Clairaudient or Losing My Marbles?


Hello, everyone! So right now I'm in a state of confusion. I don't know whether I'm opening up to becoming clairaudient . . . or if I've lost my marbles and need to be put in the nut-house. *Sighs* Here's the story (Warning: get a snack and a comfy chair!):

Only three (I believe) nights ago, I asking my guardian angel and/or spirit guide to help my friend battle through his cancer. I few minutes later, in bed, I began to "hear" vibrations. Now, I say "hear" in the sense of . . . it was all coming from my head. At first I believed it to be maybe something electronic. So I blew it off. A few minutes after that, a tone sounded; just a single pitch, a single beep, maybe. It held out one note. I started to freak out a little and thought, "Just calm down, it's probably some electronic thing. You're tired, just go to sleep." But, then, all of that was blown away. When I heard singing. I've been in choir for four years and know opera-like singing when I hear it! I heard the note changes. I really didn't know what to think of it. Maybe someone is singing me to sleep? Or was this voice trying to soothe me? I heard a little of what sounded like music. Both the music and singing sounded new, yet somehow familiar. I couldn't help but smile and think how beautiful it was. But then it all stopped and I heard what sounded like chatting. Like this "voice" (if I may) was speaking. But it sounded so distant, almost like I were underwater, trying to hear someone above the surface. I couldn't make out anything it was saying. About two minutes into the "talking" another voice seemed to voice. Thus began the moment I thought I was going insane.

The next day I didn't hear anything. However, something different happened. This may have be insignificant but I might as well tell it since it could possibly be related; never know. You see, my Grandma made my little brother bacon for breakfast. She decided to make some for me, put it in a little baggy, and give it to me to take to school so I'd have something to eat (since I don't have a lunch period). Well, I didn't know this. After I got home, I was up on my bed with our dog when the dog, Molly, jumped down and started sniffing around on this tray (that I have random stuff such as a tissue box and Halloween things that need to be put away) that is over by my dresser. Turns out, sitting there on the tray behind some decorations, happened to be the bag of bacon . . . perfectly. Grandma insists that she put it on my bed next to my purse.

Well, just last night I was in bed, again. In a way, I requested that I be "sung" to sleep since I felt quite miserable after a chat with my ex. No more than 30 seconds later I heard singing again. No words, like last time. Just the same note changes. Maybe it was on "ah." I heard music, as well. Classical, again. This time I payed attention and could distinctly hear a violin, harp, flute, and piano.

So today after I got home from school, I decided to do some researched. I've checked many sites online as well as posts on the forum. While doing this, I decided to open my "ears" to try to "hear" things. Only seconds passed before I could "hear" noises. Yes, I still am meaning the noises are in my head. (Wow, that made me sound crazy! XD) I try to focus on the sound and sometimes that helps. Other times I find it easiest to just go on with what I'm doing and I'll get a random, louder outburst. Anyway, after this research of mine, I decided I'm either going insane or am just beginning to open up to clairaudience. I kindly asked this "voice" (that I still can't understand since it sounds so distant, quiet, and mumbled) to perhaps knock on my wall, if it's a spirit that's close by me. Well, no knocking happened. However, my Mom was out in the kitchen talking to my step-dad when suddenly two or three cooking pots fell. I shall quote my Mom: "What was that? Oh, it's the pans. That's weird. How did they fall?" Coincidence? I also heard more music, still always classical which is quite calming.

Another way to describe the noises are perhaps "surreal"-like sounds. Or maybe "science fiction." It seems quite complicated to explain. Perhaps even sometimes similar to meditation music that doesn't use nature.

Now, as for the mumbling "voices," I thought it might be something with my ears (maybe they haven't recovered from my cold). But, there's no mistaking the singing and music (which tends to be the clearest). However, it doesn't seem frightening to me. As a matter of fact, when I ask for music, I often seem to get it. It's like a classical ipod built in your head! XD My personal opinion is that I've somehow "opened" myself and am slowly becoming clairaudient. If I don't want to hear the noise, I don't hear it. But, like now, I just concentrated on opening my "ears" to hear things. After a few seconds, I can "hear" these things. Even at this moment I'm hearing mumblings, hoping to hear a word I can pick up on!

