Crystal Study Group: Super Seven


I have begun my study on Super Seven, or Melody's Stone. Melody, the U.S. crystal healer and expert, found the stone in Brazil. It can be a bit hard to find, as it is not a common crystal.

Super Seven is an almagamation of seven minerals, giving it its name. The seven minerals are: Amythest, clear Quartz, Rutile, Goethite, Cacoxenite, Lepidocrosite, and Smokey Quartz. It is said to open the Crown Chakra. It is a stone that is meant to greatly enhance intuition; to give the wearer great self-confidence; and to help you feel empowered by the Universe.

It will amplify telekinesis, to attract and bring what we want. It is said also to bring you directly to your true life path. It is associated with the Zodiac sign Aquarius, and it is said to help with reading the Tarot.

It is associated as well with the seven good fairies of myth that you read about in fairy tales. Combined together, it forms an eigth cumulative energy; it is this that is said to increase its ability to heal.

It comes in various shades of purple, clear, grey, gold, or a mix of all of those colours - depending upon which mineral is more concentrated in it. It is also said that each piece, regardless of the mineral most present, works with the power of all the seven minerals in it, as every single piece of it has the 7 present.

If you wish to read more about it, please click the link :)

Here is what my pendant looks like:


  • Super Seven clear.jpg
    Super Seven clear.jpg
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I can't wait to see 7s popping up all over : ) This should be a truly fascinating thread with so many crystals combined.


I can't wait to see 7s popping up all over : ) This should be a truly fascinating thread with so many crystals combined.

I know you thought this would be a busy stone! Ha! lol ;)

Since the stone has Smokey Topaz and Clear Quartz in it, I am also wearing a bracelet and ring of Smokey (to help banish negativity) and a Clear Quartz ring (to help stimulate inner vision).

When I first put the stone on, I didn't feel anything, (in fact, I felt a diminishment of power from removing the Alexandrite - so I may not be working for very long with this one. We'll see...) But, a few hours into it, it suddenly surprised me - I felt a whoosing kind of energy emanating from it, it felt like a buzzing sound and the feel of magnets - like what you feel when you push two magnets together, and they grab hold of each other. That kind of force field. And the force field was leaving "trails", like colour trails in auras. The magnetic field made sense to me, as this stone is supposed to attract what you need to you, and to align your life path properly with your inner purpose in life.

But I was QUITE surprised when I felt this! It also felt (this is going to sound crazy, but here goes) like there was an eye inside the stone, that it could actually *see* ;p And I am still getting that sensation from it.

When I did some meditation with it last night, I was very tired so it didn't last long - but what I kept seeing was all these different rings with different stones in them floating around in the sky.
This made no sense to me till this morning, I awoke thinking - oh yes! "rings", not jewellery! (the mind is so literal...) Circular energy patterns, and different coloured stones - the 7 different minerals inside the stone ;) Duh! lol...I think the stone was showing me what it was and who it was, and how it operates. I also saw 7:11 on the stove clock when I was pouring my coffee...

So, it is working, but in a more subdued way than the Alexandrite did. Interesting to see what comes next. ;)

ETA: I forgot to say that this stone becomes very hot when you hold it in your hand - so hot, it becomes uncomfortable.

The crowned one

I am not sure if you are interested in any of the properites outside the metaphysical ( and I am not denying them) but for the record lepidocrocite has never been found in this stone through testing methods, it has always been proven to be hematite. (there are some good papers on the subject) and I am sure you are aware smokey topaz is quartz. Topaz is made of fluorine aluminum silicate, quartz is a silicon dioxide. Its more of a marketing name. :)


I am not sure if you are interested in any of the properites outside the metaphysical ( and I am not denying them) but for the record lepidocrocite has never been found in this stone through testing methods, it has always been proven to be hematite. (there are some good papers on the subject) and I am sure you are aware smokey topaz is quartz. Topaz is made of fluorine aluminum silicate, quartz is a silicon dioxide. Its more of a marketing name. :)

I knew about the Smokey, TCO, yes :) thanks for bringing it up, however! I do have several yellow and blue actual topazes, which feel nothing like the Smokey's to wear...and even the yellows (natural) feel nothing like the blue (heat-treated).

