Colman-Smith? Colman Smith?


Teheuti said:
Most bibliographic sources - art books and the like list her as
Smith, Pamela Colman.

When in doubt, go ask the librarians...! Perfect information, thank you, Mary.


I love the letter!

I want some money for Christmas too!


I notice the letter says "80 designs" for the tarot card images... I'd guess that there must be a drawing for the box cover, but maybe there's an extra PCS tarot card image out there. Wouldn't that be a nice find for us tarot-ites?


I noticed that, and it made me wonder too.

But I have only seen it in them plain red boxes with no design on.

Was there ever a box with a design?
If not, what are the two other designs?


Well, presumably, the back of the cards was one of the extra designs. Jennsen, and others, think this is likely to have been the blue lilies and roses/Tudor rose design. What the other design is, though, is anybody's guess. Many packs come with an extra "cover" card, so there could have been one of those, although none has ever been discovered for the Rider Waite/Smith deck.


Pcs Box

Oh so the box is just plain red is it?without any writing or pictured lid?
I have often wondered what the PCS (B) box is like,mine is in poor condition and held together with tape and i only have the bottom half (no lid),
I can see that the box was red,but would like to see what the complete box is like.I keep looking on "Hollys"website but the bit about the boxes they rode in on is still under construction.
My PCS (B) deck is in quite good condition considering its age,and i have noticed that the latest version "The Original Rider Waite" deck is a very close match to my early PCS (B).

So if anybody can post a picture of the complete box the PCS (B) rode in on ?,please show me im interested to see.



I have a B, in a box.
The top of the box is the same as the bottom. The same red stuff.
Mine has very old tape on top and bottom, but I don't want to take it off.
Though there don't seem to be anything under it but red stuff.

In the box is the deck and book.

I have also heard/seen reports of other decks (A&C) in red boxes, which I assume are the same.

If the deck was ever sold on it's own, without the box,or with the bigger (pictorial) key, it might have had a different box.