So, now's the time to ask you: am I going insane, or having a moment of/developing clairaudience?


P.S. Sorry for the extremely long post. I thought it would be best to try to fit it all in than leave stuff out. Thanks for helping, by the way. Happy holidays. =]



I would say you are developing your clairaudience. You explicitly asked for communication from spirit to come through to you for you to help your friend. You started receiving replys for assistance almost immediately! These sounds you are hearing are very common to clairaudient awareness. It is very common for the sounds to be heard inside the head rather than outside. Sometimes it even sounds like your own voice. Just emphasize gratitude for the response you are getting, and ask for more clarity to understand the messages. You can also imagine your ear chakras being energetically cleaned out of any debris that may be impeding your ability to hear spiritually. You can use q-tips or a vacuum, anything you want to imagine removing blockages to your spiritual hearing. This exercise will help you hear more clearly what is being conveyed to you.



OOnaOwl said:
I would say you are developing your clairaudience. You explicitly asked for communication from spirit to come through to you for you to help your friend. You started receiving replys for assistance almost immediately! These sounds you are hearing are very common to clairaudient awareness. It is very common for the sounds to be heard inside the head rather than outside. Sometimes it even sounds like your own voice. Just emphasize gratitude for the response you are getting, and ask for more clarity to understand the messages. You can also imagine your ear chakras being energetically cleaned out of any debris that may be impeding your ability to hear spiritually. You can use q-tips or a vacuum, anything you want to imagine removing blockages to your spiritual hearing. This exercise will help you hear more clearly what is being conveyed to you.

Thank you so much. Whew . . . it's like a huge weight has been lifted. =] I'll take that into deep consideration and will try that exercise. Thank you, again! Happy holidays!



I agree with Oona. I think it's your Clairaudience awakening - I'm getting very similar sensations as mine begins to awaken, as well. I've not heard voices yet, but I have heard noises like a bodhran (celtic drum) being hit once just behind my head - I'm a medieval musician, and I know a bodhran when I hear it - it's an unmistakable sound. I've also often thought I've heard music inside my head - but it's only when it's not there that I noticed. It suddenly stops, and I'm left thinking it's suddenly gone quiet, even though there was no outside sound to start with. I wouldn;t be suprised if, after a while, you find other senses waking up too. I started off as just clairsentient, but as it grew stronger, my other senses began to awaken too.



CelticDruidess said:
I agree with Oona. I think it's your Clairaudience awakening - I'm getting very similar sensations as mine begins to awaken, as well. I've not heard voices yet, but I have heard noises like a bodhran (celtic drum) being hit once just behind my head - I'm a medieval musician, and I know a bodhran when I hear it - it's an unmistakable sound. I've also often thought I've heard music inside my head - but it's only when it's not there that I noticed. It suddenly stops, and I'm left thinking it's suddenly gone quiet, even though there was no outside sound to start with. I wouldn;t be suprised if, after a while, you find other senses waking up too. I started off as just clairsentient, but as it grew stronger, my other senses began to awaken too.

Thanks, CelticDruidess! Isn't the music so beautiful? There's really no way to describe it yet for me besides just being amazing, flawless, perfect, and basically like you dug headphones INTO your head. It's like surround-sound. XD Who knew? You can save money one buy CDs or downloading songs; just become clairaudient and have the most amazing classical pieces (that might not even be an actual piece!) in your head. XD Yes, yes, that was my joke. =P

I'm actually quite excited. I'd love to have other senses woken up. Ever since I was little (as in probably ten years ago, since I'm only seventeen!) I've wanted to be psychic to help people. And now, developing certain things . . . it's quite exciting. The saying "Live life to its fullest comes to mind." =] Happy holidays!



I agree, the music is so beautiful! I have even heard the faeries sing in the forest- and it is the most beautiful sound I have ever heard!



