DECK OF THE MONTH - JUNE 2013 sign up thread


Well Pickle Relish!!!!! I did the interview but I am feeling lazy and wondering why my notes and photos can't just type and upload themselves!!!! It doesn't help that i just got a surprise in the mail of a package with TWO decks. I got my first Thoth deck and a Celtic Tarot. Don't ask me which Thoth i got...a big one!!! I will post and I have combined my tarot draw with my lormand draw. I think it is neat seeing how they work off each other.

Awesome Kathy!!! I LOVED what Mi-Shell did, when she looked at her suit!!!I will have to do it. though my cups are GHOSTS!!! XD


My Cups study is posted.

But the deck is quite complex, so I need to give some basic points about Vetrate for you to understand how it works.

The Vetrate operates on four types of energy, each named for one letter of the name of God, IHVH.

1: IOD - Aggressive - red, fiery, active
2: HE #1 - Passive - blue, watery, passive
3: VAU - Union of aggression and passion, working together but still distinct
4: HE #2 - Transformed, new energy, new identity

The blue pillar that appears on many cards is Jachin, the receptive Pillar of Mercy of the Kabbalah Tree of Life, contrasted with Boaz the active fiery red Pillar of Severity. The pillars only appear in the court cards and Majors; the Minors are left to embody the energies in their windows only. There are actually more RWS concepts in the symbols than I realized, if you look at the interpretations closely, they loosely match the general theme of the Rider images.


Whouwh!! What an interesting deck, Aeric!
Loads to learn and loads to absorb! Just the way I like them!

I myself am sitting in our Mosquito tent on the upper deck, watching the Moose in the Beaver meadow below and working on the Tarocchi Celtici
All cards spread out, taking pictures and ... having NO idea, how to upload one - from this here brand new mini laptop with - new to me - windows 7 :(
I discovered something disturbing about my cups. But since I am not done - I will report back later....

edited to report: Somehow I did it!!
here I am:


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Great shot! Magazine worthy.


Swamplady please post pics of your Suit of Ghosts!

Aeric your post on the Coppe was beautiful!

Mi-Shell those definitely look hard to shuffle! But the cards still look so pretty!

Kathy I am doing daily advice spreads with this deck and just love them!

The AIT pips are just that. It is hard writing a story on the suit. I will post what I came up with tomorrow tying it to one of the trumps. But I love my deck.


Posted about Cups in the Daily Draw thread.

Aeric may I ask you please? What interpretation do you use for the 4 of Cups in the AIT? One book tells me boredome. The LWB with the deck says growth and harmony.


For Marseille decks I go by what the card's artwork tells me. If the flowers evenly divide the cups into four quadrants, it symbolizes equilibrium, balance, rest. There is room for growth and harmony because the cups are equally separated. Anything numerically connected to four could also be a hint: a group of four, 1 year (four seasons), the month of April, four elements.

If the flowers divide them into two groups of two, it could signify conflict between sides.


For Marseille decks I go by what the card's artwork tells me. If the flowers evenly divide the cups into four quadrants, it symbolizes equilibrium, balance, rest. There is room for growth and harmony because the cups are equally separated. Anything numerically connected to four could also be a hint: a group of four, 1 year (four seasons), the month of April, four elements.

If the flowers divide them into two groups of two, it could signify conflict between sides.

OMG. I totally see what you are saying. Wow. OMG. Looking at the pips - things are different now! Thanks. :)


Specifically for the 4, there's also the fact that the blue flowers that are open are only facing two of the cups, and the others are faced by the small red ones that aren't open. Does nature favour someone over someone else? Is a process finished for two people but incomplete for the other two? The tall blue flower at the top is almost but not quite open; what does this mean?

You see? All Marseille deck pips are identical only so far as their numbers. After that, you can rely on anything unique to the deck for an interpretation. Curlicues, lines, plants and other things in the artwork aren't just ornamentation, they can also be used to interpret.

In the 3 and 5 of swords, the odd-numbered sword is dangling precariously from two of them by a thin ribbon. Or, depending on how you read reversals, it's holding itself upright, as if by magic. In the 3, it's cutting through a small, delicate plant. In the 5, the tip is threaded through the other blades. In the AIT, swords are blue and yellow, and wands are blue and green. These visuals can provide different interpretations from the famous Waite ones or the LWB.


Posted about Cups in the Daily Draw thread.

Aeric may I ask you please? What interpretation do you use for the 4 of Cups in the AIT? One book tells me boredome. The LWB with the deck says growth and harmony.

There are also these here old ways to read - they were also used withregular playing cards:

For the one of Poor Memory
The firstmost rule is easily had:
Red cards are good and black cards are bad.

The secondmost rule shall bring greater fruits:
It deals with the meanings of each of the suits.
The Hearts count as love, family, and friends.
Diamonds are money, wealth, means, and ends.
Clubs shall mean work, callings, and plans,
And Spades are the troubles that plague every man.

The thirdmost rule toward number inclines;
Just note the card’s pip and read here their signs:

An Ace brings beginnings,
And Two gives exchange,
Three shows things growing,
But Four does not change.
Five is the body,
Its health and its stead,
Six shows a path
That the Seeker shall tread.
Seven brings troubles
That fate has assigned,
While Eight shows ideas
And thoughts in the mind.
Nine heralds changes,
And Ten is the end,
While Kings are the symbols
Of power and men.
Queens are the emblems
Of women and truth,
A Knave is a message,
A girl, or a youth.