

what are crows, symbolically? i just saw one, and it made an impression.


I have always believed that a single crow means bad luck. If this crow has made a deep impression, maybe you should be wary of any changes at this time. Blessings


I can remember reading something about a crow as a messenger or as appearing when one's life is changing. You might find the following article to be of interest:

The Raven: Balancing Man & Nature, by Cheryl Lynne Bradley

It is not about crows directly, but the raven is a member of the same bird family.


Hey cartarum!
I love crows.
I developed and devoted an entire oracle to them!

They greatly inspire me, often herald messages, and sometimes they wake me out of a funk.

If one has made an impression on you, try asking the Universe about what the message could be...
often it will be reminding you of something you have forgotten.


Like Chronata, I believe Crows have been given a bad rap. The NW coast Natives have many stories about Raven and Crow, mostly raven (I don't think they made a distinction, as it is rather difficult to tell them apart).

In NW Coast mythology, raven/crow was the Trickster, the bringer of light to man, amd many, many other tales. In all, he shows his dual nature as an entity who tries to trick but ends up doing good.

In the "Oracle of the Dreamtime", a similar story is told about Crow. I haven't had an opportunity to independently validate it as Aboriginal, but believe it is correct.

I like crows. They are very family oriented. They pair bond; their young live with them for five years, they live up to 15 years.

I think seeing them says "Look out! You may end up thinking one thing and doing another", but maybe that's just my experience.

I don;t think a single crow is an omen - or I get plenty of omens!


Having crows come to visit is a fairly common occurence where we live in Australia. You often hear them "cawing" around the place during the day - there calls can get annoying sometimes, but I often associate it to one of the sounds of our Summer.

A verse about Crows from "The Medicine Cards" book by Sams & Carson:

Crow ...
Are you "cawing",
So I may know,
The secrets of balance,
Within my soul?

Or are you sending,
Your sacred "caw"
Just to remind me,
Of universal laws?

This book is of Native American influence and in it Crows symbolise "law". Crows know the unknowable mysteries of creation and is the keeper of all sacred law.

I have always found it interesting that a group of crows are sometimes called a "murder of crows" - don't know where it originated from though.


*Edited* to add: in this same book Raven's are listed separately and relate to "magic".


one of my guides symbol is the crow


One of my Spirit Guides is represented by a Crow. He is my messenger and brings me laughter. SO Crows to me are the messengers.

When I see them they warm my heart because they remind me of my guide.

Figure out what they mean to you..don't let someone else tell you (though you may connect with anothers meaning).




Chronata's crowstones are just AWESOME!!

There were a couple of threads about crows some time ago if you do a search. They're pretty informative.


There is a book I have had my eye on for a while that talks about the interpretation of birds as auguries and omens, as well as mythology, folklore and weather lore... it looks kinda good..

Auguries & Omens - The Magical Lore Of Birds, By Yvonne Aburrow

I bet that would cover Crows and Ravens :)