OOnaOwl said:
I agree, the music is so beautiful! I have even heard the faeries sing in the forest- and it is the most beautiful sound I have ever heard!

Really? I'll have to - well, I can't see keep my ears open! XD - "listen" for that. =]



MistressNatasha said:
I heard what sounded like chatting. Like this "voice" (if I may) was speaking. But it sounded so distant, almost like I were underwater, trying to hear someone above the surface. I couldn't make out anything it was saying.
In my opinion, you are developing telepathy (clairaudience). I've had this same thing happen to me too.



JONIKA said:
In my opinion, you are developing telepathy (clairaudience). I've had this same thing happen to me too.

Thanks, Jonika. =] After these comments I'm more confident now that I don't need to be locked up in a nut-house. XD Happy holidays!



I agree, your clairaudient abilities are developing.

It started when you asked specifically your guardian angel for help for a friend who was ill with cancer. Then you heard singing. You even mentioned a choir in your post, which made me think immediately of a choir of angels. First that is not a coincidence that you heard it the first time after you prayed to your angel for help. What it was was the answer to your prayer.

The angels can send us answers in all kinds of ways and using any of our senses they want to. If you have clairaudient abilities it will be easy for them to contact you through that method.

So let's say you prayed for that help and soon after your heard what was a like a choir of angels. That was to tell you that: 1) your prayer was heard, 2) that they were with you and your friend now, and 3) they were there to protect you both, which is what angels do. I would say it was to tell you that your prayer has been heard and is being answered. Maybe it was both your angels and your friends communicating together to you.

I have had similar experiences too. When I first started to believe in Faeries I have some clairsentient moments too when I heard them talking to me in that way. Yeah, I had a few doubts too about my sanity at first, but then ran into so many people who had had similar experiences that I knew it was fairly normal, although not that much talked about.

Also yes that happens, when we start to become open to believing we have these abilities, we see more and more instances of it. It is my experience anyway, that when I first started to have them and realize they were true communications, I had a lot of them at first. Like they were trying to prove to me that it was real. Until I was 100% sure.

Then they dropped off in frequency. That may not be your experience, but it was mine. Once I was totally convinced that there were real beings (faeries and angels) contacting me and giving me advice and whom I could talk to and ask advice... then they did not have to try so hard to get my attention. That could be because I was never really interested in purposely developing them more. I am happy enough to have them, and I know now that we can communicate in that way, but I don't need more than that for myself. If they have something to tell me in that way, I am happy to get the message if they want to communicate wtih me in that way, but I am not looking for more. I feel I get signs everyday almost that to me tell me all I need to know.

Now my angels send me signs everyday through many ways, but I don't hear of see them as often. Sometimes I still do though,usually when I am truly upset and yes when I ask for that help and pray, then the make a greater effort to show their presence so I don't feel alone.

I don't hear them as often anymore really, I think I could be clairaudient (or have some of it in me), but it is not my major sense. I tend to be more visual and tactile I guess. I usually just sense/feel them standing behind me. I have also felt like a hand on my shoulder more than once. And I do usually feel their energy when doing angel meditations, like a touch on my hand.

OR I see them, see a flash of light fly by, usually a faery. Or once I prayed to AA Micheal and I did see after an outlike of an angelically shaped figure next to me, transluscent sortof and almost like an outline, but it was clearly there.

It doesn't shock me like it used to anymore, I've gotten used to it over time, knowing they are there, that they do steer me on the right path with signs, but that sometimes they feel a stronger form of communication is necessar adn then it becomes more direct and personal. I personally usually tend mostly to see or feel their presence, But I have had the clairaudience experinece too.

And no you are not loosing your marbles. LOL We do live in a spiritual universe where angels are real beings that are there to help us. They have the power to communicate with us in whatever way they feel will be most effective. And the fact that this started right after you prayed says it all. That is not a coincidence, that was an answer to your prayer and they needed you to know that they were there, that your prayer was heard and is being answered.
