said, she's filled with provocative notions, but that does ring true somehow...).

As I was just getting rolling with the Tarot when this entire Queen and Page deal was revealed (erupted?), I was blasting shocked at the "massive fire power" contained in this narrative.

It was the first drop of glue to stick me to the 78 -- an awesome rush.

Rocking a time or two, I wonder about concerning myself with any deeper meaning to it all, as it seems like just a truth with out question, your song hints to this as well -- the emotions fit, so why go further?

Oh, that's the human nature of things, question until it breaks.

Jack Bird Interesting.

My new concern revolves around a visit from a "hollow" or "false" Jacking Jack bird dude who claimed to have arrived at my bedside with the aid of a "plastic" book (like what? like that line from the movie The Graduate?). Under his robe his skin was gray, and his sitting there in the corner of the room paralyzed me -- and he smoked every cigarette in my crash crib (greedy donkey), and burned up all the matches.

I sketched what I could, but it was all fuzzy fuzz fuzz action. But this morning I did a simple three card draw (Thesis/Antithesis/Synthesis), and it was the bomb: The tower, Six of swards, and you Jack bird got it, the Hierophant... I'm not down with that "Puppet," but hell, let him drink with me a while.

Durant "look up" Hapke

Durant Hapke

doing it...

Swing sister Luna,

Extra flipping happy you got into the TTL (Tarot Tag Line), what to do next? Tune the antennas?

Yeah... I had half a mind to "bring it" over at the creation section, make a mad running stab at the creative Cyclops of "do it" sleeping in my noggin, work the action, and get going on some Tarot dance of artistic conception. But a few things have been sabotaging such notions, and this past week, a big sulfur match of inner conflict was lit by Planet Umbrae's brain bomb -- Monday rant as it were (thought provoking action to be sure).

Umbrae said:
"... It is my observation, that of late – we’ve become obsessed.... With decks

... they keep doing the same thing over and over with very slight modifications and the public keeps buying it.

... There is no vision there...

No vision…

And now AT is crowded with threads about the new crap and ‘Tarot Addiction”… and nobody can read…"

Jack bird forgive me, Umbrae, for chopping up your action, but these are the lines that gave me pause -- I don't want to just add to a noisy universe -- I want to add value, and expand.

And there's the commitment (once I pull it, the trigger, the rocket goes -- and the "Trans Lunar Injection Burn" occurs -- and crash or land, there's no breaks).

And then there is this new wrinkle with the Hierophant, I'm not really up for what I'm getting from said "misinformer" card, and don't deal with his kind of "intimidation" well, or the fear that accompanies such.

So that needs to all be worked the Jack bird out.

I did spend a good big chunk of the coffee injected morning looking around here for an old box of action -- stuff from back in the way back that I drag from apartment to apartment -- in search of an image I've not set eyes on forever, a hot button of "jump back" I managed to sketch out in school before vomiting (the fear and sickness came while in social studies class, but I managed to get to the boys bathroom before unloading the white bread and Velveta I'd gobbled earlier in the MP room).

If I can manage to deal with the "thing paper" (perhaps after a number of cocktails), I'll post it, as I would so rocking appreciate any assistance and insight as to what's what with the "meat puppet" H.

Durant "time is not my friend today" Hapke


Durant Hapke said:
Yeah... I had half a mind to "bring it" over at the creation section, make a mad running stab at the creative Cyclops of "do it" sleeping in my noggin, work the action, and get going on some Tarot dance of artistic conception. But a few things have been sabotaging such notions, and this past week, a big sulfur match of inner conflict was lit by Planet Umbrae's brain bomb -- Monday rant as it were (thought provoking action to be sure).

Jack bird forgive me, Umbrae, for chopping up your action, but these are the lines that gave me pause -- I don't want to just add to a noisy universe -- I want to add value, and expand.

DH~ I think that you should reconsider posting your work over in Creation, when and if YOU feel ready. Yes, it is scary to open yourself up to both criticism and even positive comments (a different brand of "intimidation" I think) but try not to let that fear hold you back.

