

Hey Franniee,

I took the time to look at the chart you included in your earlier post.

I see that there is an opposition between pluto+uranus and Saturn in the virgo pisces axis.

Isn't Pluto supposed to represent 'void'?

If that was so, then I am thinking that when pluto was transiting the constellation of sagittarius, it must, at one point, have done a critical aspects to the virgo-pisces axis and produce something violent ( saturn+natal pluto+ uranus+ transiting pluto)

The other end of the T-SQUARE would be in gemini, which represents air...and travels.

Does this theory make any sense? LOL

Thank you for your post Franniee, I learned from it.

Maggie :)


Minderwiz said:
One of the big problems with estimating life and death is that modern medicine can make nonsense of any prediction. Indeed even not so modern medicine. My chart has a debilitated Saturn conjunct the Ascendant in the twelfth. This could well be taken as a symbol of death at birth. In fact my birth was indeed difficult and but for a very skilled midwife, I might well have died.
But wouldn't that part of it - the skilled midwife, the cure, the healing - also be reflected in a chart?


franniee said:
yes I believe that.

I just wanted to understand what astrological aspects would indicate the void etc...but I think my question is too complex and we would have had to do progressions etc. which is beyond my scope. I think the natal chart that I attached isn't going to help me figure it out.

When a reader is in a receptive mood then the messages no longer come from the chart, cards or whatever, they just come. So, don't look for aspects or whatever because they are simply not in the chart for you to see, they are in one's mind at the time of the reading.

Sometimes I can do this, sometimes I can't. Like the other day, I just "saw" a tree breaking in half and soon, 3 days later it did exactly that, no wind, on a perfectly calm and sunny day, also around exactly the same time. 3.30-4 pm.


Well this person passed from an illness that began in sept of 91 although the actual start date is hazy..... I have upload the time of death chart. S passed in the same location as S was born - so there is no movement there....

Pluto was trining saturn and was in the first house? I am really clueless as to how to figure this out. I only know the basics of astrology and even at that I think my knowledge is limited. :)

If I go back to september Jupiter conjoins pluto/uranus and opposes the natal saturn..... in that virgo pisces aspect. That could be cancer - couldn't it? And conjoining uranus it could come on sudden as it did. whatcha think?

btw Fudu, I agree. ;)


  • S death day transits.pdf
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  • S death day.pdf
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willowfox said:
When a reader is in a receptive mood then the messages no longer come from the chart, cards or whatever, they just come. So, don't look for aspects or whatever because they are simply not in the chart for you to see, they are in one's mind at the time of the reading.

Sometimes I can do this, sometimes I can't. Like the other day, I just "saw" a tree breaking in half and soon, 3 days later it did exactly that, no wind, on a perfectly calm and sunny day, also around exactly the same time. 3.30-4 pm.

Ah! I thought Astrology was more of an exact science. More driven on aspects rather than psychic ability or intuition. Of course astrologers are intuitive but I really did think it was more this plus that probably means this.


franniee said:
Ah! I thought Astrology was more of an exact science. More driven on aspects rather than psychic ability or intuition. Of course astrologers are intuitive but I really did think it was more this plus that probably means this.
I think it is as exact as anything can be concerning complex human beings... but even in an exact science, there is a large part of hunch and intuition: ask any working physicist or geologist.


franniee said:
Ah! I thought Astrology was more of an exact science. More driven on aspects rather than psychic ability or intuition. Of course astrologers are intuitive but I really did think it was more this plus that probably means this.

Some aspects could indicate a range of things that are likely too happen, an astrologer can tell their client, that, this, that or the other may happen, an intuitive will zero in on usually the exact thing and without having to "think" about it.

Remember this guy;

In quantum physics, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle states that certain physical quantities, like position and momentum, cannot both have precise values at the same time. The narrower the probability distribution for one, the wider it is for the other.


franniee said:
Pluto was trining saturn and was in the first house? I am really clueless as to how to figure this out. I only know the basics of astrology and even at that I think my knowledge is limited. :)

Well, pluto was trining her natal saturn but was squaring the transiting saturn ( in Aquarius)

Plus, If you consider Pluto as being the ruler of her Aries then in her case Mars would have been the ruler of her 6th. 6th house governs the health. Pluto in scorpio in the 1st house in square aspect to saturn... Did her sickness have to do with bone marrow? ( wild guess here)

Now, on the chart that you show, Capricorn doesn't have a cusp.. so I am not sure what saturn rules in her chart but if you consider that saturn also rules aquarius, then maybe it had to do with which ever part of the body that Aquarius rules...

franniee said:
If I go back to september Jupiter conjoins pluto/uranus and opposes the natal saturn..... in that virgo pisces aspect. That could be cancer - couldn't it? And conjoining uranus it could come on sudden as it did. whatcha think?

With Uranus, the news comes as a surprise but because of pluto, I'd be tempted to think that the sickness was 'years in the making'

Maggie :)