Deck ID?


Seems maybe to show the fronts, bottom left - and I've never seen anything like those !

A sepia rosy cross. Hmmmm...


Stack seems the right size for tarot, but stretching the card in the lower left, I can't make it jive with a tarot image. Yes, inquiring minds want to know!


It being a stock photo image, they may not even be tarot cards. Or they may be some kind of mock-up created with backs but no fronts.



But Rodnee - zey have ze fronts. Look bottom left. VERY weird, as AJ says !

Though I agree - stock images show all sorts of rubbish. Then again - loads here didn't believe the stock images of Darla's Hallmark deck were of a real deck, either... but now it's back in print because of all that.


If the image in the lower left corner is the front of the cards, then it's a landscape-oriented deck.

And depending on your definition of "real," the Hallmark was specifically created for stock image use. It was a complete deck, but wasn't available in any format anywhere until we all expressed interest and encouraged its recreation in a format that could be purchased and used. The same may be the case with the deck in question.


The whole photo looks sepia-toned, but here are links to what I am referring..

yep! thats the back!^^ but if that image in corner is front, then judging by the size of free space on the side of the image and orientation, I would say it's probably self printed?:)) probably one of those old 16/18c old italy/oracle decks?:))

btw I'm sure I've seen that back in some oracle video rev on youtube?x,x facepalm


The backs look right. :thumbsup: So we'd have to assume that the "card" image shown isn't a part of the same deck. Which makes sense as they look larger (rather than landscape, I think, Rodney ?)


Stack seems the right size for tarot, but stretching the card in the lower left, I can't make it jive with a tarot image. Yes, inquiring minds want to know!

I first read this as "acquiring minds want to know", AJ. :p I guess it's a Freudian hiccup in my thought process.