Decks as a fashion accessory


I initially looked into tarot while researching something I was writing. I didn't at all expect to find a real system- I expected that it was basically people looking at the pictures and letting their mind create a narrative of what was happening (AKA BS-ing). I know that some people do exactly this.... and I know that it isn't necessarily BS-ing either.... but I certainly didn't expect to find elements and reversals and astrology and kaballa. I didn't even expect numerology to play a role (I had no idea that there were any numbered cards in a tarot deck before I bought my first RWS). After looking into the LWB, I thought that I had discovered that there was a very limited system- no depth here, just keywords. It didn't really occur to me right away that the meaning of a card might shift based on the other cards around it.


Bat Chicken

I love my iPod.... but then I wouldn't buy anything else because I have a MAC.... And I am so not cool....! :D


la-luna said:
Well I don't have an iPod but a Creative Zen... (sounds more spiritual no LOL )

But at a certain period I changed decks every time I changed of outfit so they would mach otherwise I thought it would be impossible to use the cards.

I use a Mac - OS X hence I have an IPod, I have no choice.

(Frankly I like my co-workers Sony P2P better) uh oh *I speak heresy*

I like your story by the way. :) vanity is ok by me (I oughta know LMAO!!!)


I wonder how much of me wanting an old, gorgeous deck is a bit of a fashion thing - not that many people ever see me handle a deck, but when they do, I'd like it to look appropriately esoteric. At least artistic and interesting. I wouldn't be caught dead with one of those cutesy Fairy Gnome type tarots!

Judith D

I also thought the LWB was going to be the answer to all my queries. My daughter gave me my first deck - Tarot of the Cat People and I still can't read with it! I would pick it up and read the LWB which made no sense at all, and put the deck down again for months. Then I fell for the Robin Wood, and the LWB made a bit more sense, so I bought a book, and then another. Then of course I realised that each book would have a different idea of the same card .... oh boy! I really believed that as a 'spiritually inclined' person I would be able to make something of it without too much trouble. Yes, well, I soon came down to earth with a bump. I think I am still bouncing. But, the more I read and practice, the more I get it. Sometimes.


Heh - this is a fun thread.

I also thought that the LWB that came with my first deck (the Thoth) would answer all of my tarot questions. Why buy a book? The deck came with a booklet that surely contained all of the tarot knowledge I would ever need.

When the Thoth + LWB combination didn't work out, I bought the Universal Waite and then used the LWB with it as well.

That didn't work out so well either.

I also thought that those two decks were all I would ever need. Well, alright, so they are all the decks I'll ever need, but I found out that I wanted more! :D