Deck of 1000 Spreads—New Spreadcrafting Tool


Thanks! That thing where they got the same outcome but perceived it differently is an interesting thought. I can see how you might have to go back and rewrite. Very cool what you're doing. :)


another year came and gone

the deck served me well at the pow wow , and Dryden fair this year again.

I stick with my shuffling the deck like it was a tarot deck making random spreads instead of trying to make a spread for a person. if I did that for a person when doing reading I think it would drag down my readings and my own energy.

only once when it was a one card reading and the subject was on something else and finances showed up did I toss the card and just read the tarot card itself. so that is about 99.9 percent use, however it could of been that person need to hear finances alas.. so I made an readers decision to go with the tarot card alone.

so great deck still :)


Thanks, Holmes. :)


A Deck of a 1000 Spreads Review

So, it won't be an elaborate review 'cause I only just got it a couple of days ago and haven't used it too much, but I do want to bring out a couple of points with it.

1. This is not a learning aid. At least, it hasn't been for me, if anything I think when I tried to use it as a learning aid, it slowed me down and made less sense. It won't help you read the cards any better than without it.

2. It's not meant for small 3 card spreads. What a querent noticed was my reading using the deck, it became less fluid and very *point, point, point*. It didn't flow. So, it won't be used for anything less than 5 cards.

That's what I didn't like about it, and I was disappointed 'cause that's what I wanted to use it for. However; as luck would have it, I found out what it is for, at least with me.

3. It shines with "on the fly large spreads".

This is what I want to talk about. I did a reading (and the picture I have sucks, and I got the querents permission to use it as an example. I just won't give details what the reading was about) for a nearly complete stranger. She knows very intimate details of my life, and the life of others in our program. She's making a documentary about how stigma with mental illness has affected us, and was taking pictures of the artwork a member made today. She's only been met a couple of times, and I was doing readings so I asked if she wanted one.

The first one was just a three card reading, and I didn't use 1000 spread deck. All Major Arcana, very positive and uplifting read. She's a very soft hearted person, she cried when I told her my story, because it's a story that not many people get told, never mind on record.

Anyways, she asked if she could ask a specific question, and the question she asked would not be answered by a three card spread, at least not well - and I never read for a stranger but sometimes you need to push yourself to know what you can do.

I had no spreads. So I made one! OMG this deck was a lifesaver. An 7 (turned to 8) card spread. It was labeled so I could actually know exactly what position was what. The book taught me why spreads were shaped the way they were (I read it the night before and didn't bother taking it with me), and it worked perfectly!

We got the answers we were looking for, I knew exactly what meant what, I could read it individually and all together, and it just looked good. She left with the biggest smile on her face, and something to think about and ponder, but felt good and uplifted. I got confidence, and understanding of how large spreads worked.


The deck is divided into
Green - Topics (question, success, problem, etc)
Red - Outcome (Advice, Answer, Resolution, etc)
Orange - Character (You, Relationship, Friends and Family, etc) ** some are third person
Purple - Timing (Past, What to Let Go Of In The Future, etc)
Blue - Influence (Clarification, hopes and fears, surprise, etc)

I have a really good memory, it's one of the reason why I love Tarot so much, because I can use my memory to my advantage. I went through the deck a few times, and knew what I could use the cards for. The colour coding makes it super easy to go through and making spreads on the fly - it's a godsend. Without this deck, I would not have been able to answer that question nearly as well as I did, not without getting confused and taking too long to write it down (I'm doing my best to not write so much when with a querent).

The book was useful in understanding how the spreads worked, and how to use the deck, but I just went through it kinda fast and went from there. I learn most things on my own and use a book as a reference guide, but I don't think I'll pick it up again. The deck will be going with me everywhere.

Anyway, sorry of this review doesn't make much sense or if I'm missing some key points. I'm a bit fried this morning. If I miss anything or want me to clarify something, please let me know. I hope those who get this deck understand that it's a valuable tool if you're familiar with tarot and spreads already. I consider myself a beginner, but just enough that it's a great learning tool to improve upon. That's just my opinion on it.

I love how I can see the labels, and if I forget what that label means, there's a description underneath if you need to look at.

Thank you for making this deck. I was iffy about it at first, but it proved to be a invaluable tool when it comes to making large spreads on the fly. I'm pretty sure that's exactly why it was created, and it's perfect for it. Thank you.


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In Spring 2013, Llewellyn is releasing something entirely different for tarot enthusiasts—The Deck of 1000 Spreads: Your Tarot Toolkit for Creating the Perfect Spread for Any Situation.

Because there's no photo or description up yet on Amazon, I'll tell you what it is. The Deck of 1000 Spreads is a deck of 57 oversized cards, each with a different spread position written on it. These are not tarot cards. They're spread position cards. The idea is that you choose the spread positions (such as "past", "situation" or "underlying influences") you want from the 57 options provided, then you place them in front of you, arranging them and rearranging as you like until you've created your own customized spread. It makes spreadcrafting easy!

THEN, when you've got your spread all laid out with the spread cards, you place a tarot card on top of each one. Since the spread card is oversized, the spread position name will poke out the top. Viola! A labeled spread! You'll never forget where you are in a reading again!

You can use the deck to create your own spreads, as I've just described. Or you can use it to lay out a spread you see in a book. Since the explanations of the spread positions are also written on the cards, you won't have to go back and forth between your book while doing your reading. Just lay the spread out and you can focus entirely on reading.

But here's the really cool part. You can turn all the cards over so that just the backs are showing and choose a handful of spread positions at random. Then you can position them in the order you like. It's like divining a spread!

The deck comes with a guidebook to help you understand the system and the basics of spreadcrafting. If you're new to spreadcrafting, the system designed into the cards will make the process easy for you.

Anyway, I just thought I'd alert you to the tool. There's never been anything like it offered by one of the major publishers before, so it's kind of exciting. And what's more exciting for me, is that I'm the one who came up with it and wrote the book! :)

Feel free to ask questions if you're curious or if I didn't explain something well enough. For the time being, there is no picture to show you and I can't get specific about what the 57 cards are. But I can say that I put a lot of work into researching spreads and finding commonalities between them so that the deck will allow you to craft countless options. Certainly you'll find all the spread positions of tarot's basic spreads in the deck, as well as a number of others just to keep things interesting. The aim was to be highly utilitarian, covering the positions found in the kinds of spreads we do every day, rather than covering every spread we'll ever come across in our time as a reader. Clearly that would be an impossible task. But, as you can imagine, with 57 cards, you'll have a lot of options to play with.

I have to say that I have run across the name of this deck many times in the last few months or so and since the name is all many sellers post to start with, and even the site here seems to have it listed under (mostly)tarot decks as a clicky link, I thought, "This is a tarot deck billed as a deck of 1,000 spreads? Isn't every tarot deck capable of zillions given enough time...?" and so I never looked into it, believing that to be the story. I understand it now having read this post and think it is an inventive approach, and I also wonder how many other people read the name, think it's just a gimmick name for yet another tarot deck or tarot deck repackaging and move on like I did--have you had feedback on that?


Just learnt about this... Pretty awesome idea!


Donnalee, I'm not aware of anyone thinking this is a tarot deck. The box has pictures showing what it is. But I could see how, if you just had the name, you might think it was a weird name for a tarot deck.


The book is very good too - it really makes you understand how spreads work for you.