I did not know that about the lepidocrocite, thanks for telling me! I wonder why it is always listed as such in the metaphysical properties for Super Seven...if it is not chemically true. Hematite is a nice touch, though! I quite like it, and it is a very strong stone to work with. I have had one truly memorable and shocking experience with Hematite:

About 20 years ago, I got a divorce from my first husband, a difficult and troubled individual with strong chemical dependencies. We had one child and I was fighting to keep the child, and to allow the husband only supervised visits with the child, because husband was so unstable.

I brought a massive chunk of Hematite in my pocket on the day of the divorce, in order to help me remain strong througout the difficult trial. My lawyer shuddered when she saw which judge we had been assigned - she told me the case was lost already, as he always sided with the husbands. I went forward with fear. The judge had an immense anti-matter reaction to my ex (much like I did! lol) and the case was settled in my favour - and actually, the judge completely denied my ex any access whatsoever to the child. (I never saw my ex again after this day.) I was shocked and surprised - and my lawyer was utterly gobsmacked! I showed her the Hematite, and I told her I was certain it had done its work - it is said to impart invulnerability...she became a believer on the spot. ;)


Am jotting this so as not to forget the impact of the experience...

Was wearing the Super Seven pendant today when i walked the dogs. Ambled off for a country side walk on a little used route, and stumbled upon a field with a path-like, tree bordered entrance. Was curious, went up to it, saw a sign half hidden in the trees that read "Aboriginal ceremonial grounds. No entrance without permission". Being part Cree, I decided I had automatic permission and went in :) as I stood under the arch/canopy of trees that mark the entrance, I felt my pendant burning, and throbbing on my neck. I could feel this large force field around it, it was awesome! When I walked into and around the field, the feeling faded away. As I left, I felt it a bit, but not much.

On the way back to the car, I decided to try again at the entrance to see if it was just my imagination, or really the stone at work. Stood in the same spot, got exactly the same feeling again. Not my imagination. Note that this was a ceremonial ground, and not a graveyard or anything like that. Wonder if I was picking up on "do not enter" vibes, or the power of the ceremonies that had been held there previously...curious.

Also noted my mind wandering off and trying to make connections between things that I was seeing, like connecting signs or something - wasn't consciously doing this, it was just occurring. And began receiving little snips of phrases, as though I was hearing passers by speak; I got little bits, like this one: "...Because of a lack of control. Control is not..." It was very aggravating actually, because I was just getting such small snips, they weren't making much sense to me. Something to think on.

I do notice this stone is making me feel incredibly detached, and I am very much just observing what is going on around me, and in my mind, without reacting to it.

It is also enhancing my clairvoyance, as I was able to correctly "see" what was in my post box this morning...Ha! And as I just about hit the post button, I noted the time : 1:17


Ahaha and if no one replies before I hit send I'll be post #7.

I'm thinking in the description of Super Seven at Crystal Cures it mentions something about this crystal having a "soul"? Grrr just tried to look and for some reason can't access the website. So very possible you were picking up on this with the eye. This stone is watching you : )

That's interesting about the reaction at the entrance to the grounds. Maybe meditate on this? Also in the snippets of conversation....maybe the stone is letting you know it's in control? Something is significant with control.

LOL what's up with you seeing crystals in your meditations????? haha Where was the eye : )

Ok I'm looking forward to see what happens next : )
Oh and the time is 8:17 : )


Ahaha and if no one replies before I hit send I'll be post #7.

I'm thinking in the description of Super Seven at Crystal Cures it mentions something about this crystal having a "soul"? Grrr just tried to look and for some reason can't access the website. So very possible you were picking up on this with the eye. This stone is watching you : )

That's interesting about the reaction at the entrance to the grounds. Maybe meditate on this? Also in the snippets of conversation....maybe the stone is letting you know it's in control? Something is significant with control.

LOL what's up with you seeing crystals in your meditations????? haha Where was the eye : )

Ok I'm looking forward to see what happens next : )
Oh and the time is 8:17 : )

lol about the 8:17 - I am also getting 3:13 a lot, which makes me think of you, DS, and also adds up to seven! Ha! So does 8:17 - it equals 16, which makes 1 + 6 = 7 ;)

Ok, so loads and loads of 55's everywhere I look - I even woke up at 3:55 this morning, and took off my Super Seven. It was preventing me from sleeping! This stone makes me feel like I am in constant churning turmoil, everything in me is chattering away or the stone is, one or the other - but I can't get it to shut up, so I had to remove the Super Seven for a while. It really prevented me from sleeping. It also was clashing with my Smokey "Topaz" crystal. I had to remove the lot, they were really annoying me!

