Deck of the Week : Sign-Up Thread : Week 167 : October 11th - October 18th


This thread is for those who would like to work through their collection of decks. Each week on a Saturday we will be picking a new deck to work with exclusively for the week.

Anyone is welcome. Please join us!

1. Please post with your chosen deck for the week - if you wish you can choose 1 tarot and 1 oracle so you can participate in all areas of the forum

2. Chat away about your deck, how you're finding it etc

3. Daily Draws can be recorded in our Group Daily draws thread: HERE

4. The following link is for members of the Deck of the Week group to post readings (other than Daily Draws) with their chosen decks or readings with spreads offered specifically by Deck of the Week members. No feedback or commentary on the spreads/readings is required (unless requested).

Deck of the Week Readings

5. Here are links so that members can post daily readings/reflections on Oracles or Lenormand decks:

Oracle Decks - Threads in Oracle Readings forum
Deck of the Week Group - Oracle Daily Draws
Deck of the Week Group - Oracle Readings Journal

Lenormand Decks - Threads in Lenormand Journals forum
Deck of the Week Group - Lenormand Daily Draws
Deck of the Week Group - Lenormand Readings Journal

1. BodhiSeed : Sheridan Douglas Tarot and Pages of Shusta
2. AJ : Mythic Tarot (First Edition)
3. VGimlet : Tarot of the Zirkus Magi and the Kader Fortune Telling Deck
4. jema : Tarot of the Imagination
5. UrbanBramble : Wooden Tarot
6. Madame Squee : Tyldwick Tarot and A'HA Oracle


I'm in with Sheridan Douglas Tarot and Pages of Shustah. Thanks Elendil.:heart:

ETA: Elendil, how did you like the Vision Tarot? Was there a booklet so you could figure out what card was what?

I LOVED working with the Ship of Fools last week; I think that it is one of Brian Williams most brilliant decks.


Original Mythic, thanks


Tarot of the Zirkus Magi and the Kader Fortune Telling Deck.

Kind of an interesting duo together. :D

I very much enjoyed my time with the Alice Tarot - I put it on the "more later" list so I will spend more time with it at some future date.

Thank you Elendil!


ETA: Elendil, how did you like the Vision Tarot? Was there a booklet so you could figure out what card was what?

I didn't like it much..I don't think it's tarot really...and many of the images are all 'spacey,swirly, star-burst new agey'. I don't really like the photo collage style much. There is little connection beyond elemental suits and Trumps to other tarot decks. There is a booklet which tells you which suit each card belongs to (without it I would have had no idea as there is no distinction between Trumps and suits). The suit numbers and titles are colour coded...but this is not that much help...A thumbs down for this one I am afraid. :(


I used Dark Grimoire tarot last week and it rekindled my love for the rather odd and interesting Lo Scarabeo decks. So this week I am gonna use Tarot of the Imagination.


Using my Wooden Tarot this week.


Just to let you all know that I've started a new thread for the Deck of the Week Group's daily draws in the Daily Draws forum as the old thread had got very long.

Thank you Sulis.
I have edited the link in our opening post so it should now take you directly to the new Daily Draw thread that has been set up for us.


I didn't like it much..I don't think it's tarot really...and many of the images are all 'spacey,swirly, star-burst new agey'. I don't really like the photo collage style much. There is little connection beyond elemental suits and Trumps to other tarot decks. There is a booklet which tells you which suit each card belongs to (without it I would have had no idea as there is no distinction between Trumps and suits). The suit numbers and titles are colour coded...but this is not that much help...A thumbs down for this one I am afraid. :(
Glad to know it wasn't just my perception - I had a hard time seeing them as "tarot" too. :)