Death for Anger?


I got the death card to describe someone's level of anger. Would they show no emotion? or a change in emotion? Or be kinda angry?


If you think of Death as a transformation, then maybe their level of anger is so great that it transforms their face and contorts it into someone you aren't used to seeing.

On the other hand, maybe it causes them to stop and think, "Wait a minute. Why does this make me so angry?" and helps them to dig deeper into their own touchy spots and motivations so that they come away changed in some way.


I think Death in this context would imply more of an emotional shut-off; angry or emotionally overwhelmed to the point where one feels "dead" inside.

Anna Supertramp

I would say a lot of anger, since death is depicted as something very dark.


If you think of Death as a transformation, then maybe their level of anger is so great that it transforms their face and contorts it into someone you aren't used to seeing.

On the other hand, maybe it causes them to stop and think, "Wait a minute. Why does this make me so angry?" and helps them to dig deeper into their own touchy spots and motivations so that they come away changed in some way.

This answer is so insightful. Anger is a powerful emotion, it can kill and transform you. I would take Death as a transforming type of anger, give them time, something new will arise from this.


Funny, they weren't angry at all but the Ace of Wands was the shadow card. Perhaps it just meant they were void of emotion.


Was that the only card you pulled? Was there another fire card nearby? If the Ace of Wands was the shadow card, then yes- I'd say they are harboring/burying some very deep anger.


Was that the only card you pulled? Was there another fire card nearby? If the Ace of Wands was the shadow card, then yes- I'd say they are harboring/burying some very deep anger.

Yes. Ace of wands was the only other card. But they didn't express this anger but perhaps they didn't want to.


Angry enough to strangle you? lol! But since it's death they're probably moving on from that feeling or trying not to feel that way since that is kind of extreme.


Angry enough to strangle you? lol! But since it's death they're probably moving on from that feeling or trying not to feel that way since that is kind of extreme.

Haha. I could see that. Its about my dad and he can have quite the temper if given the right situation.