I tried to meditate a bit with it last night, but the images were odd and made no sense to me. The only one that made sense was an open hand holding a leaf or a flower of some kind, it kind of looked like a lily pad so I am thinking lotus; and then a pearl, a great big pink one, rolled into the middle of it. So that to me resonates with the Om Mani Padme chant, which means "shine, my inner light" or gem or spirit. That it was a big pink pearl was interesting too - and it wasn't shiny, it was frosted and opaque, and right now my heart (the pink) feels frosty and dead. So I can see how this is relevant, considering I am feeling that my marriage (pearls signify marriage) is frosty cold and feeling dead. So it seems to me that is my main blockage, my main problem to work on.

One thing I am noticing, is that things are making a lot more sense more easily to me - as in, I am understanding the messages I get, the divinatory ones, more easily. They seem way more obvious. I do not know if that is because I am exercising my intuition more these days, or if it is due to the crystal work, but it is coinciding with the crystals. So "signs" are becoming much more easily decoded.

In regard to the "control" snip, I think that bit of clairaudience was in reference again to my marriage, as my husband can be quite controlling (though I am very capable of stopping him from trying that with me, and often do). But it is an underlying theme in our marriage. Bit of a power struggle going on.

I think the fact that the Super Seven buzzed at the entrance of the ceremonial grounds was the stone trying to tell me to get more in touch with my Aboriginal roots. And also that having a ceremony of some kind for myself might be fruitful, and help me smudge some negativity out of my life.

DownwardS, thanks so much for helping me think along those lines, your questions made me look more closely at what I saw and felt.

And that is why feedback is so necessary! ;D


Put the Super Seven back on, and replaced Smokey T with Amethyst, as my Super Seven has a lot of Amethyst in it. Have one Amethyst ring, has two grey bars in it and reflects the purple bars in Super Seven.

have to note these before I forget them.

This morning's number weirdness:

Playing with dogs in yard, found old moving sticker with the number 11 on it.

Time I left to play outside in yard with dogs, looked at clock out of force of habit: 9:43 9 + 4 + 3 = 16 = 1 + 6 = 7

Time I left to walk dogs: 10:06 1 + 6 = 7

I live in the countryside so there is not much to see in the way of human signs.

Out walking dogs, saw a big yellow sign, only thing on sign was huge 55. (have been seeing 55's since putting on the Super S)

Saw another sign, digital with messages on it. Message said, "temperature 16 C
Attention! June 7 and 8"
16 c 1 + 6 = 7;
16 + 7 + 8 = 29 2 + 9 = 11
7 = my family nickname because am 7th child. June 8 = my birthday.

Saw a magpie, it landed right in front of us. It had a broken or mishaped wing. Magpie = attraction to shiny things (crystals) broken wing = my inability to fly on my own just now. Birds are ruled by Gemini.

Passed the gas station on the way home; price of gas 1.64 1 + 6 + 4 = 11

Got home, opened email, first new email I read, "your order will ship on MAY 25. (equals 7) Your order number is 1107707" (equals 5).

Time of posting this: 11:32. that equals 7.

My head hurts.


That's full stop end for now of the study of Super Seven - I had to remove it last night, it was driving me crazy!

I don't think it is the right time for me to work with this stone, because I am finding it both draining and irritating, and yet I love this stone, so I know it is me and not it. When I began with it, I knew it was not the right one but went ahead anyways - see how the stones will keep one on track - if you know it is not the right time to use it, you must respect that.

The conclusion I drew for this crystal is that it is a chatty, busy stone; it buzzes with its own energy, and it goes non-stop. Good to wear if you require razor sharp energy and have to be on the go, go, go! This stone will not let you rest for even a minute, so wear it sparingly, and only when you need.

It will also make you notice every tiny detail all the time, and will bring on clairaudience. Not a stone to wear for meditation unless you are really *looking* for tons of images, as it brings no peace or calm.

If you are looking for enhanced intuition and pinpoint detail messages, or work with numerology, this is your crystal! :laugh: