Decks in your collection - 2009 thread



RWS - Pamela Coleman Smith Centennial
Golden Dawn
Cosmic Tribe
Thoth - AGM Large
Marseille - Heron
Golden Tarot
Touchstone Tarot
Deviant Moon


Aquarian Tarot
Bohemian Gothic Silver
Bohemian Gothic Regular
Book of Thoth Etteilla Tarot
Buckland Romani Reprint
Deviant Moon
Dragon Tarot
Dragon Tarot (Suckling)
Fairy Ring Oracle
Fantod Deck (Oracle)
Fey Tarot (LS)
Gothic Tarot
Homemade mini deck
Legend: The Arthurian Tarot
LLewellyn Tarot
Lord of the Rings Tarot
Nigel Jackson
Pagan Tarot (LS)
Sacred Circle Tarot
Sacred Rose Tarot
Ship of Fools
Thoth Deck (USG)
Touchstone Tarot
Vampire Tarot (Place)
Visconti Tarots (LS gold)
Witches Tarot (Reed, yellow box)
World Spirit


I thought I'd posted in this thread but it seems I haven't. So here is my list:

1JJ Swiss
Albano Waite (mini)(Belgium)
Albano-Waite (Belgium)
Alchemical (Original edtion x2, one trimmed)
Alchemical Renewed
Ancestral Path
Ancient Egyptian
Ancient Italian (x3)
Ancient Minchiate Etruria
Ancient Tarot of Bologna
Ancient Tarot of Lombardy
Arthurian tarot (black bordered edition)(x2)
Book of Thoth Etteilla (LS)
Celtic Wisdom
Chinese Tarot
Classical Tarots
Connolly (Belgium)
Cosmic (FX Schmidt)
Cosmic Tarot (x2)
Da Vinci Enigma
Dame Fortune’s Wheel (x2)
Dotti (i tarocci/Vecchio)
Druidcraft (trimmed)
Egyptian (US Games)
Feng Shui
Golden (Kat Black)
Golden Botticelli
Golden Tarot of the Tsar
Haindl (x2, one trimmed)
Halloween Tarot
Halloween Tarot (mini in tin, x2)
Hanson-Roberts (vintage x3)
Hanson-Roberts (mini tarot-to-go)
Hermetic (original edition)
Inner Child Cards
Jonathan Dee
Legend Arthurian
Liber T: Tarot of the Stars Eternal
Light and Shadow
Lovers Path
Marseille (Conver - Thunder Bay Press)
Marseille (Fournier)
Marseille (Grimaud)
Marseille (Grimaud)(mini)
Medieval Scapini x2 (older edition)
Merryday Tarot
Minchiate (Brian Williams)
Morgan-Greer (x2, one original printing, one new)
Mythic (x6) (and companion book x2)
Nigel Jackson (x2, 1 trimmed)
Original Rider Waite Tarot
Osho Zen
Renaissance Tarot (Brian Williams)
Rider Waite (Older Edition - blue box)
Rider-Waite-Smith (mini)
Robin Wood (x3, one re-coloured, one vintage, one new)
Roots of Asia
Rumi Tarot
Sharman-Caselli (mini)
Sharman-Caselli (My Tarot to colour in)
Ship of Fools
Songs for the Journey Home
Tarot de Paris
Tarot Genoves
Tarot of Metamorphosis
Tarot of the Journey to the Orient
Tarot of the Master (x2)
Tarot of the Saints
Tarot of the Thousand and One Nights
Tarots of Marseille (Burdel)
Tarots of Marseille (Burdel)(mini)
Thoth (greenie)
Thoth (large x2, one trimmed)
Thoth (medium, purple box)
Thoth (medium Swiss)
Thoth (pocket Swiss)
Universal Waite
Uiversal Waite (tiny tarot & tiny tarot keyring)
Visconti Mini (LS)
Voyager (large size)
Whimsical (x3)
World Spirit (x2)


Morgan Greer
1st Ed. Buckland Romani
Pen Tarot
LE German 100th anniversary RWS comm. deck
Fantastic Menagerie
Shadowscapes Cards
Medieval Scapini (Swiss)
Tarocco delle Vetrate (Stained Glass Tarot)
Secret Tarot
Tarot de Tahiti
Universal Tarot (Majors Only)
Spiral Tarot (trimmed)
Tarot of the Four Elements
Tarot De Marseilles Convos
Zerner Faber
Large color your own Majors only deck

Morgan Greer (lt. blue box & brown box editions)
Hoi Polloi Tarot
Tarot Balbi
1940's Gypsy Cards

Mexican Loteria cards
Lenormand cards


Wow - my collection is so small compared to everyone else's..oh well - I'm a newb

"Original"/older Rider-Waite (soon)
Psychic Oracle
Crowley (hopefully by the end of this week)
Mystic Dreamer


Arthurian (Caitlin Matthews)
Alchemical Tarot Renewed
Artists Inner Vision
Ancient Egyptian Tarot
Arcus Arcanum
Barbara Walker
Bohemian Gothic MRP
Baroque Bohemian Cats MRP
Book of Thoth Eteilla
Boltcutter Dark
Boltcutter Light
Durer LS
Dark Grimoire
Deviant Moon
Eclectic Tarot
El Gran Tarot Esoterico
Fantastic Menagerie MRP
Fairytale Tarot MRP
Gill Tarot
Golden Dawn (Robert Wang)
Golden Dawn Magickal Tarot
Golden Tarot (Kat Black)
Grand Etteilla Egyptian Gypsy Tarot
IJJ Swiss
Initiatory Tarot of the Golden Dawn
Legacy of the Divine
Lo Scarabeo
Magickal Tarot Anthony Clark
Morgan Greer
Marseille Convos
Mona Lisa
Pictorial Key
Robin Wood
Rider Waite
Shakespearean Tarot
Sola Busca
Stairs of Gold
Tarot de Paris
Touchstone (Kat Black)
Tarot of the Master
Tarot of Prague MRP
Victorian Romantic MRP
Victoria Regina

Lenormand French Cartomancy
Mystical Lenormand


My collection is small, but it's growing!

Tarot decks:

The Legacy of the Divine Tarot
The Crystal Tarot
Deviant Moon Tarot
Tarot of Sweet Twilight
The Paulina Tarot
Revelations Tarot
Tarot of a Moon Garden
Tarot of Marseilles
The Golden Tarot

Oracle decks:

The Faeries' Oracle
Messages From Your Animal Spirit Guides Oracle deck
Goddesses Knowledge Cards
Animal Spirit Knowledge Cards


There are some more - still going through boxes to get this list current.