And there's the commitment (once I pull it, the trigger, the rocket goes -- and the "Trans Lunar Injection Burn" occurs -- and crash or land, there's no breaks).

Hehe....yes, the time commitment is always an issue, I hear you on that.
But it's your work, your can go at your own pace. I have seen so many unbelievable and unique cards/decks in Creation, it always amazes me. All different, all have something to share....and they all go at their own pace. But soooo talented, I wish I had that gift.

If I can manage to deal with the "thing paper" (perhaps after a number of cocktails), I'll post it, as I would so rocking appreciate any assistance and insight as to what's what with the "meat puppet" H.

Definitely....I hope you will share it here, if not in Creation.
From what I have seen so far, your artwork does not meet the definition of "crap" that I have heard so much of in recent threads.
I think you would probably find a lot more people here interested in discussing, as opposed to ranting.

:) Luna


a girl comes back from outta town, and now so much to read! hip hip!

I dig the whirling intricacigig Queen A Cups picture. gold on gray and a heavy overelaboration, that engine is almost baroquely mechanical. except for that light in the shadow....somewhere, there's a hole that we can't see...a hollowed grenade, that shadow looks like.

<<or a contrivance capable of spinning golden strands of time...>>
when i see golden strands, they run from heart to heart. heartstrings that can be plucked, vibrating music. perhaps the musicbox is not so far from this, either. but of time? that new facet'll take some dwelling on.

<<rather, she is a mechanized magic pleasure mistress for him?>>
again, i offer that she and her cup represent tarot/divination itself...
although the last time we met, the Queen had a simmering smile and a tsk tsk to lay on me: "you've been talking some sh** on me, girl..." but she was not displeased... Tarot as Mechanized Magic Pleasure Mistress (there's a tag line...)

I also had this lovely palimpsest-style image of the Ace's Cup as the physical came up in a reading and the girl goes "that's me! that's inside me!"...a heart pumping out life-fluid into the system, seeping and swelling...i suppose the heart could easily image as a pumpypump engine, very mechanical too. But in the Queen's hands its covered...for protection reasons? goggles required upon opening, volatile splashback? (eruption indeed...) Discovering the inner via intense attention to the don't have to wear your heart on your sleeve for her to suss you out.

wine and zucchini bread,

Durant Hapke

masked puppet...

Brothers, and Sisters,

I've thought better of placing my troubling notions about the fifth card here on this thread -- such an upbeat jag of golden love, as it is.

Upon further contemplation, I'm questioning my initial notions of the Hierophant. However, I still find it to be very "heavy" and truly "Alien."

When my sparking head settles down, I will formulate questions, and set off on a Jack bird new thread.

Durant "mind like a mushroom" Hapke


Found Image

Ok. I found this image a coupla days ago and immediately thought of your Meat Puppet. Don't want to be alarming, but the resemblance is striking. The hand position, even. It's from the CC licensed Steampunk Magazine #3

I can't put images here yet, but the link is over here, with "view larger image" option:

Creepy to the max, that you totally missed the H during the initial runs-through. "Dream Killer" seen City of Lost Children, with the old man dream stealer?

H as alien mind sucking Meat Puppet has my thoughts a whirlin. But I will wait for your proper formulations.

Deep breaths,

Durant Hapke

under the green sea...

Big Bang Brujaja,

Rock the Jack bird black and white cards -- a truly Jules Verne mosh pit design, a big bit of Nautilus style free form funk.

Right on, and bring it again -- this drawing has influanced me -- what more can I say?

Durant "find a pen and get it going" Hapke

Durant Hapke

flicker on...

Brothers, and Sisters,

Firing back -- what?

I've experienced a Flashlight effect -- unsettling (but very visceral, and exciting).

Friend Samantha "pushed" for me to try a reading (first -- felt a bit odd, but bit it).

So, as I turned the cards, it was like a flashlight flipped on. I saw each (only 3), more clearly then ever before.

Yes, the Q of C was one of the triad.

Awesome. I pushed a remembrance.

What about this?

Durant "D cell" Hapke

PS -- A bit on a vinyl component soon...