Court cards as outcome in relationship spreads


I'm glad it wasn't totally useless! I've noticed I'm good at telling others what can work, and then when I fall in the same situation I suddenly don't even remember my own advice! lol I'll have to come back to this thread if I fall in this situation (and read Caridwen's advice as well)! :p

Fudugazi said:
Interesting experience with the King of Wands, by the way (whom I see as a Leo, personally - the Knight being the Sag in the system I use - my moon sign).
You know, I follow a strange combination of association: I love the GD system because it's clear and logical, except that I sometimes don't "feel" the sign working with my understanding of the card... Maybe I should review my understand of them! I enjoy the time associations that, for example, the Thoth uses too! So I'd like to find a system and actually stick to it! But now of course I'm wondering... lol
[Edited to add] Thank you for that Cardinal = Queens, Fixed = Kings (and thus Mutable = Knights) because that actually makes sense to me! I actually kept finding information that tie Mutable signs to the Thoth Knights/RWS Kings, and that really was my issue... I think I have to get some more information on Leos now... :D And try to see if it makes me think of people I know, and even more interestingly for me, how I see myself in the Leos! (it is my 8th house... *blushes* I wonder if that's why I keep getting the Devil! he he!)