1JJ Swiss, AGM 1969
1JJ Swiss 1969 Red Slipcase Box
1JJ Swiss (Wehman Bros) ca 1960s
20th Century Tarot, 1970
All Hallows by Chronata (78)
Alma Ajo Tarot (Hand Painted)
Amano Tarot , Yoshitaka Amano 1992
Anna K
Arcus Arcanum, AGM 1986 1st Edition / Majors only
Arcus Arcanum, AGM 1986 (English) 78 Card Version
Astral Tarot, Mont-Saint-Johns, 1969 Limited ed o.1000
Australian Contemporary Dreamtime, Signed
Authentic English Fortune Telling Cards, Rigel Press 1975
Besancon, Il Meneghello, 2nd Ed 733/1000
Bestiarium Azaz Taro / Martina Miskolczi
Bilder zum Tarot
Book of Kaos
Bosch Tarot
Chalice Tarot, Majors Only / Mc Lean 45/100
Chalice Tarot , 78 Card Version
Chronata's Midnight Masquerade 49/100
Chronata's Minute Tarot 50/100
Chronata's Tarot Noir 27/100
ChronaTarot (1st Ed) 17/22
ChronaTarot (2nd Ed) 01/25
Corrupt, Le Dernier Cri , Lim Ed 250
Deck 777, 1st Ed
Deck 777, 2nd Ed
De La Felicite, Pierrick Pinot, 2nd Ed, 44/500
Demeroticon Tarot by Dark Idol
Deviant Moon
Diary of a Broken Soul
Dirty Tarot
D'Argolance, Pierrick Pinot, 1983, 373/999
Derakkusu Ban Tarot
Diabolik I Tarocchi Neri, Lo Scarabeo 1993 Lim Ed. of 777
El Tarot Murciano
Future Solleone Tarot, 1987 672/1500
Gli Arcani di Elisabetta (Color) 34/99
Glow In The Dark Tarot
Grand Esoteric - Fournier, 1976
Grand Etteilla Eyptian Gypsies Tarot - Grimaud, 1969
Graphik Tarocchi, Zoltan Tamassi, LS 1992
Guido Bolzani Tarot
Haindl Tarot
I 22 Arcani di Leonardo, Ernesto Solari (Lim Ed. 120)
Icelandic Tarot, Rosa Loftsdottir
Illuminated (Med) Painted ('02 with Royal Blue BG)
Illuminated (Large) Double Paint + Glitter
Ironwing Tarot (78)
Insight Institute Tarot , ca 1948
Klimt Tarot
Korean Tarot , (unknown), from A. McLean
Langustl Tarot
Langustl Tarot, trimmed (by Langustl)
Le Tarot Des Templiers, Edition Dervy
Liber T
Light and Shadow Tarot
Magickal Tarot, Anthony Clark 1986
Melissa Townsend
Nathan Never/Tarocchi Del Futuro,LS 1992 Lim.ed of 1234
Nuovo Tarocco Ligure Piemontese, M. Guarnaccia, 1982
Morgan Greer Tarot, USG 1983
Morgan's Tarot (1982 US Games)
New Tarot, Hurley / Horler 1974
Oswald Wirth - U.S. Games, 1975
Oswald Wirth, Le Tarot (22 Cards) Editions De L'Aigle
Pen Tarot 93/100
Piatnik Wien, 1974
R.G. Tarot, White Box, ca early 1970s
R.G. Tarot, no box, ca early 1970s
R.G. Tarot Cards, Rigel Press 1974
Rider Waite, Albano Deluxe Tarot Connections 1968
Rider Waite, Albano Deluxe Mini Tarot Connections 1968
Rider Waite, Albano (Accurate Color Tone) Tarot Connections 1968
Rider Waite, Albano Majors Only (Large) Tarot Connections 1968
Rider Waite, Albano, USG (Belgium) 1987
Rider Waite, Dutch Edition
Rider Waite, The Rider Company, Blue Box
Rider Waite, USG Yellow Box © 1971
Rider Waite, University Books (Maroon Box)
Rider Waite Deluxe (Gilt Edged) USG 1990
RWS German Centennial Deck (Gilt Edged) Urania 2009 393/500
Rolla Nordic
Rotin Tarot 50/100
Royal Fez, Rigel Press 1975 (Red Slipcase Box)
Seeing Eye Tarot by Debra Klopp-Kersey 4/100
Simplified Tarot
Solleone Tarot, 1981 US Games Test Printing
Solleone Tarot, 1983 US Games
Soprafino Tarot 1036/2000
Spill Tarot
T: The New Tarot ,1970
Taro Ithell Colquhoun 22/100
Tarocchi Carlotta , 16/100
Tarocchi di Dante e Dei Fedeli d'Amore
Tarocchi Di Leonardo / Lo Scarabeo 1992
Tarocchi Della Corte Di Merlino 208/500
Tarocchi Della Follia 311/595
Tarocchi di Mariaelisa Leboroni (78 Cards Black/White)
Tarocchi Di Robot, Lo Scarabeo 1991
Tarocchi Mantegna, Johann Ladenspelder (Kölner Fassung)
Tarocchi Marvel, Lim Ed 777, LS 1995
Tarocchi Poliplastiche , Masenghini Bergamo
Tarocchi Universali, Sergio Toppi, LS 1992
Tarocchini Bolognese Di Mitelli, Gutenberg/Bergamo 1978
Tarocco Bizzarro, Dal Negro
Tarocco Dell'Orror? Menegazzi 1987 285/2500
Tarocco Fantastico, Franco Bruna 1038/1200
Tarocco Italiano , Carlo Dellarocca (Large Folio Edition)
Tarot 22 , (Japanese) by Toshiko Tuchihashi
Tarot Allemand á la Deux Têtes, Grimaud 1986
Tarot de Pumariega
Tarot D'Epinal, Pellerin 1976 (1st Ed)
Tarot Kibaro, Heron
Tarot Ideographique du Kebek, Yves Paquin 1976
Tarot of the Dead (original release)
Tarot of the Imagination, 78 Card Deck
Tarot of the Imagination, Ferenc Pinter Portfolio Edition 112/120
Taylor McCall Portfolio, Bocaccio, Santa Fe, 1974 40/150
Thea's Tarot
Thoth 1969 Sam Weiser US Printing
Thoth 1969 Llewellyn US Printing
Thoth 1978 US Games AKA "Greenie"
Thoth AGM Blue Box, AGM 1986
Tran Kwang Inn Tarot
Ukiyoe Tarot, US Games 1982 Red Box
William Blake Tarot Of The Creative Imagination (Signed)
William Blake Tarot Triumphs (Gilt Edged)
Zigeuner Tarot,Wegmüller, Sphinx Verlag 1983 Black Box
Zbigniew Jasniak Tarot

Oracles and Non Tarot

Astro - Mythological Lenormand
Biedermeier Aufschlagkarten
Fantod Pack
I Ching Cards, AGM
Judith Bärtschi Lenormand
Lenormand Wahrsagekarten, ASS
Le Rune De Predire / Matteo Guarpaccia
Oracle Of The Triad
Philosopher's Stone, Orig German Edition, Sphinx Verlag 1984
Prager Tarock
Rameses Fortune Telling Pack
Tarot Tzigane (Tchalai), Grimaud 1984
Yumi Tarot
Whitman's Old Gypsy Fortune Telling Cards (1940)
Zigeuner Wahrsagekarten
Zirkus Des Lebens, Alfred Kubin, Piatnik
Zodiac Cards by Moda 90 Trieste


Gothic Tarot
Lunatic Tarot
Magic Manga Tarot
Manga University Manga Tarot
Paulina Tarot

Wow, such a small list D: